Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Who is Greater?

O. T.#935 "Who is Greater?"
Feb. 28, 2017
2 Chronicles 2-Part 2
And the house which I build is great: for great is our God above all gods.   Chronicles 2:5 KJV


Who is greater? We will find the answer to that question today, according to King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, other than Jesus Christ. Stay with me, friends.

Do you recall what King Solomon was determined to do? He was determined to build the Temple for the Lord and his palace. The next 3 chapters describe the construction. Before we get into all of that, Solomon sends within the message to King Hiram of Tyre and announces the purpose of building the elaborate new Temple in verse 4:
  • He would build it in the name of the LORD his God;
  • dedicate it to Him;
  • burn sweet incense before God;
  • have continual showbread there;
  • offer burnt offerings morning and night and special times to Him.
This was an ordinance forever to Israel. God had commanded it, but we know that Israel was not always faithful in doing it through the years.

I highlighted verses 5-6 NLT, folks. Solomon said This must be a magnificent Temple because our God is greater than all other gods. But who can really build Him a worthy home? Not even the highest heavens can contain Him! So who am I to consider building a Temple for Him, except as a place to burn sacrifices to Him?

An Israeli king is witnessing to a heathen king? He has it right. Yes, the greatness and supremacy of Solomon's God as the True God is proclaimed. Wow! He is declaring God's omnipotence. Yes, He is greater and above all other gods, for they are only man-made idols of stone and wood. Jehovah is the only One True Living God. Who can put God in a box in a building? He is everywhere at the same time. What a mighty God we serve!

Let me add, Jesus Christ is the only way to this God. In John 14:6, Jesus is speaking: I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.

Do you believe this, dear one? It is the foundation of the Christian faith. Are we daily doing as Paul asked in Romans 12:1, that we present our body as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God, which is our reasonable service?
Are we sharing The Way, The Truth, and The Life with others?


David, who was Solomon's father, had  previously purchased  building materials needed for the task from King Hiram of Tyre, then stocked them up ready for Solomon's use.
Solomon realized that his laborers were not as skilled as Hiram's skilled servants, so he sent a request to use them, plus materials list in 1 Kings 5. The timbers of Tyre were sent by way of the Mediterranean Sea to Joppa, which was Jerusalem's nearest port. Solomon's payments were in the form of food from Israel. A peace treaty had been made between the two kings.

Here is an interesting thing. I have heard of the cedars of Lebanon, but didn't know the particulars of it. The cedars of Lebanon came from that mountain range, which ran northeast through Syria and almost parallel with the Sea, was 900 feet above sea level.

Solomon had a great labor force of 70,000 laborers, 30,000 quarry stone cutters, and 3,000 foremen. Get this, Solomon would send those laborers in shifts, 10,000 every month. Now is that a wise strategy? They could spend 2 months home ion between the month gone.

They quarried large blocks of high quality stone and shaped them to make the foundation of the Temple.

Do we give our best in the Lord's service, whether it be our things or our labor?


Proclaim how great my God is.

Give/do my best for His glory.

Monday, February 27, 2017


O. T. #934  "Determined"
Feb. 27, 2017
2 Chronicles 2
And Solomon determined an house for the name of the LORD, and an house for his kingdom.
2 Chronicles 2:1


Have you ever set your jaw and determined to do something? Sometimes they can be difficult or become a challenge for us. Solomon's determination took him 7 years to complete. Do you know what it involved?

Look at our key verse. The word determined,  in the Hebrew language is the word amar (aw-mar') means to say, appoint, call, certify, challenge, charge, publish, report, require, say, speak, think.
(from Strong's Concordance)

What was King Solomon determined to do?
He was going to build two houses-one a Temple and the other a palace. You see, it is the same Hebrew word used here with both meanings that are different. He was building the Temple to honor the name of the LORD, the God of Israel. King David, Solomon's father, had gathered a massive stockpile of materials, as well as purchased the land and prepared the blueprints for the Temple. God would not permit him to build it, since David had shed blood in battles. Solomon was appointed by God to do it. (I read somewhere that it took 20 years to complete both.)

