2 Timothy 3-Part 7
But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them. 2 Timothy 3:14
Last weekend we had two women come visiting us in our yard. They had a good heart, thought they were sharing what was right, but in reality, they were deceived and trying to deceive others with their printed materials. My husband was prepared and knew what this cult believed-used a Bible that was changed, their Jesus was not our Messiah Jesus who is part of the Trinity, the Son of God made flesh. He told them what the original Greek said, but they didn't agree. I finally told them that he was telling them the truth. (Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.John 14:6) Unfortunately for them, their minds had been so messed up with a false teaching, that they would not listen to the Truth. Paul is warning Timothy of this very thing in verse 13. It is sad that this happens. These two women were imposters, though they were unaware of it.
Again, Paul is warning Timothy what it will be like in "the last days." Verse 13 says that the "evil men" and "seducers" will get worse and worse. NLT says it this way: But evil people and imposters will flourish. They will deceive others and will themselves be deceived.
Swindoll's New Testament Insights on 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus has this to say:
"The latter term appears only once in the Bible and literally means "wailer," as in one who howls incantations as thou possessed by a spirit. Classical Greek literature always uses the word in a derogatory sense, casting the "wailer" as traveling swindler of the weak-minded. Paul predicts that many will rise to places of prominence and carry many into apostasy. "
The only way to defeat Satan's lies is with God's truth. In the last days there will be deception and imitation. How will the believer be able to tell the false from the truth? By knowing the Word of God is how.
Am I prepared with scriptures to confront false teachings?
Timothy's mother and grandmother taught him the Old Testament Scriptures. Later as an adult, he learned the gospel from Paul.
Swindoll's writings continues to say:
In verse 14, the word continue is used by Paul. The verb is meno, which is the same word used by Jesus in
John 15:1-11 where He said "abide in Me" in the upper room. It means "remain, live, stay." Furthermore, the present tense has an ongoing force to it, such that the message is "keep on remaining."
In so many words, Paul is saying, "Difficulty plagued our past, yet we continued on. Difficulty will only intensify as the gospel grows, but that doesn't mean we should do anything different. Continue doing what has been successful."
In verse 15 Paul uses the words learn and convinced. (found in NAS) We learn by gaining information, changing perspectives, and acquiring skills. To be convinced invades the will. Convictions motivate the person to transform knowledge into action. Much like faith without works is dead, so theological training is pointless unless the minister, motivated by his or her convictions, decides to make a difference.
Regardless of the outcome in your eyes, you are making a difference to someone. Press on!
Am I striving to make a difference with my life? Am I allowing Jesus to make a difference in my life?
Beware of imposters, false teachers.
Make a difference in someone's life today, share the love of Jesus.
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