Friday, December 7, 2012

Den of Sin

656.  "Den of Sin"       December 7, 2012
Jude 7-Part 6
In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.  NIV


When someone says my name after I have died, I want my life to be a good example of following Jesus. Also, I want my church and town to be known as a place where Jesus dwelled, not a den of sin.
Jude uses two cities as examples of a den of sin. What were they?

The destruction of these cities ar the southeast corner of the Dead Sea is used over twenty times in Scripture as an illustration of God's judgment during the days of Abraham and Lot. Their apostasy occured about 450 years after the flood and only 100 years after Noah's death. People would have known about the message of righteousness and judgment from God which Noah preached, and which they rejected. (MacArthur Bible Commentary)

The terrible sin of these cities is homosexuality, for which God destroyed the whole area. The point in this passage is that the people of God were lured away from the true worship of God by the homosexual cities (Gen. 18-19) and they were therefore destroyed. In the Bible, the most serious sins are those which draw others away from the true worship of God or hinder others from believing in Christ (Deut. 13:1-11, Mark 9:42).  (Liberty Bible Commentary)

I think the warning from Jude is for us to not give ourselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. Teach our children what God says are the right and pure ways to live, then be the example ourselves.


The latter part of verse 7 tells me to allow S & G to be an example of God's fire of earthly judgment, which was a preview of fire that can't be quenched in eternal hell.

Other Scriptures to read on this include: Matt. 3:12, 18:8, 25:41; Mark 9:43-44, 46-48; Luke 3:17; Rev. 19:20, 20:14-15, 21:8.

Resource: MacArthur Bible Commentary 

Other commentaries call homosexuality a detestable and unnatural sin, to which I agree.

Am I standing up for the Bible and earnestly contending for the faith? Or am I passive and not speaking out against this sin?


Stay committed to Jesus and His teachings of purity.

Warn others of judgment for homosexuals.

Help my town and church to have a good reputation (Christianity)for future generations.

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