By the way, God's covenant name is Yahweh or Jehovah. (MacArthur)

Are we determined to accomplish God's will for our life? Or are we determined to do our will instead?

Can you join me, as I have said before:
Your will,
Your way,
I pray.


Solomon began to build a Temple for the name of the LORD in the fourth year of his reign, 966 BC, and completed it 7 years later. The Tabernacle had only been temporary, but the Temple was a permanent place of worship for Israel. It was proof that God had given them the Promised Land, as He had told Abraham so long ago/earlier.
It wasn't the magnificent beauty of the Temple which was important, but that God would dwell there. It was a gift of His presence which provided joy and peace.

Where was/is God's presence evident?
His presence was evident in:
  • The Temple and Tabernacle,
  • by sending Jesus,
  • by sending the Holy Spirit,
  • in Christians since the church age, and
  • will be in the new heaven and earth to come, where Jesus Christ Himself will be the Temple.
(Resource: The Jeremiah Study Bible)

Is God's presence evident in our life, our church, our family, our business, our job?
Sin can separate us from God. We need to confess it and ask Jesus to fill us with His Spirit in a way of joy and peace with His presence.
Are we thanking Him for what He has done and praising Him for who He is?


Instead of focusing on my will, focus on doing God's will in my life.

Stay determined to do it faithfully and joyfully.

Ask for God's presence in my life and home.

Practice the presence of God in my life today.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Wisdom, Words, and Wealth

O. T. #933  "Wisdom, Words, and Wealth
Feb. 24, 2017
1 Chronicles 1-Part 3


Why is it in the religious circle that a person is considered blessed when they have wealth? Could it be a deduction from Solomon's being blessed since he only asked for wisdom?
What do wisdom, words, and wealth have in common? Let's check it out.

After Solomon made tremendous burnt offerings to God before his leaders at Gibeon, that night God came to him in a dream. God told the new king of Israel, Solomon, to ask and God would give it to him.
What did he ask for, but wisdom and understanding to rule over His people.
God granted Solomon that wisdom and understanding, for he wrote 3,000 proverbs and 1,005 psalms.

In addition to those, God gave him riches, wealth, and glory, like no kings before him nor to follow after him. (verse 12)
If Solomon obeyed God's decrees and commands and followed Him, then Solomon would be given a long life, too. (1 Kings 3:14)

Solomon woke up and realized it had been a dream. (1 Kings 3:15)
He returned to Jerusalem and made more burnt offerings and peace offerings before the Ark of the Covenant. Then he invited all his officials to a great banquet.(1 Kings 3:15)

Did Solomon put his people first when he asked God for wisdom instead of riches? Definitely so. Isn't wisdom the most valuable asset anyone could have?

Proverbs 3:15 describes wisdom as more precious than jewels; nothing you desire compares with her.

Is not the same wisdom which was available to Solomon available to us, friends?
How can we acquire wisdom?

Life Application Study Bible answers that question:
First, we must ask God, who "gives to all generously and without criticizing" (James 1:5). Second, we must devote ourselves wholeheartedly to studying and applying God's Word, the source of divine wisdom to our lives.
Are we willing to follow the Holy Spirit and obey God's Word?


The NLT Chronological Bible gives verses 14-17 after Solomon builds the Temple, dedicates it and places the Ark inside.
Solomon's wealth included:
  • 1,400 chariots,
  • 12,000 horsemen,
  • silver and gold so plenteous and as common as stones,
  • cedar as abundant as sycamore in the Judean foothills,
  • the king's horses came from Egypt and Kue, a region in Turkey, as well as
  • the king's chariot;
  • the kings of the Hittites and Aram were sold horses and chariots also.
(The Hittites were those people who were expelled from Palestine, who lived north of Israel and northwest of Syria, according to MacArthur.)

Solomon's wealth was a symbol of God's blessing his life and was a reward for seeking God's wisdom. However, kings were warned to not acquire horses from Egypt nor large amounts of silver. (Deut. 17:16-17)

Did Solomon use God's wisdom to acquire such wealth? Are we using our wisdom for God's glory? Are we using our money for His service and purposes?


