Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Gifts Fit For A King

Matthew Chapter 2

LET IT GLOW: Apparently the star left the wise men
                          for a while and then returned.When the wise men saw
                          the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. They
                          knew their long journey had not been in vain. They
                          had stopped 7 miles short of their destination-
                          Bethlehem. The star led them to Jesus. Do we have
                          exceeding great joy when we meet with Jesus?
LET IT GROW: What was the first thing the wise men did when they
                           saw Jesus? They fell down and worshiped the
                           Messiah. Then the wise men opened their treasures
                           and presented unto Him their gifts:
                           gold-as a king, paying Him tribute,
                           frankincense-as God, they honored Him with the
                                                smoke of incense,
                           myrrh-as a man that should die, used for embalming
                                      dead bodies.
LET IT GO:        I will worship Jesus as my King first and then present
                           my gifts to Him.


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