Let brotherly love continue. Hebrews 13:1
Because I wear longer skirts and dresses, some are down to my ankles, I bought new longer slips to wear with them. However, I did hem up a few outfits to my calves. The problem I had was that I forgot this longer slip I wore one Sunday morning was longer than a shortened jumper, so it was evident, showing below my jumper hem. I realized this when I sat down, seeing my longer slip. How could I solve this problem and at church, mind you? I went into the restroom and did some tucking in from above, if you know where I'm talking about. It was a temporary solution. Now I remember to wear the shorter slip with that jumper. Well gals, just as my slip was showing (though not desired),
I do want my faith to be showing. Are there any evidences of faith in my life as I walk by faith and not by sight? What is showing as the Lord looks upon me? I found some suggestions to help me here in chapter 13.
Chapter 13 can be described as essential practical ethics of Christian living. They portray the true gospel to the world, encourage others to believe in Christ, and bring glory to God. (MacArthur)
As Christians, we are to show our faith by:
1. Keep on loving each other as brothers.
- The basis for this fellowship is brotherly love. (verse 1) The deepest kind of fellowship is not based on race or family relationship; it is based on the spiritual life we have in Christ. A church fellowship basesd on anything other than love for Christ and for one another simply will not last. (Rom. 12:10, 1 Peter 1:22)
- Love used in verse 1 is the word Philidelphia in the Greek. It refers to the love which Christians cherish for each other as "brethren." (Thayer's Concordance) "It speaks of brotherly friendship and affection; the love of deep friendship and partnership; from the root word philia. (Guzik)
- Where there is true Christian love, there will also be hospitality. (verse 2) Traveling ministers and poor saints needed a place to stay, so since the churches met in homes, it was natural for a visitor to stay with his host. Pastors and all saints should be "given to hospitality."(Rom. 12:1) We are to show compassion to people we do not know, strangers (wanderers, refugees, froeigners, nonacquaintance). (Swindoll)
- Love also expresses itself in concern. (verse 3) Early Christians were arrested and imprisoned for their faith, so they needed ministering. We should pray for those around the world that suffer for their faith.
- "This reference to prisoners includes the Christians of the time who were undergoing persecution, beatings, bruising, and rejection because of their faith in Jesus Christ," states Charles Swindoll. Falwell said it like this, "Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them."
5. Let marriage be held in honor.
- The home is the first place where Christian love should be practiced. (verse 4)
- Purity and loyalty in the marriage honors the Lord. (Eph. 5:3-6) Set our standards high; keep our marriage vows, whether we ar veterans or rookies. God originated it and set its rules.
- Adulterers, fornicators, homosexuals, and sexually immoral will be judged.
- Undefiled means "free from contamination." Something contaminated is soiled, infected by contact or association, made unfit because of the introduction of unwholesome and undesirable elements.
- God does not demand of His people anything that is unreasonable or impossible. Strict and tough, yes, but not impossible. (1Cor. 6:16-18) Disgrace, shame, and guilt invade the heart. The mind is affected as with no other sin.
- God does forgive sin when asked. He gives strength to withstand temptations, when asked.
- It takes a commitment to one's mate and working through problems, to stay together so that the relaionship can grow. We must keep on renewing our commitments daily.
Let my faith be evident.
Show brotherly love to other Christians.
Be hospitable.
Have concern for those who are suffering.
Keep my thoughts pure so I honor and love my spouse.
Honor God with my marriage.
- 3.
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