Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Bountiful Blessings

O. T. #1342  "Bountiful Blessings"
Dec. 12, 2018
Psalm 116
return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the LORD hath dealt bountifully with thee. Psalm 116:7


Most scholars consider David as the author of this psalm.
How did he experience God in his life?
  • He heard his voice and prayer for mercy. (verse 1)
  • God bends down to listen and he prays. (verse 2)
  • He is gracious, righteous, and merciful. (verse 5)
  • He preserves the simple (silly, foolish) (verse 6)
  • The Lord protects those of childlike faith. (verse 6 NLT)
  • He helps those in need. (verse 6)
  • He deals bountifully (bestow on; do good). (verse 7)
  • He delivers the soul from death, eyes from tears, and feet from falling, (verse 8)
  • Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints. (verse 15)
Has God dealt bountifully with you? I look at my little house and see I have too much. Closets are stuffed. Tubs are stacked up. Cabinets are filled. How gracious, righteous, and merciful the Lord is to me. This year during the Christmas time, I am looking for those with whom I can deal bountifully, sharing my bountiful blessings.


Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life says:
Did you know that admitting your hopelessness to God can be a statement of faith? Trusting God but feeling despair at the same time, David wrote, I believed, so I said, "I am completely ruined.'" This sounds like a contradiction: I trust God, but I'm wiped out! David's frankness actually reveals deep faith: First, he believed in God. Second, he God would listen to his prayer. Third, he believed God would let him say what he felt and still love him.
We are still loved by God even though...
He listens to us in spite of our...


Friends, please join me in lifting up Amy's family. She lost her mother last month and now her grandmother. Her dad is having such a hard time adjusting to his wife dying suddenly and now his mother, which was expected. Just yesterday, we buried another church member, my friend's mother. This has been quite a year for our family and our church.

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