Monday, May 10, 2021

A Solid, Immovable Rock

O. T. #1937  "A Solid, Immovable Rock"

May 10, 2021

Ezekiel 42


I live in an area where farms are being sold and houses are quickly going up on them in housing additions. Changes. One farm behind us sold and houses are coming up adjacent to our back 40. But on this dirt road in front of my house, down at the hill, there is one thing that has been there since the Flood. It is a huge rock. Oh, the grader has taken his machine over it as he has smoothed the rocks for a good road to travel on to town, but he has not dug it up. I would like to see the size of it when it finally is removed as the road is paved. I know it is coming. I just won't live on this road when it happens.

do you need something that is a solid rock that does not change or move? David knew one and so do I-Jesus Christ.

Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from Him cometh my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved. (Psalm 62:1-2)

Rock means refuge, strength; salvation refers to liberty, deliverance, safety; moved is to slip, shake, fall.

David knew God was his strength and refuge, his deliverance and safety. Therefore, David's faith would not be shaken. His very life was in God's hands, so David was God's servant. In verses 6-7, David made God personal to him, using my.

When life is breaking your heart, causing you to fall apart, ushering in doubt, can you look up and say that God is your rock, salvation, defense, glory, strength, and refuge? If not, then:

Trust in Him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before Him: God is a refuge for us. (verse 8)

Not only in times of troubles, uncertainty, and when things come crashing down, all the time we are to trust in God. He knows best, has this, has a plan... Praise Him in those times, in the good, easy, and wonderful times, praise Jesus.


Ezekiel is still speaking in depth of the vision God gave him of the Millennial Temple. Three sections in this chapter reveal to us:

  1. the chambers of the priests (verses 12-14)
  2. the use of these chambers by the priests (verses 13-14)
  3. the dimensions of temple area. (verses 15-20) (Falwell)

The priests were to minister and serve King Jesus and the people. They were allowed to eat the sacrifices people brought into the Temple in the holy chambers. The priests were supported in this way. The second purpose for those chambers was they provided a place where the priests changed into and out of their holy garments and street clothes. This kept them special garments within the Temple.

In the latter part of this chapter, Jesus measured the outer walls of the Temple, which would be 1 mile each side. MacArthur says that changes will have to be made, since this is too large for Mt. Moriah now. Nothing is too difficult for the Creator. I find it amazing as we read the exactness and plans already made for this New Temple where King Jesus will reign over all the universe on earth. No other objects will be worshiped (idols) and all will be in right relationship to Jesus.

 Zecharaiah 14:9 says, And the LORD shall be King over all the earth: in that day shall there be One LORD, and his name one.

Folks, Jesus is the One and Only Son of God, the Only Savior, the only Way to heaven. (I must say this repeatedly because there are people coming to read this from various countries where false gods are worshiped.) Will you believe this to be truth? I know it is true because Jesus lives within my heart and soul.

What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.


Can we look around and see evidence of God working in our life, in our family, at our job, in others?

God's love never ends, is faithful, is wise, and sends help to His children.

So wait and watch for Jesus to work around you.

Keep trusting Him as your refuge, strength, and deliverance.


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