Thursday, October 7, 2010

It's All About You, Jesus

Acts 14
And when they were come, and had gathered the church together, they
rehearsed all that God had done with them, and how he had opened
the door of faith unto the Gentiles.  Acts 14:27


Back in April, I felt the Lord calling me to have a Bible study reading through
the New Testament on this blog. I was hoping to interest family and friends
to join me, but the Lord has enlarged my territory, as Jabez prayed. Since we
started in May, there have been 6 people from foreign countries who have
visited and countless others nationally. I give all the glory to God. He inspires
the words. Besides, the Scriptures are His Words. Truly, it's all about You,
Jesus. (If you haven't read the explanations of "Let it Glow, Grow, Go,"
it's found on May 31.)
Thank you for walking with me, gals, on my country road of faith. If you
have time, leave a comment.

Now to the Word.
Paul and Barnabas shared with Christians back in Antioch, about
all the things God had done with them and how He opened a door of faith to
the Gentiles. There were no Christian radio interviews nor press conferences.
Can you hear  amens? Certainly it is encouraging to hear of the wonderful
things our God is doing.
Jesus is still saving folks! Our church is baptizing 4 new converts this Sunday
and revival services have not been held yet. (start Sun. am) Thought I'd share
some good news like Paul & Barnabas did. We praise You, Jesus, for Your
mercy that You continue to show us. Thank You for answering our prayers.


Paul and Barnabas continued on to major Asian cities, preaching the gospel
and establishing new churches. These missionaries fled to Lystra and Derbe,
cities of Lycaonia. After preaching Jesus and the crippled man was healed,
the people claimed Paul and Barnabas were Greek gods, which came down
in the likeness of men. (verse 11) Paul and Barnabas tried to convince them
otherwise, since they were only men like them.
The Jews persuaded the people to stone Paul and leave him for dead outside
the city. (verse 19) Was it a coincidence that God allowed Paul to be stoned
in the same manner as Stephen? The two missionaries returned to this city,
then the next day, they began their return trip home, (Antioch) encouraging the
new disciples in each city.

Charles Swindoll's book, Paul: a Man of Grace & Grit states:
There are 4 observations about what made Paul's ministry authentic:
1. Paul's ministry was saturated with the Word of God. Fifteen times in
    chapters 13 and 14 the phrases "God's Word," the "word of truth," the
    "teaching of  the Lord," the "Law and the Prophets," and the "good news"
    are mentioned.
2. Paul's message emphasized the gospel to the lost and grace to the saved.
3. Though the responses were mixed, Paul's responses were mature.
4. In all that Paul did, the glory went to God.

What an example Paul is for us.


In all I do, let others know that life is about Jesus, not about me.

Share the gospel with the lost and grace with the saved.

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