Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Faithful Servant

O. T. #1559  "A Faithful Servant"
Nov. 5, 2019
Introduction to Isaiah

The name of Isaiah  means  The LORD is salvation.     
What do we know about this man?
Isaiah was the son of Amos. He was a prominent citizen of Jerusalem, having access to both royalty and priestly leadership in Judah. After Solomon reigned as king of Israel, the nation split into 2 nations-the Northern kingdom called Israel made up of 10 tribes and the Southern kingdom called Judah made up of 2 tribes. So Isaiah lived in the Southern kingdom which had Jerusalem as its capital. God called Isaiah to prophesy during the year of King Uzziah's death. Although Isaiah responded with cheerful readiness, he knew that his ministry would be a fruitless warning and exhortation. Tradition has it that this faithful man met his death under King Manasseh by being cut in two with a wooden saw (Hebrews 11:35).


It is important that we understand the events which took place during Isaiah's life as God's prophet. Please stay with me during this, friend.
During Isaiah's life, he saw a vision from God concerning Judah and Jerusalem during the reign of 4
kings in Judah: Uzziah, Jordan, Ahz, and Hezekiah. (Verse 1)

Who were these kings and what happened during their reigns?

King Uzziah's 52 year reign, Judah developed into a strong commercial and military nation with ports of commerce in the Red Sea and walls,towers, and fortifications. The king obtained leprosy after he assumed the duty of a priest burning incense on the altar. He later died.

Jotham ruled as co-regent with Uzziah, being his son, then later alone as king. During his reign, Assyria began to emerge as a new international power. Judah incurred opposition from Israel and Syria. Spiritual corruption still existed while Jotham was king.

Ahaz was king of Judah when Israel and Syria formed an alliance against Assyria. He would not join them. King Ahaz got Asyria to help Judah, which resulted in them conquering some of Judah's cities.
Ahaz set up pagan altars in Solomon 's temple. Assyrian then captured Samaria, Israel 's capital.

Last, Hezekiah became king of Judah Reformation was a priority for the king. When he became ill, Hezekiah pleaded with God for more years. He lived 15 more, during which time his son Manasseh was born. (Manasseh became the  worst king in Judah.)

During Isaiah's prophetic years, Babylon conquered Judah due to idolatry. God had removed His hand of protection and judgment came in the nation.
Whew, I think that is a history overload for us.

We can continue this next time. Keep in mind as we study all these happenings, God had a faithful remnant.

Are we going to remain faithful even as our nation's morals decline?
Do we desire to hear that we were a good and faithful servant of Jesus? Then we can enter His rest.

[Resources: The MacAuthor Bible Commentary]

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