Thursday, October 10, 2024


 N.T.#405 "Hosanna!"

Oct. 10, 2024 

Mark 11-Part 3


In the chronological Bible, Jesus visited His friends at Bathany before making His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. that makes sense, due to it being on His way. However, Mark reversed the events. So we will go with how it appears in Mark's writings. 

As Jesus entered into Jerusalem riding on a colt donkey, the people sang or shouted hosanna (Oh save!/grant salvation) along the way. They spread their garments and branches on the street before their King. don't you know that brought the priests and scribes out of the Temple to see what the commotion was about.

Matthew 21 gives us some details as to what happened in the Temple:

  • The city was moved and asked who Jesus was. Answers were Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee.(verse 10)
  • Jesus overturned the tables of the moneychangers and the seats of those who sold doves. (People mad a profit from selling defected offering animals.
  • Jesus proclaimed His house was to be a house of prayer, not a den of thieves. (verse 13)
  • Jesus healed the blind and lame there. (verse 14)
  •  He did wonderful things, which the chief priests and scribes saw. (verse 15)
  • The children were saying, Hosanna to the Son of David. 
  • Those priests and scribes were sore displeased. 
  • Jesus asked the religious leaders if they heard what was said. Yea, have ye never read, out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise? (Ps. 8:2)

Out of the mouths of babes. Haven't we heard that. Children say things they have heard others say. As parents, we were probably nervous when people asked our children questions.

Do we praise the Son of David, our Savior? We don't have to wait until Easter to do it.


Then Jesus and His 12 left and went to Bethany, the home of Lazarus and his sisters. In chapter 14, we read of Mary anointing Jesus' head with expensive perfume/ointment. It was to signify His death and burial. Keep in mind, this is Jesus' last week to live on earth as a man. Probably, He was there on Monday.

Are we sharing Jesus with our friends?


Help us to pray more.

May we make our church building a house of prayer.

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