Father God, I need wisdom daily as I write about your Words on Your blog, to be used for Your glory. Will You please grant me this wisdom? What does Your Word have to say to us today, in our world, and in our time?
Help us all remain faithfully students of Your Holy Word and apply it to our life.
Thank You for what You teach us. Your blessings overflow in our soul.
Bless the Lord, o my soul, and all that is within me, bless His Holy name.
May we share this wealth of knowledge with others.
Keep us hungry for Your Word, Lord Jesus.
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Thursday, February 23, 2017


O. T. #932  "ASK"
Feb. 23, 2017
2 Chronicles 1-Part 2
In that night did God appear unto Solomon, and said unto him, Ask what I shall give thee.
2 Chronicles 1:7


Do you remember that night, that day, that moment, that month, or that year when God first appeared to you? I'm not talking about in a physical form, but Spirit to spirit-when did God first speak to you? My first time was after a classmate of mine died at age16. One night, I realized death could come at an age and I was not ready to meet my God and Creator. Not knowing the correct words, but He saw inside my heart, I knew I was headed for Hell. I did not want to go there. I know God spoke to my heart that night, forgave me of my sins, and became my Savior. What about you? Have you met with Jesus for the first time? Just ask Him and Jesus will come in and be your Savior too.

Better yet, when was the last time God spoke to you?

It was after Solomon led his captains, judges, and governors to Gibeon to worship God in the Tabernacle there. He made a thousand burnt offerings at that time. It must have pleased the Lord, for He appeared to Solomon that night in a dream. Details of this can be found in 1 Kings 3, so let's jump back there, at  verses 5-15.

God asked this young king in his twenty's, "Ask what you wish Me to give you."

How would we answer that question if asked?

However, the tables are turned in Matthew 7:7, where Jesus said:
Ask, an it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you.


Do we take time to make requests of our Heavenly Father? Is our faith and obedience pleasing Him?


So how did Solomon answer God's question to him?
First, he knew how God had treated David, his father, and acknowledged it, who experienced:
  • great mercy,
  • truth and righteousness,
  • uprightness of heart,
  • great kindness,
  • and a son to sit on the throne.
Next, Solomon understood that he knew nothing not about how to go out or come in. (verse 7)
He was God's servant in the midst of a chosen people, that cannot be numbered. (verse 8)

Verse 9 says it all, reveals his heart as Solomon answered God's question:
Give thy servant an understanding heart to judge Thy people, that I may discern between good an bad: for who is able to judge this Thy so great a people?

In 2 Chronicle 1, Solomon requested wisdom and understanding for judging the Israelites.

Life Application Study Bible explains:
Wisdom is the ability to make good decisions based on proper discernment and judgment. Knowledge refers to the practical know-how necessary for handling everyday matters. Wisdom applies knowledge. Solomon used his wisdom and knowledge not only to build the Temple from his father's plans but also to put the nation on firm economic footing.  

Next time we will see how God answered Solomon's request.


Lord, will You give me wisdom in my life?

Ask, seek, knock.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

First Act as King

O. T. #931  "First Act as King"
Feb. 22, 2017
2 Chronicle 1
There in front of the Tabernacle Solomon went up to the bronze altar of the LORD's presence and sacrificed 1,000 burnt offerings on it. 2 Chronicles 1:6


What do you remember about Solomon from past studies? If you said that he was David's son, the next king of Israel, the one who built the Temple, was very wise, and had many wives, you were right.
Now, the first nine chapters of this book focus on the reign of Solomon.  Two major themes are found in 2 Chronicles-the building of the Temple and revival.

The accomplishments of David are mentioned here:
He brought the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem and resided in a tent, while the Tabernacle resided in Gibeon. The Ark had been at Shiloh, then captured by the Philistines, recovered by David and temporarily was at Kirjath-jearim, then Gibeon. The Tabernacle was at Shiloh, Nob, and Gibeon.

