Friday, October 21, 2011

If We...

2 Timothy 2-Part 6
It is a faithful saying: For if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him: If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us: If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself.  2 Timothy 2:11-13


Years ago, my husband directed  several of our local summer church camps for children. I wrote and taught the Bible lessons. Everyone would meet for early morning chapel before breakfast. We would have a short devotional and sing praise choruses to the Lord surrounded by such a peaceful setting. Birds were joining us. No television or radio noises. What a way to start the day.
I enjoy reading David's songs that he wrote and sang unto the Lord. We sing several  as praise choruses in our church. These stay in my mind and I sing them throughout the day.

Paul was telling us that these are trustworthy statements which he was about to say. I can trust his statements; depend on what he says is true; count on it. He was quoting an early Christian hymn known to the Christians of his day.

Swindoll's New Testament Insights on 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus says this:
 Paul presented four truths as conditional clauses beginning with "if we..." and followed by a result. Let's find out what he said:

1. If we died with Him, we will also live with Him.
     By trusting in Christ, we receive His gift of eternal life and will live with Him forever. We don't need to
     suffer martyrdom to receive this gift. It's by grace through faith that we experience union with Christ, do
     that His death, resurrection, and eternal life is ours too. (Romans 6:1-23, 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10

2. If we endure, we will also reign with Him.
    Genuine believers will endure, as the apostle assures in verse 13. The promise is that enduring injustice in
    this life will be vindicated in the next. While we enjoy unending intimacy with the Father, all evil will have
    been cast into the pit.  

3. If we deny Him, He will also deny us.
    Imposters will deny Christ and forsake the gospel before suffering for someone in whom they do not
    genuinely believe. Those who deny Him are not "in Christ" and never were. So those who are truly His
    need not worry about cracking und torture and then losing their place in heaven. (John 10:27-29)   

4. If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself.
    The genuine believer can rest in the faithfulness of Christ. Where we fail, He will succeed. When we lose
    confidence, become disillusioned, falter in our walk, or fail morally, Jesus Christ will be faithful to carry us
    through to the end. (2 Tim 1:12, 1 Thess. 5:23-24)
    Christ cannot go back on His promise without violating His own nature. He is holy; He cannot lie or break
    a promise. While a Christian's road is a rough and rugged one, it nevertheless leads to a wonderful
    destination. We can say with Paul, "I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to
    keep that which I've committed unto Him against that day (1:12).


As I've said before, this journey of faith follows a rough and rugged road. Though I'm bound for heaven, the Christian life is difficult because it runs contrary to the ways of the world. How do I stay on such a challenging road to my destination? How do I keep from denying Christ, forsaking the gospel, and going with the flow of the world?
According to Charles Swindoll, Paul exhorts Timothy with two specific rules, that if followed, will keep us moving in the right direction:
Rule 1: When you lack understanding, reflect on God's Word and "the Lord will give you
             understanding in everything" (verse 7).
             Understanding means a coming together, a merging. It carries the idea of puzzle pieces falling in
             to place to form an intelligible picture. Instead of going on a futile search for cause-effect solutions,
             immerse yourself in Scripture.
Rule 2: When you feel overwhelmed, cling to God's promises, knowing He has already fulfilled them
             in the not-too-distant-future (verses 11-13).
             Be sure that so-called promise of God which are found in books are not lifted out of their original
             context. Not every promise in Scripture belongs to me, but to the one to whom it was made.
             ( I find encouragement in the Bible, obeying what I have learned.)


Die to self, live with Christ.

Endure whatever.

Don't deny Christ as my Savior with my life and words.

Remember, He remains faithful even when I am faithless.

Ask God to give me understanding when I  reflecting on His Word.

Cling to His promises when I feel overwhelmed.

Sing His praises!

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