Friday, August 26, 2011

Comin' Soon

1 Timothy 3-Part 4
I am writing these things to you, hoping to come to you before long; but in case I am delayed, I write so that you may know how one ought to conduct himself in the househod of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth.    1 Tmothy3: 14-15


I was excited when I found out they were coming for a visit last July. It had been 8 months since I had seen my daughter and her family and almost 4 years since her last visit. So when I heard the news of their comin' soon, I was excited. We started making plans for our activities. I must admit that this mom and grandma cried with joy when I finally got to hug all 6 of them.
so you see, I can imagine there would have been some excitement stirring in Paul as he wrote to Timothy, his son in the faith. Probably it was likewise for Timothy when he read the letter.

Paul probably missed the folks at Ephesus. He pastored the church for 3 years. Timothy pastored there for about 1 1/2 years. Paul and Timothy were together serving the Lord on his second and third missionary journeys. Since dates vary, it is hard to tell just exactly when Paul was imprisoned the first time. It sounds like by this verse that he was expecting his release soon. However, we don't know for sure that it did happen.
Paul's travel plans were subject to the will of God.

Liberty Bible Commentary says, "Paul planned to come shortly with his apostolic authority to set things in order there, but the problems could not wait and so he writes his instructions."


The second part of verse 15 expresses the theme of this letter-settling things right in the church. (MacArthur)

According to Warren Wiersbe, in his book Be Faithful, Paul gives three pictures of the church:
1.  The house of God
     God's church is a family, so "household" might be a better translation. When a sinner believes in Jesus
     Christ  as Savior, he immediately is born again into God's family (John 1:11-13). Paul advised young
     Timothy to treat the members of the local church as he would treat the members of his own family
     (1 Tim. 5:1-2). The local church must be fed and nourished on the Word of God. It must be disciplined in
     love, sometimes needing rebuked, but also encouragement.

2. The assembly
    The word church is a translation of the Greek word ekklesia, which means "assembly." It referred to the
    political assemblies in the Greek cities (Acts 19:29,32) where business was transacted by qualified
    citizens. But it is used about 100 times in the New Testament to refer to local churches, assemblies of
    believers. The church is the assembly of the the living God. He has the right to tell us how it ought to be

3. The pillar and gound of the truth
    This is an architectural image that would mean much to Timothy at Ephesus, for the great temple of Diana
    had 127 gold-plated marble pillars. The word ground suggests a "bulwark" or a "stay." As a pillar, we
    must hold "forth the word of life" so the world can see it (Phil 2:16). The local church puts Jesus Christ on
    display in the lives of faithful members.
    As a bulwark, the church protects the truth and makes sure it does not fall. Sometimes church leaders
    must take a militant stand against sin and apostasy. This does not make them popular, but it does please
    the Lord.

Is my church functioning as a pillar of truth in my city? Is my church functioning as a family, treating each other as brothers and sisters? Is my faith a pillar of faith for my family?


Live like Jesus is comin' soon.

Be a pillar of faith for my family and church.

Keep trusting and serving Jesus.

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