Verse 1 is essential for us to zoom in on, where:
  • Solomon took control of his kingdom,
  • the LORD God was with him,
  • and God made him very powerful.
Boy, was that a great beginning for a new king. I'm sure David was a hard man to follow as king. He accomplished so much. Were the people waiting to see what the new king would do/accomplish?
Much like today when a new leader takes over in a country.


Solomon called a meeting with the leaders, only it was in another city-Gibeon. His first act was to lead them in worship by offering burnt offerings unto God upon the Mosaic brazen altar in the Tabernacle there. I'd say that was a good leader and a good beginning for the nation.

As a new leader what would be our first act? Would it be to lead our people in worship of God?


Make sure the Lord is leading me to lead others, that it is His will.

Ask for His Holy Spirit to give me wisdom as I lead.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

A Good Beginning But a Lousy Ending

O. T. #930  "A Good Beginning, But a Lousy Ending"
Feb.12, 2017
2 Chronicles Introduction


*You might want to go back and read yesterday's post, since the completed one was not posted, but is now changed and finished.

Another new book with a good beginning, but this one has a lousy ending, sad to say. Solomon started out as king of Judah, as his father David was soon about to die, in close fellowship with God However, his foreign wives turned Solomon's heart to worship their false gods and idols.

Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the Old Testament explains:
While the years of Solomon's reign were undoubtedly Israel's greatest in terms of wealth, fame, and political power, they were also the worst in terms of spiritual devotion to the Lord. Yes, Solomon began his reign at the alar, sacrificing to the Lord and asking Him for wisdom, but that didn't continue. Furthermore, the king lived in luxury because he collected food and taxes from the people.


This story is about the God who supported a competent king. The first 9 chapters tell about the reign of Solomon; the rest of the book tell about the reign of the kings of Judah; the final chapter includes the return allowed by Cyrus.

David Jeremiah informs us the terms temple, house of God, and house of the LORD occur 139 times in 2 Chronicles, indicating what was on the author's mind as he wrote. It can be summarized under 6 headings:
  1. Solomon's Temple
  2. Hezekiah's Rule
  3. Josiah's Rule
  4. Desecration of the Temple
  5. Destruction of the Temple
  6. Decree to Rebuild the Temple.
Solomon enjoyed peace during his 40 year reign as king of Judah. His father had conquered many lands, since he was a military man, following God. Like Israel, Judah had a few good kings and many evil ones.

I read where 5 revivals took place in Judah during this time. One of the best-known verses in found in chapter 7, verse 14:

If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

The lousy ending of this book involved the captivity of Judah by Babylon and taken away for 70 years. God used a pagan king to turn His people back to Him.


Humble myself, pray, seek God, turn from sin.

Pray for my nation's repentance-abortion, homosexuality, idols, foreign gods.

Believe that God can and will forgive my sin and heal my land.

Monday, February 20, 2017

A Diary, Journal, or Minutes

O. T. #929  "A Diary, Journal, or Minutes"
Feb. 20, 2017
1 Chronicles Summary
I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches.  I am the root ad the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.  Revelation 22:16


Have you ever kept a diary, journal, or minutes of  a meeting? During my teenage years, I kept a detailed diary, which was destroyed later so no one would read it. Ezra found it important to keep information for his people, the Jews, the nation chosen and beloved of God.
That is what the word Chronicles means in the Hebrew language. Did you know that First and Second Chronicles are of a four-book series  that includes Ezra and Nehemiah? (Holman)

This book was written by the Prophet and Priest Ezra. It covers the same time period of 1 and 2 Kings. What previously happened to Judah and Israel was their capture by the Babylonian Empire for 70 years. Cyrus, king of Persia, allowed Jews to return to their homeland and repair it.

As the Jews returned to their desolate homeland, that new generation needed a history lesson, which included their genealogy with the Patriarchs. Ezra's purpose for writing this book was for Israel to be reminded of their history, as well as teach them doctrinal and moral truth.  King David emphasized the Jewish covenant with God, His worship  and the priesthood restored. The Ark, the Temple, the devotion of Judah's kings, the Levites service, and Temple singers were significant in Israel's religion.


