Friday, October 8, 2010


Acts 15
But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we
shall be saved, even as they.  Acts 15:11


Just out of the blue, one day my husband bought me a dozen red roses. What
a surprise! It was a beautiful and unexpected gift. It was the only time in 37
years. I must say that I felt like I got something I didn't deserve, since it wasn't
a special ocassion.

"Grace is getting what you don't deserve," my pastor husband says.

Two questions about salvation arose for the Jerusalem church council to solve:
1. Is a ritual or ceremony necessary to be saved?
2. Does a man have to accept the whold law before he can be saved?
(from The Preacher's Outline & Sermon)

The answer to both questions is "no." What happened at the beginning of this
chapter was this: Pharisees who were converted to Christianity were teaching
salvation by circumcision and keeping of the law at the Antioch church. These
are considered "works." This group met in a formal conference with the
apostles and elders at Jerusalem.

Jerry Falwell in Liberty  Bible Commentary states:
Peter reminded the group that God had accepted the Gentiles by faith alone
and not on Jewish terms. He emphasized that salvation was through grace of
the Lord.

Peter talks to the group in verses 7-11. It had been about ten years since he
witnessed to Cornelius and his house (Gentiles). They were saved by God.
Both Gentiles and Jews are saved by the grace and faith in the Lord Jesus
Christ. Aren't you glad, since we can never perfectly keep the Ten
Commandments and the rest of the law?
Grace, grace, wonderful grace.

Romans 3:23-24 says, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of
God; being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ

Ephesians 2:8-9 syas,"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of
yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast."

Do I show grace to others while asking the Lord for grace, or do I ask for
grace but neglect to show it to others?


James is the pastor of the Jerusalem church. He is the author of the book of
James and the half brother of Jesus.  He suggests four guidelines to pass
on to the Gentile churches. They should abstain from all association with idol
worship, refect sexual immorality, give up unbutchered meat, and abstain from
blood, which may have referred to military service in the Roman army.
(verse 20)

A letter is sent out by the apostles and elders to the Gentile churches. Paul
and Barnabas spread the news on seperate journeys and with the help of
Mark, Silas, and Timothy. Paul and Barnabas did not serve together again
due to their disagreement over taking Mark with them again. Mark had
deserted them during their first misson journey.

Do I impose my own standards on other believers as a price of acceptance?
Am I using the Word of God as my guidelines to live by or am I using rituals
and traditions?


Show grace even to those who don't deserve it.

Realize that I don't deserve grace from the Lord either.

Share a rose with the unlovely.

Evaluate my reasons for doing things using the Bible as my standard.

Live by grace and be thankful for it.

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