Wednesday, June 6, 2018


O. T. #1217  "Fretting"
June 6, 2018
Psalm 37
Fret not thyself because of evil doers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. Psalm 37:1


Last week, my family toured the three homes of President John and wife Abigail Adams(second president). The first two houses were very primitive, built in the latter 1700's. The first one was his birthplace and a few yards away was where his son John Quincy, our sixth president, was born. The third house was decorated elaborately, with 20 rooms and a garden. It was their retirement home years later. While looking at the exquisite china and furniture, one might become jealous. Also, he had a collection of 15,000 books, which his son later placed in a library he built behind the house.

 Evil doers do prosper and succeed in their evil projects. That is the way it goes. When we start looking around at what others have, often we realize we  have not. Being displeased, then we want. If we can't have or get, then jealousy, envy, and discontentment set in.  Those may lead to anger. Isn't it all an illusion? Having everything by the world's standard is actually having nothing if they live apart from Jesus.

What does it mean to fret not? Fret means to glow or grow warm; to blaze up, of anger, zeal, jealousy; be angry; be displeased.

David gives us a life lesson concerning the wicked who prosper around us, in verse 1-don't fret, don't be concerned or jealous. Why should we not be envious of them? Soon they will be cut down like grass and herbs, which do not live long. The judgment of God will cut the ungodly and unbelievers down.

A motto, of an unknown author says, "When you worry, you do not trust; when you trust, you do not worry.

Did you notice that this fretting was not about our own circumstances, but was focused on others' circumstances? Do we compare our situation to that of another? Are we grumbling and complaining to God about our have not's?

What is the cure for fretting? Faith is.
Regardless of our circumstances around us, we must still trust in the Lord and do good,. True faith produces good works. The Good Shepherd is always present to care for His sheep. Feed on this thought and you will fret not.  (Falwell)

Matthew Henry tells us to make God our hope in a way of duty. What is required of us? Trust in the Lord and do good, confide in God, conform to Him. It is not enough to trust Him, we must do good.

Trust and do. Trust and obey. The just live by faith. (Words easier said than done, huh?)

What is going on in your life right now? Are you needing to trust God for it to be worked out according to His will, in His time, in His way? He is trustworthy. Sometimes we need to be reminded of it. Actually, when looking at the big picture, we may not need more than we have.


Focus on God, not what others have.
Be thankful for what I have.
Live by faith today.
Quit fretting.

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