Thursday, February 8, 2018

A Know It All?

O. T. 1150. "A Know It All?
Feb. 8,2018
Job 26


Does someone's face come into your mind when you hear the term "know-it-all? They have an answer for everything and want you to know it. And they tell it as fact, not opinion. I find it rather difficult to keep my mouth shut after so long a conversation. Will they think I am stupid? Isn't my opinion important?  Did Job feel that way?  I think he had enough by this time.

Bildad wrapped things up when he ended his last speech to Job with the analogies of maggot and worm, didn't he? Now Job gives them his nineth speech to these guys. He begins with sarcasm of how they have helped him, but then he gets serious when speaking about God. God is Creator (El Elyon), Sustainer of life, and Most High God (El Shaddiah). He speaks of the power of God in creating. Isn't it amazing that Got "let it be" and it happened? With the millions of galaxies and our earth hanging on His everword. May we never loose sight of the greatness of our God.

God is in control of every bit of it all. He knows all about it and takes full responsibility for all of it. That's not to say He's not in touch, doesn't have a plan. There are times He doesn't reveal everything. Can that give us reassurance and peace of mind?


Who of us can understand all things that happen in life?  Can we be humble in saying, " I don't know"? Job knew he didn't know it all. So he was able to endure it all because God is our all.
So, are we willing to adjust our life to His choices for us, to listen, to learn, to adapt to His leading wherever it may go whether we are comfortable, happy, or healthy? That is obedience.

Is Job beginning to get it when he wisely asks, "Who can understand?"
Will the church of this generation keep a high opinion of God? Or will it only consider Him a buddy?
Will we continue to worship and serve Him as the Most High God?


How great is our God. How amazing is my God. He is wonderful. He is awesome. He is Almighty God. My Creator, Redeemer, and Savior. Forever.

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