Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Logs, Dogs, Hogs

Matthew 7                  Judge not, that ye be not judged.


Jesus tells how to pray as a means to obtain what is needed:
Ask of my wants and burdens to God and freely receive support and
Seek as for a lost thing of value, God, and He will be found
Knock as desiring to enter a door of a house, and God will open
        it with mercy and grace. [Matthew Henry's Commentary]

As I ask, seek, and knock He promises to answer. Wow, what a
great promise.


Jesus tells me not to judge others. If I do, then I will be judged by the
same standard and found guilty. Am I the only one who has problems
with this? Henry tells me that my own sins ought to appear greater to
me than the same sins in others.

So I need to remove my sins (log in my eye) before pointing out those
sins (splinter) in another's life.

As dogs return to their vomit and hogs return to their muddy mire, Jesus
warns me to not stand with sinners nor sit down with the scornful.(Ps.1:1)
They are people who hate the reproofs of instructions (pearls). Watch out
with whom I associate, for good and bad ways rub off.


I better get busy removing some logs and watch out for dogs and hogs.
With the golden rule found in verse 12, Christ tells me another thing to
work on-treat others like I want to be treated. This homework for today
will keep me busy. How about you?

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