Friday, May 22, 2020

Promises of God

O. T. #1696  "Promises of God"
May 22, 2020
Isaiah 58-Part 3


Is your situation looking hopeless today? There are problems you are experiencing during this pandemic? Are you down and out with no hope in sight? Yesterday was a gloomy day for me, although I had no reason for it. Friend, when everything looks hopeless, we have the comfort of our eternal Hope-Jesus Christ. He is here with us, you in your world and I in mine. I ran across this verse in daily devotional spiral thingy that sits on my desk, although it was yesterday's verse. so let us run to take hold of this hope for our soul.

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.  (Hebrews 6:19)

Previously, we discussed 5 promises God made in 6-8-God's presence, healing, protection, care, and provision.
It is impossible for God to lie. (Hebrews 6:18)
Hang on, dear one, did you know there are more promises found in verses 9-11?
  • God will answer our prayers.
  • He will quickly answer our cry. (verse 9)
  • The Lord will guide us continually.
  • He will satisfy our soul in a desert place.
  • He will give us light in our darkness and joy in place of our gloom.
  • He will restore our strength; give fat for our bones, making them ready for action. (verse 11)
  • God will bless us like a watered garden.
  • His grace will pour out on us a spring of water that never fails.
I for one needed to read those. Read back over the list again and put your name in there. Make those promises personal. Pour out Your grace upon us so we keep on flowing grace to others.
Which promise do you need to cling to today?

From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another. (John 1:16)


We find verses 9 and 10 in the middle of those promises. There are some conditions on those promises for us. They include personal integrity and love shown to others:
  • Take away the yoke of others so they are free.
  • Stop pointing your finger at those who are misfortunate.
  • Quit speaking vanity as a hypocrite.
  • Feed the hungry.
  • Help those in trouble.
If we say that we love God and do not love others, then the truth is not in us. Are we going to trust God through in this time or not?

God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 2 Cor. 9:8)


Jesus, take our stress and give us rest.
Being a saint is no sacrifice, but a choice privilege.
Actions often speak much louder than words.
Surprises are part of God's divine plan, designed to remind us that He is still in charge.
(Charles Swindoll)

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