Friday, October 4, 2024

When Jesus Calls

N.T.#401 "When Jesus Calls"

Oct. 4, 2024 

Mark 10-Part 11


When Jesus calls you, how will you respond? Will you ignore it or will you surrender?

This is the only recorded visit that Jesus made to Jericho. The city is located about 15 miles northeast of Jerusalem and 5 miles from the Jordan River. The Jordan river Valley is at 846 feet below sea level, making Jericho one of the lowest cities on earth. It is a "City of Palms." Palm tree, balsam trees, honey from bees are there. Balsam trees are used for perfumes, medicines, and ointments, as well as fruit that is eaten. We were shown an ancient wall buried in the ground while we visited Jericho. Palestinians do not want it dug up.

Matthew and Mark state that the healing of the blind Bartimaeus took place as Jesus was leaving, while Luke says He was entering the city. Either way, it happened. (Zacchaeus was encountered by Jesus, found in Luke 19, in Jericho.)

What took place that day? 

  • Blind Bartimaeus was sitting along the road begging when Jesus passed him by. (verse 46)
  • The blind man shouted out to Jesus, "Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me." (verse 47) this was a Messianic title.
  • Many walking with Jesus tried to get the guy to be quiet., but that resulted in him calling out louder. (verse 48)
  • Jesus  stopped and called for the man to come to Him. 
  • "Cheer up, come on, He is calling you," the people told Bartimaeus. (verse 49)
  • The blind man threw off his coat, jumped up, came to Jesus. (verse 50)
When Jesus calls us, how do we respond? Are we submissive and surrender our will to His? Do we plead for mercy? Do we cast off the sins that keep us from being obedient?


Jesus asked what the blind man wanted Him to do for him. Lord, that I might receive my sight. (verse 51) That was the blind man's request.

I like how Billy Graham put it: Bartimaeus cried out for the right thing-mercy. He cried out to the right Person-the Lord Jesus Christ, the only One in all the world who could help him. He cried out at the right time. 

Now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation. 2 Cor. 6:2)

When Jesus calls us to salvation, belief in Him, that is the time to respond and heed the call. 


That You Jesus that it is by faith that we can come to You.

We all need Your mercy.

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