Monday, May 22, 2017

What a Historic and Joyous Day!

O. T. #986  "What a Historic and Joyous Day!
May 22, 2017
2 Chronicles 30
And the LORD listened to Hezekiah's prayer and healed the people. 2 Chronicles 30:20


One might think that King Hezekiah would have a revengeful spirit as he came to the throne after the northern king of Israel had killed 120,000 of Judeans (during his father's reign). He wasn't striving to get even, but instead, Hezekiah opened the Temple, restored worship of God, and gave his own public testimony. Then the king sent an invitation to Israel to come and join them in worshiping God. Even though his invitation was rejected by some, with laughter and making fun of the messengers, many humbled themselves and went to Jerusalem to  keep the Passover with their brethren. However, the celebration was postponed a month due to the lack of time for enough priests to be purified by the appointed time.

Verse 12 says At the same time, God's hand was on the people in the land of Judah, giving them all one heart to obey the orders of the king and his officials, who were following the Word of God.

Do we ever need this in our nation today. We need hearts changed by God. Then the rebellious ones will have an obedient spirit to follow our president's leading. Let us pray for our President, his cabinet, and our senators and representatives as they make decisions concerning our country. Pray they will all have a desire to follow the Word of God. All things are possible with God.


Since many of the people had not purified themselves, the Levites slaughter their Passover lamb to see them apart for the Lord. The king prayed for them and allowed them to eat of the Passover meal anyway. This was contrary to the law of Moses though.

What did Hezekiah's prayer say?
May the LORD, who is good, pardon those who decide to follow the LORD, the God of their ancestors, even though they are not properly cleansed for the ceremony.

Was his prayer answered? Yes, it was. Verse 20 tells us And the LORD listened to Hezekiah's prayer and healed the people.

What happened in Jerusalem?
  • The people in Jerusalem joyously celebrated the Festival of Unleavened Bread for 7 days;
  • The priests and Levites sang to the LORD accompanied by instruments;
  • Peace offerings were sacrificed and the people gave thanks to God;
  • They celebrated joyfully for another week, with the extraordinary number of animals offered to God.
  • There was great joy in the city, for Jerusalem had not seen a celebration like this one since the days of Solomon, King David's son.
  • Then the priests and Levites stood and blessed the people and God heard their prayer from His holy dwelling in heaven.
Folks, I stopped writing this and watched our President pray at the Wailing Wall of the former Temple in Jerusalem. What a historic sight! What a historic day! I hope he was praying for America and Israel, for God can answer his prayers as He did King Hezekiah's. How fitting that our lesson would be on this passage for such a time a this.

                          ... of anything in my heart that is above God.
                               ... and worship the One True Living God and Savior, Jesus Christ.
                               ... and pray for our nation's repentance and disobedience to God's Word be turned
                               .. allowing joy to flood my heart with the hope of restoration of this nation that
                                  was established upon the principles of the Bible.
                               ... thanking God for His mercy upon us.

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