Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pleasing Him

What a blessing to have you walking along this road of faith with me.

Matthew Chapter 3

LET IT GLOW: In verse 17 God said after Jesus' baptism,"This is
                          My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."
                          Don't we all want our heavenly Father to say the
                          same thing about us?
LET IT GROW: John the Baptist is  telling everyone to "repent"
                          according to verse 2. Repent means to stop sinning
                          and completely turn around and go a different direction.
LET IT GO:       Father, please forgive me of my sins. I need Your help
                          as I stop repeating these same sins and turn away from
                          doing them. May my words and actions please You

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Linda. Visiting from Wendy's blog. Oh my gosh, your place looks really nice! I remember you said your daughter helped you with this? How come my "Mommybrain" cannot come up with designing awesome websites? Now you can use this link on Wendy's instead of being anonymous. Yay!

    I love your posts and your "Let it Glow/Grow/Go" concept. Looking forward to reading more of your insights, sister.

    Have a blessed day.
