Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Making the Journey

N.T.#398 "Making the Journey"

Oct. 1, 2024 

Mark 10-Part 8

And they were in the way going up to Jerusalem; and Jesus went before them: and they were amazed; and as they followed, they were afraid. And He took again the twelve, and began to tell them what things should happen unto Him. (verse 32) 


Before our recent trip, we made preparations. I checked with family to see if it was a convenient time for them to have company, we got new tires on the car and a checkup, then we planned out the details of the journey. 

Jesus was preparing His disciples and the group of Jews making their way to Jerusalem for the Passover celebration. Jesus was walking with them on His road to doom and death. It tend to think the Savior was conversing with them along the long journey. He did that, showing interest and concern for individuals. The were making their way from Perea (east side of the Jordan River) (verse 1) through Jericho. (verse 46) This is the first mention of Jerusalem as Jesus' destination. 

This would be Jesus' final journey to Jerusalem. He had made the trip many times during His earthly lifetime. Like all good Jewish men, He had attended the 3 required festivals each year since at least His 12th birthday. (Luke 2:42, Deut. 16:16) Also, Jesus had attended many of the non-mandatory feasts and had ministered in the region around the sacred city quite often. This journey was different, though. This time He would walk into Jerusalem only to walk out bearing a cross on His back. Death waited for Him there, and He knew it. (Swindoll)

Jerusalem is a city on a hill, some 2,550 feet above sea level. Literally, one traveling to Jerusalem is "going up to Jerusalem." Regardless of where one is in Israel, in order to reach Jerusalem, you must go up.

As our tour group in Israel went by bus, the guide played the song "Jerusalem." I had to sing along the chorus, "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, hark how the angels sing, Hosannah in the Highest, Hosannah to the King." To us it was a celebration, but on that day in verse 31, it was a solemn one.

How did those traveling with Jesus react, including the disciples?

  • amazed,
  • followed,
  • afraid.
Why was that their reaction? It was custom for the rabbi to walk on ahead of them. Jesus walked the path of suffering ahead of His disciples, who followed wherever He led them. 

Are we walking as Jesus wants us? Are we on the path of suffering for Him? Take courage, for Jesus has gone before us to prepare the way for us. We never walk alone, for He never leaves us nor forsakes us.


the previous journeys of Jesus had been joyful. Not this time. Jesus predicted His suffering, death, and resurrection twice before to the disciples. He spoke of a humiliating execution that lie ahead.

Look at the verbs He usedto describe what was going to happen to Jesus: mock, scourge, spit upon, kill. Who would be the cause this? Chief priests and scribes-the religious leaders of the Jews. They would condemn the Son of man to death and deliver Him to the Gentile rulers. (verse 33)

These terrible events would start suddenly and unfold quickly. Yet, Jesus had a purpose to go by way of Jericho, to heal a blind Bartimaeus. (verse 46-52) 

Yet, we must not leave this part of Mark's writings discouraged. Jesus said He would rise again (from the dead). That is victory over death and the grave. Believers is Jesus will rise in spirit to see Him in heaven, if Jesus doesn't come before we die.

Are you ready, my friend, to make that journey into the grave? Have you the hope of eternal life in heaven by trusting in Jesus as your Savior? If not, make it today. Ask Jesus to forgive your sins and become your Savior. 


What a marvelous plan of salvation-by faith.

What a glorious Savior! He bore our sin-punishment.

I love You Lord Jesus!

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