Monday, June 30, 2014

Lights and Lamps

O. T. #312  "Lights and Lamps"
June 30, 2014
Numbers 8-Part 1
The LORD said to Moses, "Speak to Aaron and say to him, 'When you set up the seven lamps, they are to light the area in front of the lampstand.' " Numbers 8:1-2 NIV


My mother purchased a chandelier for the kitchen of our farmhouse whenever my parents remodeled it back in the 70's. To me, it seems out of place with the decor of my country look. I realize that the chandelier does not give off light for the room, but it is the light bulbs and electricity which does. So it was in the Tabernacle. The lampstand held the lamps with oil which lit up the Holy Place of the Tabernacle. This is discussed in the beginning of chapter 8.

J.V. McGee writes, "This chapter surprises us by beginning with instructions for lighting the lampstand in the Holy Place. At first it seems that the lampstand is out of place-that it belongs back in Exodus where instruction were given for the Tabernacle."

As you read in the chapter, you see it is appropriate, the setting up of the lamps, then with the verses 5-22 the setting apart of the Levites.

The spiritual orders suggest the divine illumination must precede Christian dedication. It's like a parallel to Leviticus 8 and Numbers 3:5-13. (Falwell)

The lampstand was described and made in Exodus 25:31-40,  but the lampstand by itself could give no light. It had to have lamps placed upon it that gave light. All the lampstand could do was make the light more visible. The lampstands were fueled by oil; and would need to be continually filled with oil to provide constant light. Workmanship of the lampstand was hammered gold; from its shaft to its flowers it was hammered work.  (David Guzik)


Revelation 1:20 makes the lampstand a picture of the church; the church itself does not light the world, but it performs a "platform" for Jesus' light to be seen. (Guzik)

The candlestick itself was an emblem of Christ's church; the oil, of the graces and gifts of the Spirit of God; and the light, of those gifts and graces in action among men. God builds His Church and sends forth His Spirit to dwell in it, to sanctify and cleanse it, that it may be shown unto the world as His own workmanship. A candlestick or lamp without oil is of no use; oil not burning is of no use. so a Church without the influence of the Holy Ghost are dead while they have a name to live; and if they have a measure of this light, and do not let it shine by purity of living and holy Zeal before men, their religion is neither useful to themselves nor to others. (Clarke)

When we allow the Holy Spirit control of our life, to indwell us, then Jesus's light shines through to into the world. Are we giving Him control or are we in control of our thoughts, words, actions? For whom are we living-ourselves our Savior? Is our purpose to honor Christ or ourselves?


Surrender my life unto the Lord Jesus.

Obey His Word.

Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Let His light shine in and through me.

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