Friday, October 11, 2024

Peaches and Figs

 N.T.#406 "Peaches and Figs"

Oct. 11. 2024 

Mark 11-Part 4


There is nothing like a juicy peach to eat, the juice running down the elbow. My cousin used to have a peach orchard not far from us when I was growing up. Mom would take me to get a bushel. I always got to eat one in the field. Mmm good! Then we would take them home and she would use a peach peeler to get the skin off the peaches. We would get the seed out of the middle and prepare the peaches to be canned. (Not sure why she didn't make fried pies out of the skins, but she didn't.) Today, Jesus was looking for figs to eat, native to Israel. What happened when He did not get any? Read on to find out.

Mark tells us that when Jesus left Bethany and His friends, probably on our Monday, the day after Palm Sunday. Being hungry on His way, Jesus stopped at a fig tree for a bite to eat. However, it was too early for figs, only leaves were present. (Fig trees produce small, edible buds, which eventually fall off and figs grow in their place. It takes 3 years before a tree bears fruit. A fig tree is usually harvested twice a year.)

Probably, Jesus had eaten breakfast with Mary and Martha about 45 minutes earlier. Maybe His hunger was for a snack. Jesus wasn't angry whenever He cursed the fig tree. It was for a visual aid as a lesson to teach the disciples.


What was the divine lessons of the fruitless fig tree?

Israel's spiritual hypocrisy and fruitlessness is seen in the barren tree by the road. Its appearance suggested great productivity without providing it, showing signs of life. The fig tree was frequently an Ot Testament type of the Jewish nation. (Hos.9:10; Nah. 3:12; Zech. 3:10) (MacArthur)

Israel looked righteous and godly on the outside, but on the inside they were corrupt. Their lack of faith meant that they were also barren-producing no fruit for God. Many people today are like that too. They attend church regularly, carry fancy Bibles, and shout "Amen!" But there's a lack of spiritual vitality inside them; thus, there's no kingdom fruit in their lives. (Tony Evans)

Jesus cursed that fig tree. No one would eat of its fruit forever. (verse 14)

Are we like a fruitful tree or a barren tree. Does our life show the fruit of the Spirit-love, joy, peace, patience, faith, goodness, forgiveness? Are we bring people to Jesus by sharing the gospel? What kind of picture does our life give? Does it look good and spiritual, but produces no spiritual fruit?


Jesus, use us to bear spiritual fruit in our life.

Help us share Your love and salvation.

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