Monday, November 18, 2019

The Branch

O. T. #1568  "The Branch"
Nov. 18. 2019
Isaiah 4
In that day shall the Branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel. (verse 2)


In our back yard, a pecan tree that grew tall for more than 50 years. As a child, I would climb it. Some 13 years ago, a storm knocked it over, but it continued to live , lying on the ground. There was a tree sprout that grew out of the partially dead stump. However, we cut down all of it because the sprout was only a small, thin, straggly one. It would not have survived any wind. I suppose we could have left the sprout to see if it would survive, but the guys didn't. As I studied today's chapter, I thought of this.

The prophet Isaiah gives warnings of judgments to Judah, then he gives the promise of hope for the future.
Who is the Branch of the LORD? It is the Messiah Himself, Christ.
What does Branch mean? It is a sprout, bud.

The dynasty of Israel will fall into the hands of Assyria and the dynasty of Judah will fall into the hands of Babylon, in the future due to their idolatry. There is hope, though, for a remnant of believers will survive.

In Jeremiah 23, we read that the LORD will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth. (verse 5)

This Branch is a different Hebrew word, which refers to a shoot, a descendant. Christ is a descendant of David. David's lineage continues through the tribe of Judah, down to Jesus Christ, the Savior and Messiah. He will reign a thousand years upon the earth as King.

Liberty Bible Commentary explains:
The Branch was not an individual twig or branch of a tree, but a sprout from a fallen tree or a sprout directly out of the ground from a root, forming a second tree.


After 70 years of captivity, some exiles returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple and the city.
This remnant returned in three groups, consisted of 46,697 that returned with Zerubbabel, 1,754 returned with Ezra, and an unknown number returned with Nehemiah, to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem.

How can we apply this to us?

The fruit of this Branch is that which the church sows, the gospel. Are we bearing fruit for Him?
Are we staying connected to the Branch? 


Jesus, You are a beautiful and glorious Branch.
Help me to bear fruit for You.

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