Revelation 20-Part 24 Verses 11-15
And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. Revelation 20:15
Is your name written in the book?
I have a distant cousin, with whom I share the same great-grandfather, that has spent a lot of time researching and writing the history of our family. (His grandfather and mine were brothers.) He wrote the names of our ancestors, then brought the lines down to the names of our children and grandchildren. My name is written in that book. It is a big deal to me, seeing my name in a book listed along with the names of kings.
My name is also written in another book, the book of life. Now that's the one that really counts, the most important book there is. It contains an eternal list of names. Believers in the Old Testament times were saved by grace, through faith, as they trusted in God's promises and honored the old covenant. Their names are written in it. When Jesus initiated the new covenant, He told His disciples, Rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven (Luke 10:20). So the New Testament believers' names are there.
We are justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the Law (Gal. 2:16). We will not be summoned to stand before the great white throne. Believers, whose names are written in the book of life, will never receive punishment based on their deeds.
Are you rejoicing with me that our names are written in the book of life? And that God chose us to be one of His children? His grace did it, in spite of us all being sinners. It was nothing that we did or could do to earn our salvation nor heaven. It is His gift. Have you accepted this gift?
If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire. (verse 15).
What more can I say?
Great describes the most awesome assize ever held. White refers to the purity and holiness with which it will be conducted. Throne is mentioned nearly 50 times in Revelation. It indicates that majestic authority is involved. This is the judgment throne, elevated, pure, and holy. God sits on it as judge, in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Liberty Bible Commentary explains that there are seven judgments, 1 past, 1 present, and 5 in the future. They are the judgments of:
- the Cross-man's sins at Calvary and Satan were judged there.
- the sinning believer-if he doesn't judge himself.
- the believers' works-takes place at the Rapture, at the judgment seat of Christ in heaven, where rewards or suffering loss occurs.
- upon Israel-after the Tribulation Period, those who reject or receive their Messiah.
- the nations-after the Tribulation Period, based upon acceptance or rejection of Christ, manifested in their treatment of the earthly brethren of our Lord.
- the fallen angels and Satan- time and place is not specific for the angels, but the beast and false prophet will be judged before the reign of Christ and Satan after the 1000 years.
- The Great White Throne Judgment-verses 11-15.
Am I sharing salvation with people so they don't have to appear before the Great White Throne of Judgment? (We don't know whose names are written in the Lamb's book of Life.)
Be ready for judgment.
Rejoice that my name is in the Book of Life.
Share the gospel with other so they can go to heaven.
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