O. T. #1299 "Work That is Blessed"
Oct. 5, 2018
Psalm 90-Part 2
Work that lasts? Ladies, I know our work involves dirty laundry, dirty dishes, dirty bathrooms, and dirty floors. They keep demanding our time and energy every week, and often in between. Certainly, woman's work is never done. Yet, our work is for a purpose-meeting the needs of our family and honoring God. Are we giving our best in whatever our hands find to do? What is our attitude? Now, sometimes our work does not involve our hands, but in giving of our time and showing love to another in need. Is our work blessed? Does it have eternal value?
While in the wilderness, Moses wrote this psalm, a prayer. In the last verse, he says, And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us.
The word beauty means splendor, grace.
Even though Moses' generation would not see the Promised Land, he prayed for God to bless them with his grace. David said earlier that the one thing he desired was to behold the beauty of the Lord (Ps. 27:4). One day we will see the beauty of the Lord and be like Him (1 John 3:1-2). Can you imagine that? In my wildest dreams I can't imagine Jesus standing in the purity and splendor of His holiness.
Matthew Henry explains: Holiness is the beauty of the Lord. Let that be upon us in all we say and do; let the grace of God be in us, and the light of our good works, make our faces to shine (the comeliness God puts upon us), then let divine consolations put gladness into our hearts, and a luster upon our countenances.
Does he mean for us to have a smile upon our face, a gladness in our heart, and our countenance to be shining, which is the source of God's beauty?
Moses' prayer continued: And may the Lord our God show us His approval and make our efforts successful. (verse 17)
When our endeavors to serve God are done, a task completed, we wait upon Him to bring success. When He is leading our hands, He gets the glory.
My hope rests in the willing, faithful, powerful, and loving presence of God with me. (Paul David Tripp)
God's approval yields successful efforts. Let us be open to His leading.
It is well with my soul.
Lead me to do Your will, Your way.
May what I do last for eternity.
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