Monday, June 18, 2018

Love for Everyone

O. T. #1224 "Love for Everyone"
June 18, 2018
Psalm 37-Part 8
But the salvation of the righteous is of the LORD: He is their strength in the time of trouble. And the LORD shall help them and deliver them: He shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in Him.   Psalm 37:39-40


Hey, the truth is, there are some people who are just down right hard to love. Anyone pop in your mind just now? But all things are possible with God. We know that verse. Does it apply here though? So if He is living inside of me, then I can love her or him. Yes, my thorn in the side had an appointment at the same place I did, a few weeks ago. I was able to carry on a conversation while there. When I got back into my car, my sigh of astonishment of what just took place was shocking. God does help us forgive and love again. We can show His grace when others do not deserve it, yet He pours it out to us, too. Love for everyone is possible, through Christ who lives me and you.

Did David realize he was proclaiming his doctrine of grace?
  • Salvation belongs to the Lord God.
  • He is the Author and Originator  of our salvation. (3:8)
  • God is the designer, initiator, and the end of our salvation.
  • He is the source of our salvation. (62:1,2)
It is all the Lord's doing, folks. There is nothing we can do to merit salvation. It was His plan all along because He knew before creating Adam that we would sin and need a Savior. Jesus was willing to do whatever it took to our propitiation for our sins. He stood in our place, with so much love, to be our Passover Lamb.
Oooh such love! Such grace! Glory to Jesus!


What else is David telling us?
  • Jesus is strength for the righteous, those right with God, in their time of trouble.
  • He will deliver and help His troubled children.
  • He will not only save them, but keep them safe, not that they have merited it from Him, but because they have committed themselves to Him and have a confidence in Him, and have honored Him. (Matthew Henry)
According to Peter, God has given us what we need in order to live a life of faith and godliness.
 (2 Peter 1:3-8 NLT)
When He is our Lord, we want what God wants for us. We attempt to walk in His ways. We receive His precious promises. Our faith is to be supplemented by moral excellence, knowledge, self-control, endurance, godliness, brotherly affectionate, and love for everyone.

Well, friends, there is our challenge today. With the Holy Spirit in our heart, go for it.


                                 ... and let my walk match my talk.
                                 ... and pour out God's love to everyone.

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