Rebuilding Jerusalem after the exile must have been quite a task. There were over 30,000 who returned with Zerubbabel on the first trip. What was the first thing the Jews did? In Ezra 3, it tells us the men built an altar for burnt offerings to God, as was written in the law of Moses, the man of God.
Now that is starting out on the right foot!


God would keep His part of the Davidic Covenant, in that one of David's descendants would remain as Israel's king. Jesus was and is one of those. He is now and will be forever sitting on the right hand of God, serving as the Eternal King interceding for you and me and His believing Jews. Glory!

We know that every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is LORD.
Are you prepared, friend?

Friday, February 17, 2017

A Ripe Old Age

O. T. #928  "A Ripe Old Age"
Feb. 6, 2017
1Chronicles 2-Part 5


He died at a ripe old age. I wondered what age that would be. So I Googled-King David died a 69 or 70. Oh, well that doesn't seem old to me, since it is less than 8 years away for me. Guess it depends on your perspective of "old." (When I was a teenager, 70 was old, but now, not so old.)

David asked the people to bless (too bend the knee) the Lord and they did, along with bowing their heads and worshiping (to prostrate oneself) the Lord. The next day, they brought a 1,000 of each- bulls, rams, and male lambs for burnt offerings. Also, Israel brought drink offerings and sacrifices in abundance.
They feasted and drank in the LORD's presence with great joy that day. (verse 22)
God loves a cheerful giver.
Do you think He was pleased that day? Do we give God the credit for His provisions?

For a second time, Solomon was anointed king of Israel. Probably this was a public ceremony, subsequent to the private one of 1 Kings 1 in response to Adonijah's conspiracy. Zadok, David's high priest, was loyal to both father and son, thus he remained as high priest during Solomon's reign.


The LORD magnified Solomon exceedingly in the sight of all Israel, and bestowed upon him such royal majesty as had been on any king before him in Israel.  (verse 25)

Do you recall how long David had reigned as king over Israel? It was a total of 40 years, with 7 years in Hebron and 33 years in Jerusalem.

Look what Ezra wrote about David in verse 28: He died in a good old age, full of days, riches, and honor: and Solomon his son reigned in his stead.

NLT says it this way: He died at a ripe old age, having enjoyed a long life, wealth, and honor.

Well, whether he died at a good old age or a ripe old age, he still died like those before him and those after him, plus like we will do one day.
You know, David had limitless riches, but they never captured his heart. He fought other battles, but never greed or materialism. Can they say the same of us?

Nothing of God dies nor does His principles die when a man of God dies.  (Swindoll)

Folks, whether we are enjoying a life full of days, riches, or honor, let us live for the honor of Jesus.
And enjoy our life He has given.
I want to be rich in faith and obedience, fulfilling God's purpose for my life.
What's your purpose? Do you know?
What kind of impact are we having on the next generation?


Be rich in faith, not materials or money.

Be thankful that I have lived this long.

Thursday, February 16, 2017


O. T. #927  "Bless"
Feb. 16, 2017
1 Chronicles 29-Part 4
I will bless the LORD at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth. Psalm 34:1


When someone sneezes, often we hear another say, "Bless you." We used to say, "God bless you." But I don't hear it nowadays. Wonder why. Today, we find out that "bless" has another meaning.

David's prayer of praise begins with verse 10. He praises God, who is great, powerful, glorious, victorious, and majestic. David continues to adore God as the one who is over all things. Wealth and honor, power and might are from Him. Everything we have comes from God.  We give only what He first gave to us.

Now, look at verse 15, as David admits:
  • We are here for only a moment, as visitors and strangers.  
  • Our days on earth are as a passing shadow, gone so soon without a trace.
  • The material gathered for the Temple comes from God.
  • It all belongs to Him.
  • He examines our hearts and rejoices when He finds integrity there.
  • All that David did was with good motives.
  • God's people gave willingly and joyously.
  • Make your people always want to obey you.
  • See to it that their love for You never changes.
  • Give Solomon the wholehearted desire to obey all Your commands, laws, and decrees, and to do everything necessary to build the Temple.
When it is all said and done, life is but a vapor, here this moment and gone the next.
Dare we ask God to examine our heart? Will we ask God to keep us always wanting to obey Him and loving Him? Have we courage to ask God for a wholehearted desire to obey His Word?

