Monday, June 11, 2012

Taking the Wrong Path

538.  "Taking the Wrong Path"     June 11, 2012
James-Part 8
My brethren, if any maong you strays from the truth, and one turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death, and will cover a multitude of sins.  James 5:19-20  NAS


I spent the last weekend it with my husband's siblings. We had a blast! It's a yearly reunion now, since their mother passed away. We want to keep our closeness as a family continuing  and not drift apart. The first morning together, most of us went on a hike through the cool, peaceful, beautiful, rugged woods, which was suppossed to only be a mile and a half. While taking a break at a gazebo in the middle of the woods, we discussed which path at the fork to take. We concluded that the right path was to turn right, instead of left, after all, there were blue post-its on trees along that path. So we did. It was the short version of the hike and came out at the picnic pavilion we had passed coming in along the highway. That's when the division happened. Some of us wanted to take the highway, a paved, well-traveled road, which looked easier,the four of us thought, but turned out to be the wrong way, up hill all the way back to the cabin. We had been on it before, familiar with it, and knew it was smooth. Others of our group returned to the rough, rocky, poison ivy infested, hiking trail and turned left at the fork.
Boy, was I , and the other three companions sorry that we chose the so-called easy path. However, inspite of our stopping several times in the shade for a water break and rest, we did beat the others back to the cabin by 20 minutes.I tell you, no one, not one good Samaritan even stopped or offered to give us a lift up the hill in the bed of their pickup. They just waved and smiled as they went up the smooth road. Needless to say, we were exhausted by the time we got to our cabin. The cold bottle of water was refreshing as we recovered in air conditioning.
The other group, well they were tired, too, even though it was a more scenic, shaded path. Reading our scxriptures made me wonder how often  I give others a lift spiritually when as they travel along life's path? Do I take the path of least resistance spiritually speaking, letting others take the wrong way in life, the way that leads them down a path of deep sin, which they regret later?

The world says don't get involved, mind your own business, tolerate them, they were born that way, let live, who are you to point out my sin since you do______? Can my life make a difference in someone else's life? Do I have any loved ones walking down the path in life the wrong way? What am I doing to help them find the right way?

What is James teachiing in the key verse? If I bring back a believer who has wandered off into sin, off the Christian path, then I have saved that person from death and cover a multitude of sins or bring about the forgiveness of many sins, as the New Living Translation says it.

In the devotional book, Experiencing God Day-By-Day, Blackaby says:
As Christians, we are aware that sin brings death (Rom. 6:23). Sin kills relationships, dismantles marriages, stifles joy, and destroys peace. If you are truly aware of the grave consequences for those who continue in sin, you will be moved to weep even as Jesus wept. Pray fervently for your friend. That will safeguard your motives and prepare you to minister to him. Be alert, in the event that God asks you to confront your friend. If you do so, be loving and gentle lest you, too, be tempted (Gal. 6:12).

When I see someone wander from the truth into error, how should I respond?
  • weep-Jesus wept over entire cities (Matt. 23:37-39).
  • pray fervently-Jesus prayed His disciples would be strong when tempted (John 17).
  • warn those headed for spiritual failure (Matt. 26:20-25, 34)
  • be willing to die to save people from their sins, as Jesus did.
  • take an active role in turning back those who have been led astray by their sin. (Blackaby)

In Matthew 7:5, Jesus said for us to take the log out of our own ey so we can clearly see to take the speck out of our brother's eye. Removing something from the eye requires extreme sensitivity, as does attempting to remove the spiritual speck from our brother's or sister's eye. Jesus is welcoming the help of those who are willing to have their own spiritual eyes cleared before rescuing others.
There are four questions that arise from these verses:
1. To whom is the counsel addresse? James is addressing believers, saying "my brethren" and "among
2. What has occurred tyhat would cause James to write these words? Probably, someone strayed from
     the truth. Unbelievers can't stray from truth they never knew.
3. From what has the person strayed? The truth. Jesus Christ is the Truth according to John 14:6. It
    also mean all that Christ taught and instruted. It's His whole doctrinal and practical teaching.
4. What should be done? Remove the speck from our brother's eye, turn back the Christian who
    strayed. Don't ignore them or hurl criticisms from a distance. Swim out after them and don't let
    them go! (Hendricks)

What's the proper attitude I need before rescuing the straying one?
  • Be filled with the spirit, not controlled by the flesh. Remove our log first.
  • Use gentleness. (Gal. 6:1-3)
  • Be equipped with an attitude of humility. The motive or attitude is as important as the action. Don't put them down, try to get even, or exalt yourself as holier than thou. Serve them and seek their best.
  • Pray for God's timing and agenda.
  • Don't let go or give up.
[Resource: James, Practical and Authentic Living by Charles Swindoll]


Pray for others and myself that we not stray from the faith and the Word.

Stay on God's path, doing His will, His way.

Seek God when burdened for another believer who has strayed.

Remove my logs.

Don't let go and don't give up on them.

When God says to confront them, be humble in doing so.


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