Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Help and Hope

O. T. #1410  "Help and Hope"
March 27, 2019
Psalm 146
Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God.
Psalm 146:5


Could you use a bit of happiness today? Are you in need today, friend? Are you needing some hope?
Our psalmist gives us an answer for how we can find it all. Place our happiness in the God of Jacob; seek Him for help; make Him our hope. He always is faithful to do it. Therefore, God is worthy of our praise.

The God of Jacob/Israel is the Creator (El Elyon) of heaven, earth, and the sea. He is the One who:
  • gives justice to the oppressed (verse 7)
  • gives food to the hungry (verse 7)
  • loosens the prisoners (verse 7)
  • opens blind eyes (verse 8)
  • lifts up those who are weighed down (verse 8)
  • loves the godly (verse 8)
  • protects the foreigners among us (verse 9)
  • cares for the orphans and widows (verse 9)
  • frustrates the plans of the wicked. (verse 9)
Dear ones, are you spiritually hungry? Are you a prisoner of strongholds that have you down? God has the answers. He is all we will ever need.

Okay. Remember I told you about the projector whose light would not stay on until I placed the popsicle stick in it? Well, although the light worked, I could not get the magnifying mirror to stay in place. So today, I am asking for Jesus to tell me what to do to fix the problem. I really do not want to waste any more time not making things for this project. I know He will. He is good.


You know, life as we know it will not go on forever. Now is the time for us to be praising the Lord. The psalmist is practicing what he preaches in verse 1. Now is the time to sing His praises. We serve a Savior that is alive and wants to be a part of our daily life.

Jesus will always be King. He won't be overthrown, die in office, voted out, forced to give up His crown, nor loose it. Jesus is always sitting on the throne. Is He waiting for you to come to Him today? Is He waiting for you to repent of your sins and make Him your Savior?


Jesus, who is Lord of all, is worthy to be praised.

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