Monday, February 26, 2018

To Big for His Britches

O. T. 1157 "To Big for His Britches"
Feb. 26, 2018
Job 40


I remember my mom telling me I was getting to big for my britches. She didn't me I was outgrowing my slacks. My mouth got me into trouble. I was talking like I was in charge and not her. Well, let's say I found my place right away, by the seat of my pants. Job had gotten to that place, too. How will he react?

God had interrogated Job, asking if he knew how He created everything and sustained it all, from the deep ocean to animals to far away space. Of course he didn't know the answers to God's questions. Since Job did not understand the workings of God's physical creation, how could he possibly understand the character and mind of God? He is Judge and there is none higher than God Almighty. Our only option is to submit to His authority and rest in His care. God is in charge.

God was getting Job to recognize and submit to His authority. Then Job would be ready to listen, really listen to what God had to say to him. Although Job was a righteous man, he still needed to submit to God and His will.

How did Job react when given his chance to speak? Verses 4 and 5 tell us,
I am so insignificant. How can I answer You?
I place my hand over my mouth. 
I have spoken once, and I will not reply; twice, but now I can add nothing. 

Job was referring to what he spoke to Bildad in chapter 9:
If one wanted to take Him to court, he could not answer God once in a thousand times. 
(Verse 3)
Even if I were in the right, I could not answer. I could only beg my Judge for mercy. (Verse15)

Although Job didn't think he warranted such suffering, he had wanted his case presented before God. Job didn't claim to be perfect, but good and faithful. I would say God put him in his place-not in charge, not Judge, not all wise. Ooo, how God has that ability, to put us in our right place, under His authority.

Have we learned through the years that regardless of why we think is fair, God knows and does what is best? He continues to love and care for us even when we are hurting.


 Job was guilty as charged so he was shutting his mouth. Wise man after all, huh? He knows he should not have:

  • found fault with the Almighty;
  • insisted on his own understanding;
  • thought Him unjust. 
Here comes Job's challenges: Job, if you think you are so smart, then you take over as God. If I am unjust, then you be Judge. You reach out with a strong arm and meet everyone and everything's needs. You speak out with a thundering voice. Adorn yourself with majesty and splendor; clothe yourself with honor and glory. Unleash your anger. Look on every proud person to humble and humiliate him. Trample the wicked to dust and in the grave. Then I will confess to you that your own right hand can deliver you.

Oh my, Job fall on your face and repent right now before you are blown away.
God is God and we are but ants in His sight, sinful ants in need of mercy.
Have we become too prideful? Too big for our britches like Job?
Guilty, Lord.


How I need You Jesus. I fail. I think that I know what is best. I put myself in charge when You are.
I need mercy and forgiveness Jesus.
It is good that I have been afflicted so I look up to You.

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