Friday, December 21, 2018

A Reason to Celebrate

O. T. #1349  "A Reason to Celebrate"
Dec. 21, 2018
Psalm 118-Part 5
Blessed be He that cometh in the name of the LORD.  Psalm 118:26a


Are you expecting company during the holidays? We are going to our son's house for our festivities. But before we start, my husband always read the Christmas story found in Luke 2. It is our tradition which we started when our children were little. After all, without Jesus there would be no reason to celebrate.

Look at our key verse. Did you know that an unusual title for the Messiah among the Jews was He That Cometh? (Falwell) It is referring to Jesus Christ.

He was commissioned from God, to act for God, to do His will and seek His glory; He is Blessed Jesus. We must esteem Him highly. (Matthew Henry)

In Matthew 21:9, it tells us that whenever Jesus entered Jerusalem, riding upon a donkey, symbolizing Jesus is key, the people spread garments and palm branches before Him. They said, Hosanna to the Son of David: Blesssed is He that cometh in the name of the LORD; Hosanna in the Highest.

Is Jesus King of our heart?


Read verses 21-23. What do we learn?
  • God is to be praised because He is our salvation. (verse 21)
  • The Living Stone and Corner Stone is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the head stone upon which Christians build their lives, the Corner Stone of the church. (verse 22)
  • One day He will be King of Kings and LORD of Lords (Rev. 19:16) This is the Lord's doing. (verse 23)
The resurrection and exalted position of Jesus is not the works of man, but  the work of Almighty God. The Chief Cornerstone introduced a day of resurrection hope. (Falwell)

Truly, this is a wonderful time of the year, as we celebrate the birth of our Savior. but the most wonderful time of the year is when we celebrate His resurrection. He conquered death, and so will we one day.


Blessed be the LORD Jesus Christ, my Savior!
Be my King and Lord today, Jesus.

*Merry Christmas dear friends! In case you are busy this weekend and next week traveling. May you be blessed with all spiritual blessings.

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