Thursday, January 6, 2011

For Richer or For Poorer

2 Corinthians 8
For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.   2 Corinthians 8:9

Liberty Bible Commentary says:
Chapters 8 and 9 of this epistle concern the offering for the poor saints at Jerusalem. It took 8 years to accomplish; involved thousands of miles of travel; at least 10 collectors involved; nearly cost Paul his life and did cost him much of his freedom. An earthquake and crop failures contributed to their needs at Jerusalem church.
Paul had a definite plan of missionary giving becoming a primary part of every church Paul established.(1Cor.16:1). There was careful, businesslike handling of all the finances. Each was to vote their own financial representative (verse 23).
Paul never calls the offering "money" because he never seems to think of it as such. Instead, he calls it "grace,"  "generosity," " blessing," or " partnership." He speaks of the "grace of giving" as one of the highest Christian virtues.


Did your marriage vows include "for richer or for poorer?"  Ours did. Of course, that was 38 years agoand the preacher already had the vows written. Nowadays, they write their own vows and say whatever. Jesus was both rich and poor. How as that?

How was Jesus rich? He was equal with God in power and glory, rich in all the glory and blessedness of the upper world.

How was Jesus poor? He became man for us, and poor. He was born in poor circumstances, lived a poor life, and died in poverty.

How does that effect us? Jesus became poor for our sakes, so through His poverty we might be rich.

Rich is what? So we can be rich in love and favor with God, rich in blessings and promises of the new covenant, rich in hopes of eternal life, being heirs of the kingdom.

This is a good reason why we should be charitable to the poor out of what we have, because we ourselves live upon the charity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
[Resource: Matthew Henry's Commentary]

"Why would Jesus need to become poor for our sakes? It fulfilled the heart, will, and plan of God, making salvation possible," said David Guzik.

My, I'm so grateful that Jesus became poor so I can be rich in Him.


Verse 21 says, "Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men."

John Gill tells us, "Maintain a good reputation, good opinions, credit among people and the Lord Jesus Christ."

Those who handle money in the church should have those qualities. They should be trustworthy and above reproach, and accountable,  in my opinion.

I think Paul would challenge us to be honest in all things, in the sight of Jesus and people.


I want to be spiritually rich.

Share my riches, spiritually and materially.

Always be honest.

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