2 Thessalonians 2-Part 1
Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 2 Thess. 2:1-2
Have you ever experienced an earthquake? I'm sure our friends in California and Japan could tells us a few things- how they felt, the insecurity, the results of things moving and falling down due to the ground shaking. Because of modern tv, we have seen its power displayed, resulting in bridges colapsing, buildings tumbling down, homes flattened. Such a display of power. Personally, I have only experienced two light ones. Years ago, during my first earthquake, my glasses in the kitchen shook, since we lived in a second floor apartment. The second one was only last year. I didn't feel any shaking, but there was a loud boom afterwards. Earthquakes can be devistating. I think they cause a fear because the ground under one is not secure. It's shaky ground. Shall we see what Paul has to say about being shaken?
In the first verse, Paul is trying to correct a misunderstanding about the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus. The Thessalonians had not missed out on the Rapture. As he said in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, all believers will be taken from this earth, alive and dead, to heaven in the twinkling of an eye. They had the impression that the Day of the Lord events had already started. It simply wasn't true. Paul was trying to clear up a rumor that had spread.
We haven't missed the Second Coming either. Everyone will know when it happens. From all over the world, all people will see our Jesus. It won't be a secret.
In verse 2, Paul uses the verb shaken, which means in the original language, is a sudden action rather than a continuous one. It's a verb that is often used to mean a literal shaking, especially of a violent nature, as produced by a wind, wave, or earthquake.
Who hasn't seen the results of tornadoes (Joplin, Missouri resently), waves (sunomi in Indonesia), earthquakes (Japan), tidal wave of New Orleans, and hurricanes in the tropics.
Paul didn't want the Thessalonians to be troubled, disturbed, which is in the present tense, denotes a continuing state of worry and fear, as might be caused by continuing aftershocks. I understand that the aftershocks of an earthquake can be worse than the earthquake itself.
[Resource: Steadfast Christianity by Charles Swindoll]
So I think Paul clarified this matter. He didn't make the accusation that the Thessalonians had missed the Rapture.
Is my faith shaken up when these things happen around the world? Matthew 24:7, Mark 13:8, and Luke 21:11 warn us about things to come. In fact, the whole chapter 13 of Mark gives a good outline of expected happenings.
Don't allow my faith in Jesus to be shakened or done away with.
Trust Him to do all He has said He will do.
Pray for mercy for the lost.
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