Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fruit Pickin'

Galatians 5-Part 3
But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
Galatians 5:22-25


Paul described the kind of person that lapses into uncontrolled indulgences of the flesh discussed in our last lesson. Now he presents the Christian alternative. Since we made it through the tough meat of the Word,  let's get some sweets.

In the book of Galatians from Shepherd's Notes, we find:
Paul uses several distinct verbs to illustrate the Spirit-controlled life of the believer, all of which are roughly equivalent in meaning. He urges believers to:
  1. Be led by the Spirit (verse 18).
  2. Live by the Spirit (verse 25a).
  3. Keep in step with the Spirit (verse 25b).
Each of these verbs suggests a relationship of dynamic, interaction, direction, and purpose. The Spirit in the life of the believer means the presence and power of God in the believer's life.

In regard to verse 24, David Guzik said,"We are to constantly 'nail it to the cross,' so it hangs there, alive yet powerless over us. Although the flesh is still alive it cannot very well act upon its desires because it is bound and nailed to the cross. If we are one of those who are Christ's, then we belong to Him-not to this world, not to ourself, not to our passions and desires. The Spirit has given you life. Now let Him direct your steps. Isn't that the least we can do?"

Yes, Lord, lead me and direct my steps.


As a child, I helped  Mom  pick fruit. We either had the trees on our farm, or we went to an orchard. We picked cherries, pears, peaches, apples, and strawberries. All the fruit, except the strawberries, grew on its own tree. Even though  these are very different and distinct fruit of its own kind, they are all labeled as fruit, not vegetables. (When we got enough picked, in the kitchen we would wash, peel, and slice the fruit. Then she would either freeze or can them.) so it is with the fruit of the Spirit. They are different, but all produced by the Holy Spirit within us. (Guess we can't be picky fruit pickers, can we?)

All believers have all the fruit qualities available to them, not just one person having this one and another person having that one. That's because they are produced by the same Spirit. And we don't pick and choose those we like.

"Fruit is singular in verse 22. There are not 9 fruits, but one fruit composed of 9 elements. The first three are in relation to God; the next three are in relation to man; and the last three are in relation to one's own inner life," said J. Falwell in Liberty Bible Commentary.

Shall we get pickin' ?
1. Love: This is agape love, God's kind of love. "It chooses to love the undeserving and people you don't
               like. It's beyond natural affection, or the loyalty to blood or family. It isn't eros, a romantic love; it
               isn't philia, a love for a friend; it isn't storge, family love," stated William Barclay.
               I Cor. 13 tells us that God's love is patient, kind, bears, believes, hopes, and endures all things.
               This is a self-denying, self-sacrificing, Christlike love which is the foundation of all other graces
2. Joy: The Greek word is chara. It means rejoicing, gladness, enjoyment, bliss. Joy is the result of realizing
             our names are written in heaven, when we find salvation; we discover the person, power, and plan
             of God in our circumstances; the result of our fellowship with God in Christ is restored whenever
             broken; it's produced when we remain in Christ.
             It's a deep abiding, inner rejoicing in the Lord.
3. Peace: Eirene is the Greek word, which means peace of mind, tranquility. Jesus is our Prince of Peace.
                It belongs to Christ and is only His to give. He had perfect peace in aloneness, provision, the
                storm, the wait, the tears, God's plan, and His death. The world can't take it away from us.
4. Longsuffering: It is patient endurance and steadfastness under provocation; forbearance under ill-will,
                             with no thought of retaliation.
                             Two Greek words translate into patience-hupomone, which means to bear up under
                             circumstances or things; makrothumia, which means putting up with people, merciful.
5. Gentleness: Graciousness, kindly disposition.
                         The Greek word is chrestotes, which means tender concern for others.
6. Goodness: Ready to do good, love in action.
                       Agathosune is the Greek word, which means benevolent and active goodness; gentleness,
                       kindness, a mellowing of character. Its purpose is to do or bring that which is most beneficial,
                       whether or not it is that which is most popular; going for the good. It is character energized,
                       expressing itself in active good.
7. Faith: Faithfulness to both God and people. It is fidelity which makes one true to his promise and faithful
               to his task.
              The Greek word for faithfulness is pistis, which means firm persuation, conviction, belief in the
               truth, veracity. It carries the idea of giving someone credit. Faithfulness is believing the reality of a
               sovereign God. He can be trusted.
8.  Meekness: Not weekness, but controlled strength. This word conveys the idea of a listening ear to hear
                         what God has to say. It is submission to God and unselfishness to our fellowmen.
                         Praotes is translated goodness; it is seen in submission, humility, and teachability.
                         In 2 Cor. 12:10 Paul said, "When I am weak, then I am strong."
                         This character trait denotes a life surrendered to real power. Only a gentle giant can stand
                         before Pilate with no need to defend Himself. Jesus both pictures and epitomizes the gentle
9. Temperance: Self-control; Rational restraint of the natural impulses.
                           The Greek word for self-control is egkrateia, which means continence, temperance, self-
                           control. It means restraining passions and appetites. Don't we all need to control ourself
                           when it comes to money, position, and possessions.
                           I suppose that means controlling what enters and exits my mouth.
[References: Liberty Bible Commentary, Living Beyond Yourself by Beth Moore]

These nine qualities are a beautiful description of Jesus Christ. To have the fruit of the Spirit is to be like Christ. God develops fruit of the Spirit in your life by allowing you to experience circumstances in which you're tempted to express the exact opposite quality! If He wants to develop peace within us, He allows times of chaos and confusion. (Rick Warren in The Purpose Driven Life)

There we have it. Be ready for some trials, friend, so we can put these character qualities into practice. I have found that when I learn something, I'm often tested on it. We are successful only as we surrender to Jesus for our source of them.
I want to be real fruit, not fake fruit.


Be led by, live by, and keep in step with the Holy Spirit.

Allow Him to exhibit fruit of the Spirit in my life.


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