Friday, October 1, 2010


Acts 10
But the voice spoke again:"Do not call something unclean if God has
made it clean."   Acts 10:15 NLT


In the town of Caesarea there lived a Roman army officer named Cornelius,
who was a captain of the Italian Regiment. He was a devout, God-fearing
man.He was praying one afternoon, when an angel of God came to
Cornelius and told him to send some messengers to Joppa to bring Simon
Peter back to him. (Peter would tell Cornelius and his household how to be
saved, according to Acts 11:14.)  "Cornelius' prayers and gifts to the poor
had been received by God as an offering," the angel told him in verse 4.

How encouraging it is to know God, our heavenly Father, answers prayers.
Sometimes we need reasurring, don't we, at least I do.


Often times when I get the sheets out of the clothes dryer, they are rolled up
with towels and washcloths inside. Sometimes I have to run the dryer longer
in order to finish drying everything. Afterwards comes the task of folding up a
king sized sheet by ones self. Did you know that a sheet is mentioned in the
Bible? I'm always learning new things from reading the Word. This sheet must
have been larger than king-sized, because it held animals.

In the meantime, Peter was praying on a roof top and fell into a trance. He
saw the sky open and a large sheet let down by its four corners. In the sheet
were all sorts of animals, reptiles, and birds that were unclean for a Jew to eat.
Three times the Lord told Peter to kill and eat these unclean animals, but Peter
refused because of his Jewish laws.

The Lord says to not call something unclean if God has made it clean.
(verse 15)
This was an illustration for not only animals, but also for people-Gentiles to be
specific. Through faith in Jesus Christ, we Gentiles are acceptable to God.
I am so very glad!

So Peter preaches to Cornelius' household that "God is no respector of
persons"(verse 34) and "he is Lord of all." This is the first time Peter preaches
to Gentiles about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. What
happened? The next chapter tells us.

The Preacher's Outline & Sermon Bible  says:
People can be prejudice when people differ in nationality, color, beliefs,
religion, speech, looks, behavior, ability, energy, position, status, social
standing, possessions, wealth, birth, and heritage. Prejudice arises when
people feel they and their differences make them better than others.


Keep praying, remembering that God hears and answers.

Bring my prejudices to the Lord for a changing of my heart so He can use me
for His purpose.

He is Lord of all and loves them, so should I.

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