Friday, June 14, 2019


O. T. #1463  "Smile"
June 14, 2019
Proverbs 15
A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.
Proverbs 15:13


:) Smile dear friend. When a person is happy, you can tell it by looking at their face.
Oh, we may have our lip hanging down to the ground, but when we meet a  smiling person, it seems to lift us up, doesn't it? Mostly, it forces us to return a smile, which helps us.

While in high school, there was a classmate of mine that we nicknamed "Smiley." Guess how his countenance was.

NLT tells us that  a glad heart makes a happy face.

Can you recall the various places where you have seen smiley faces? One particular company adopted it as a logo. I used to draw one on good papers that I checked as a teacher.

It is known that laughter and good cheer and joy actually add to a person's health. a smile can bring to life a wonderful dimension that cannot be there if we live in sorrow and pessimism. (McGee)

The inner condition  of a person always shows in their outward appearance. The heart of a person determines the course to be taken. Joy in the heart brightens the countenance. (Falwell)

What is our heart condition? Is it one of joy or sadness or worry? Today, smile and give encouragement to others. Watch and see if your smile brings a smile on another's face as you go about your daily routine.


When there is pain in the heart, the spirit of a man is broken; and the power for effective living vanishes. A spirit can be crushed by words or a look of disapproval. Let us consider how we are presenting our self to others-happy as a Christian or burdened down with sin and troubles.


:)   :)   :)   :)  :)

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