Thursday, August 4, 2011

Floating on Cloud Nine

1 Timothy 1-Part 6
And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry;  1 Timothy 1:12


Yesterday, on the drive home from the doctor's office,  in crawling, terrible traffic, I was singing praises and giving thanks to Christ Jesus my Lord, floating on cloud nine. You may ask why. For a year and a half I was in pain in my gut. The doctors I used didn't find the problem and treat it, so I went to a new one, a gastroenterologist. During this process, I found out that I have Crohn's disease. (My calculations tell me its been with me for 40 years.) It effects the digestive system, causing many complications, and can result in cancer. (My mother inlaw died of colon cancer, so I was scared.)
Meanwhile, my new doctor ran tests and gave me medicine. I got on the internet and researched diets. It was a whole new world. My diarrhea stopped when I elimated milk products in my diet (lactose intolerant). The pain stopped after using three new medicines (enduring terrible side effects). Overall, I began feeling better, stronger. Then I had to stop taking two of the medicines.  I admit that I was apprehensive, wondering how long before the process was repeated and  eventually I had to give myself a weekly shot. Friend, it hasn't happened.
My specialist was amazed. He said that what  my x-rays and scope test, I should be in pain, with bloody diarrhea. It isn't happening. Hallelujah!!! Praise to the Lamb of God!!!  Now you can  understand  my singing His praises in the car as I drove home. ( I even let a few cars get in front of me in line.) I give thanks to my Lord daily for my life He has given me. Thank you Lord for answering my prayer of finding what was wrong with my body.

How about you? Has God blessed you lately? Are you giving Him thanks and praise? Will you share your story with us?


In verse 12, Paul begins by thanking his Lord for:
  • enabling him,
  • counting him faithful, and
  • putting him into the ministry.
According to Thayer's Lexicon, in the Greek:
thank means to be thankful to one; thanks for benefits, services, favors;
enabled means to make strong, endue with strength, strengthen;
counted is to consider, deem, account, think;
faithful is of persons who show themselfes faithful in the transaction of business, the execution of commands,
             or the discharge of official duties;
putting is to appoint one's use, to make one one's service;
ministry refers to those who by the command of God proclaim and promote religion among men; of the
              apostles and its administration.

Paul wasn't arrogant, was he? He didn't take his privilege for granted. He was always thanking the Lord for something. What an example for me. How often do I thank God for giving me strength to do ordinary things around the house and extraordinary things in His work? Do I thankHim for my eys to see, my ears to hear, my tongue to taste, my hands to work, and my feet to move? Or do I grumble because of a task needing to be done? Guilty.
Paul knew his "strength is made perfect in weakness" (2 Cor. 19:9). Being faithful is requiere of stewards with a trust (1 Cor. 4:1-2). No man takes this honor of ministry for Jesus to himself (Heb.4:5). Paul didn't "handle the Word of God deceitfully" (2 Cor. 4:2), as he did the legalizers. (Liberty Bible Commentary)

Shepherd's Notes says:
Paul expresses three attitudes that are characteristic of his view of ministry:
  1. Christ Himself is the source of Paul's strength. Paul doesn't take credit for any of his accomplishments
  2. Being a servant of Jesus Christ is a privilege beyond comprehension. He considers it a blessing he did not deserv
  3. When Christ calls a person into His service, this implies trust. Paul felt great responsibility for living up to that trust.
Am I faithful to the service God has called me? Do I do my best for His glory? Am I useable by God? Or am I living for myself? Things to ponder on.


Surrender to the Lord's will daily.

Thank Him for His strength and enabling me to serve Him.

Seek His help.

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