Tuesday, May 30, 2017

What, Where, and Weary

O. T. #993  "What, Where, and Weary"
May 30, 2017
2 Chronicles 32-Part 5
Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of His understanding.  Isaiah 40:28


How often do we grow weary and ask God what was going on? Where is God in the midst of all of this trouble? Our faith hangs on my a thread. It seemed to be King Hezekiah's situation, but God was faithful and compassionate. Walk with me, friend, as we read of this good king's last years and doings.

Prophet Isaiah wrote chapters 40-66 in his book at the time of Assyria's invasion. He was described as the most notable figure, after David, in the entire history of Israel. In the face of national crisis he practically guided the helm of the state during Hezekiah's day, encouraging Jerusalem to hold out against Assyrian invasion when all others were ready to submit.  (Falwell)

King Hezekiah prayed to God, not through a priest, but directly himself, as we do through Jesus. He asked for a healing on his death bed, and received 15 more years. He was extremely blessed with treasures and honor. Oh the wonder of it all. Miraculously, God even stopped time in order to reassure the king that he would survive the sickness and enemy Assyria would be stopped.

Did you receive encouragement as I did whenever I read our key verse? He is our Everlasting God, our Creator; the One who does not grow weak nor weary; the Sovereign God that we trust to do what is right. He is faithful forever. Let faith arise, for He is faithful forever, as the song goes.

Will we surrender our next 15 years to be lived for the glory of God?


We read more details of what happened when the messengers from Babylon came to visit Hezekiah. It is found in Isaiah 39, when the prophet asked 3 questions of Hezekiah: What did those men want? Where did they come from? What did they see in your palace?

Hezekiah said they were from Babylon; they saw everything I own, all my royal treasuries.

Do you think pride came to Hezekiah as well as the Babylonians? Was he impressed that a powerful king would show him attention? What a foolish thing Hezekiah did, showing his treasures to an enemy. That would make them want to get them for their king.

Isaiah told Hezekiah that the day would come when his treasure would by carried of into Babylon, as well as his descendants. Although, this would not happened during Hezekiah's lifetime.
God had withdrew His hand in order to test Hezekiah during all of this, to see what was really  in his heart. (verse 32)

Well, as all good kings did, he died. However, Hezekiah was buried with the family of King David. Manasseh, his son born during the extended 15 years of life, was made king over Judah, when he was 12.
It isn't always wise to throw our pearls to the hogs to be trampled on, as Jesus remarked.

When we get weary, be assured God understands. How good to know, that He does not give up on us.
Should we not do the same for others?


Trust my Everlasting God in everything.

Know that He understands when I do not, and has a purpose.

1 comment:

  1. I am so weary right now. However, I know and am resting in our Lord. "He gives rest to the weary" Isaiah 40:29.

    Hope you doing well, Linda. Preparing for summer? I hope you get a chance to rest and enjoy this summer.
