Thursday, November 24, 2011

Saying Farewell

2Timothy -Part 10
 Do diligence to come before winter.  2 Timothy 4:21a

O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. Ps. 136:1
My cup runs over with blessings from my God and Savior! I am sharing them with my family and friends today. Hopefully, you are, too.

Farewell friends. It's a hard thing to to say farewell and move away-leave a church and friends, then start over on a new church field.  We have had to do that seven times during our 30 year ministry. We were leaving behind Christians with who we developed a close realationship as we worked for the Lord Jesus together. Sometimes we felt that our work was not finished. Circumstances bid us go, which was ultimately the Lord's way. Often, we kept in touch for a while, then as time marched on, and busyness with our new life, they dropped by the wayside. But they stayed in our hearts, wondering what was happening with them and the church.
Paul was the one always traveling on his missionary journeys, establishing churches, developing Christian friends, saying "See ya later."  He was always the one leaving, not having a dear friend leave him. Again it was so. Paul's end was nearing and he knew it. His last greetings showed Paul's deep concern for these people. Wasn't it also God's concern for people? As he dictated this last letter to his dear friend Timothy, he mentions them by name.
Who were those people, which meant a lot to the apostle Paul?

Prisca (Priscilla) and Aquila were husband and wife that Paul first met in Corinth soon after Emperor Claudius had expelled Jews from Rome (Acts 18, Rom. 16). They immediately became close friends, sharing the craft of tent making and the conviction of the gospel. This couple followed Paul when he left Corinth for Ephesus and eventually settled there (Acts 18:18). They later returned to Rome for a period of time
(Rom. 16:3) and settled in Ephesus where they were helping Timothy. The couple proved to be Paul's advocates even when it placed them in jeopardy (Rom 16:3).

Paul sent greetings to Onesiphorus' household probably meant the man was either dead or was lost somewhere in the Roman persecution. We read about his faithfulness to Paul as he visited in Rome
 (chapter 1).

Erastus was the treasurer for the city of Corinth. He is mentioned in Romans 16:23 as having been a ministry partner with Timothy. Paul had sent the two ahead of him to prepare Macedonia for his visit after leaving Ephesus (Acts 19:22). He had sent greetings to the church at Rome by way of Paul's letter.

Trophimus was a native Ephesian who was left sick at Miletus, a seaport city about 40 miles south of Ephesus (Acts 20-21). By now, the man would have recovered.

Eubulus, Pudens, Linus, and Claudia were sending their greetings from Rome. The first three names are Latin, which could indicate ther were from Italy and had been members in the church at Rome. Claudia was a believer and close friend, of whom nothing else is known. (MacArthur) They were not mentioned elswhere in scriptures, but the Lord knew them and we see Paul's grace by mentioning them. But I wonder where they were when Paul stood alone at his first trial in Roman court.  Anyway, Paul still loved these men as friends, don't you think?

There we have it, nine friends to whom  Paul was saying farewell. I'm sure they were touched by it and saddened when news of Paul's death reached them later. I can say that because we get news of long ago friends passing away and it saddens me.


In our key verse, Paul instructed Timothy to hurry up and come before winter. In view of the coming season and the cold Roman jail cell, Paul needed the cloak for warmth. He'd also have less opportunity to use the books and parchments as the duration of light grew shorter in winter. (MacArthur)

All the ships would be in port during the winter since it would be too dangerous for sailing. If Timothhy waited too long, he would miss his opportunity to travel to Paul, and then it would be too lated. (Wiersbe)

Paul ends this letter desiring that the Lord empower Timothy with His grace.

In Swindoll's book, Come before Winter...Share My Hope, he ends the book with this:

The leaves of your life will again turn to gold, red, and yellow. They will be ripped from their brances by autums's winds of adversity. Heaavy snow clouds are sure to return as dungeon-like days again become dark and dreary. This fall may be your finale. Death may step into your dungeon before spring emerges. As Paul once needed Timothy, you need Jesus. Don't delay. Please come. Come before winter.

Other devoted believers and Timothy carried on the work. As John Wesley used to say,"God buries His workmen, but His work goes on." You and I must be faithful so that (if the Lord does not return soon) future generations may hear the gospel and have the opportunity to be saved. (Wiersbe)

Friend, be sure to join us tomorrow as we close our study in 2 Timothy with a summary and highlighted verses.


Let my friends and family know they are loved by me.

Be there whenever a friend needs me. Drop all and go.

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