Monday, October 14, 2024

A House of Prayer

N.T.#407 "A House of Prayer"

Oct. 14, 2024 

Mark 11-Part 5


I know that I made some folks upset whenever I had some rapping music stop and children were on the stage dancing and caring on. Not on my watch. This happened during Vacation Bible School when I was director. I was responsible for what happened and I had to answer for it, so things were going to be done properly. You may call me old fashioned, which I am, but if a sanctuary is treated like a camp or bar dance, then God is not honored there and will not be present and bless our activities. 

When Jesus arrived in Jerusalem, immediately He went to the Temple. (verse 11) That was when He encountered a problem. Business activities were being conducted inside the Temple area. That hindered worship, which was the purpose o fthe Jewish pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Although the need for animal sacrifices was being met, they should not have done it in the outer court. Besides, the sellers were cheating their customers, taking advantage of needs.

So how did Jesus react? He couldn't let a materialistic use of God's house go unaddressed. Jesus threw out those buying and selling, turned over the money-changer tables, and forbade the people from carrying goods through the Temple. )verses 15-16) Commerce was not going to prevail in a sacred place. Not if the son of God had anything to do with it.

Do we guard our house of worship? Are we teaching children that it is a set aside place where we come to worship God as a church body?


We are to strive to please our heavenly Father in all we do. The buyers and sellers were not doing so in the Temple. Jesus was in His own house and had authority over it. 

And He taught, saying unto them, is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? But ye have made it a den of thieves. (verse 17) Isaiah 56:7)

What can we learn from this?

  • The traders took advantage of the country people going a long journey to worship at the Temple, making it a house of merchandise and cheating and thievery. It was a matter of convenience for the worshipers to buy their animals there instead of bringing thme a distance and risking it not passing the inspection of the high priest, of which the sellers took advantage with high prices.
  • The sellers either belonged to the high priestly hierarchy or paid a large fee to temple authorities for the privilege of selling there. Either way, the high priest's family benefited.
  • The Greek and Roman coins were exchanged for Jewish or Tyrian coins, which pilgrims had to use for annual payment for temple religious services. (MacArthur) 
  • The chief priests already hated Jesus, but they also feared Him, lest He overthrow their seats and expel them. Instead of agreeing with Jesus and making peace with the Messiah, they wanted to destroy Him. Thuse the religious leaders were fighting against God.
  • The Temple was a place set aside for prayer and worship of Almighty God. We pray through Jesus, our Savior, as He will intercede for us to the Father. We don't need a high priest now ans the Jews did back then.
  • Jesus was on a divine mission as the Son of God. 
  • All the people were astonished at Jesus' doctrine. Actually, Jesus and the Father had established the sacrificial system and the Temple layout with purpose for each item and section.

 When evening came, Jesus exited the city. (verse 19) So far, we have studied Jesus' authority, compassion through healings, meekness as Mary anointed His head, a gentle spirit with children, love for Jerusalem, giving of His time and energy to teach, forgiving sinners, etc.

How would folks describe us? Are we compassionate, loving, giving, yet standing for God's Word and not compromising?


How can I keep from shouting Your praise?

I am loved by the King, and it makes my heart want to sing.

Oh, what a Savior! Isn't He wonderful! Sing Hallelujah! Christ is risen! 

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