Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It Gets Better

Hebrews 7-Part 2
But we have confidence in a better hope, through which we draw near to God.
 Hebrews 7:19b NLT 
Because of this oath, Jesus is the one who guarantees this better covenant with God.
 Hebrews 7:22 NLT


"It can't get any better than this," used on an advertisement of which I don't approve. There were times in this past year that I could have said such a thing. Such as when I was sitting in a cool creek during 90-100 degrees on a summer day, a time I ate Butterfinger in ice cream, watching my 5 grandchildren splashing in a pool of water, hugging my sister I hadn't seen in over 5 years, watching a baby calf running and jumping, seeing 2 bald eagles in a tree fly, red dirt on the new sanctuary lot, helping a child get saved, children singing about Jesus, a sick husband getting better.
For the unbeliever, it doesn't get any better, only worse. For the Christian, better things are yet to come. Verses 19 and 22 tell us there's a better hope and a better testament.

I looked up some words in Thayer's Lexicon:
Better means more excellent;
hope means an expectation of good/in the Christian sense, it's a joyful and confident expectiation of eternal salvation;
 surety means He (Jesus) by whom we get full assurance of the more excellent covenant made by God with us, and of the truth and stability of the promises connected with it.

Believers have a better hope. Because the old requirement about the priesthood was weak and useless, it was set aside. The law never made anything perfect. But now we have confidence in a better hope, through which we draw near to God. (verse 19 NLT) This new system was established with a solemn oath. Aaron's descendants became priest without such an oath. There is an oath regarding Jesus. Verse 21 is a quote of Psalm 110:4, which says The Lord hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.

Christ wasn't appointed our High Priest because of His physical descent (not of Aaron's family-Levi's either). It was because of His spiritual fitness. He possesses endless life; divine qualities that no Levitical priest ever possessed. (Their priest eventually died.) Their priesthood was weak and ineffective, but ours is not. Christ is able to present people before God forever. He is always going to be available to interceed for me when I am in need. That is my better hope.
(Liberty Bible Commentary)

What is our better testament? Jesus Christ is our better covenant.
The New Living Translation says in verse 22 Because of this oath, Jesus is the one who guarantees this better covenant with God.
The KJV uses the word surety in place of guarantee found in NLT. Surety means this: He (Jesus) by whom we get full assurance of the more excellent coveanant made by God with us, and of the truth and stability of the promises connected with it. A testament is a compact, a covenant. (Thayer's Lexicon)
Wiersbe said, "The word surety means 'one who guarantees that the terms of an agreement will be carried out.' "

There were some other places where people were a surety for another: Abraham when he was going to offer Isaac as a burnt offering; Judah for Benjamin when they were buying food from Joseph (Gen. 43); Paul for the slave Onesimus (Philemon 18-19); although Sarah laughed at the news of a baby at age 90, it was a surety because Issac was born.

"Jesus Himself guarantees the success of His New Covenant of salvation, a better covenant," states MacArthur Bible Commentary.
Our Mediator, our representative, Jesus Christ meets perfectly the terms of the agreement on our behalf. We can't, but He does.
What wonderful promises we have in Jesus!


Warren Wiersbe, in his book, Be Confident, sums it up this way:
The writer has given four reasons why God changed the order of the priesthood from Aaron to that of Melchizedek:
1. The priesthood and the law were imperfect;
2. being imperfect, they could not continue forever;
3. God had sworn by His oath that the new order would be established.
4. Not only was the priesthood imperfect, but it was also interrupted by death.

Do I live like I have a better hope and a better covenant in Jesus, my High Priest?

Our writer is confident in this new covenant. He uses the word testament 22 times in this letter to the Hebrews.

Jesus is better than angels (chapters 1-2), Moses (ch. 3), Joshua (ch. 4), and Aaron (ch. 4-7). The cross of Christ is a better hope, covenant, promises, sacrifice, possession, country, resurrection, and provision. (MacArthur lists them as being found in Hebrews.)

That Jesus is "guarantee of a better covenant" means that God's Son is the certain guarantee of God's agreement to save and to bless The covenant is still God's covenant with faithful people like Abraham. (Shepherd's Notes)

I ask you, "Can it get any better than this?"  Well, it can get better because we have heaven waiting for us, and a Savior to see and worship for all of eternity. Is the bus ready? Are you ready, friend?


I thank my Savior for being a better hope, Priest, Mediator, Intercessor than men.

I priaise God that He has given me a guarantee of eternal life through Jesus Christ, my Savior.

Glory and honor goes to our perfect High Priest forever!

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