Having a "whole heart" is to have a heart entirely dedicated to God. David prayed that Solomon would desire, above all else, to serve God. (Life Application Study Bible)


In closing his payer, David asked the assembly to bless the LORD their God. (verse 20)
Bless originally meant to bend the knee.
Israel did homage. The worshiped the LORD. Worshiped refers  to prostrate oneself.

Is that a different meaning for the word bless?
Have we lost the bowing and lying flat before the Lord in surrender as we pray and worship?

David acknowledged that the attitude of one's heart was more important than the offering in their hand. Here, the ultimate physical expression of an inward submission to God in all things. (MacArthur)

Psalm 103 is a good chapter to read in which David blessed the Lord.

Dear one, have we learned anything from this lesson today? Want to share with us?


Bend my knees and flatten myself out in worship, prayer, praise, and surrender unto God.

Wholeheartedly, not partially obey God's commands.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


O. T. #926  "Thanks"
Feb. 15, 2017
1Chronicles 29-Part 3


David's prayer at the last speech he gives, is a spontaneous response to such a generosity of giving to the building of the new Temple by Israel.  He praises the God of Israel, in His greatness, power, glory, majesty, splendor, and head over all. This king acknowledged God as the ruler over all things, of which all things belong to and come from.

King David, a man after God's own heart, gives thanks to God and praises His glorious name. (verse 13)
What an example for us to follow. It is one of the greatest prayers in the Old Testament, filled with praise, adoration, and thanksgiving.

Praise leaves humanity out of the picture and focuses fully on the exaltation of the living God.  (Swindoll)

Do we have a heart of praise for who God is? It is not the same as thanksgiving for God has done.

Praise to the King of kings, the LORD of lords, Emanuel, Savior, Messiah, Redeemer. With all creation I sing, praise to the King of kings; You are my everything, and I adore You.


But who am I and what is my people, that we should be able to offer so willingly after this sort?For all things come of Thee, and of Thine own have we given Thee. (verse 14)

Has God given David and Israel one thing after another? Such lavish grace of God that they have experienced throughout the years! He owns it all. He gives unto us to meet our needs. How often do we give thanks?

I challenge you to make a list of thing for which you are grateful today.
Thank You God for my washer and dryer, for I have seen a woman wash clothes in a bowl and hang them on a clothesline. Many thanks for a cook stove, for I have seen women cook over an open fire. I appreciate hot water and a shower and an indoor toilet, for I have visited those who do not have such.
I am grateful for a faithful husband and loving children, as well as wonderful grandchildren. For dear friends and neighbors and a caring church, thanks.
Most of all, how can I thank You enough for life and breath and salvation! Your grace is amazing; Your love is everlasting; mercy is new every morning. You give and give without emptying Your heart  and hands.


Give thanks unto the Lord for He is good; His mercy endures forever.

Share the gifts God has given.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day!

Since it is a day set aside for us to express our love to those we love, I thought that we would veer off our path a little today and discuss "love."
Now, who doesn't desire to feel loved more today? I hear ya.
So I turned the pages over on my daily devotionals/inspirations sitting on my desk, 4 to be exact. Here is what I read:

I have loved you, says the LORD.      (Malachi 1:2)

Did you hear God's affirming His love for Israel, His chosen people and beloved nation? They needed it, for Israel had been captive for 70 years. When they returned to Jerusalem, everything had been destroyed by the Babylonians, including the Temple. How disheartening! They had to rebuild it all-houses, government, stores, farms, and the Temple. (They stopped loving God and turned to idol worship, so God sent them into a foreign land to live as slaves.)
God's love was undeserved, sovereign, unconditional, and complete. Do you think Israel needed that reassurance? How about us?

Luci Swindoll, Chuck's sister, says, "The Lord loves us...when we're disappointed or hurt or making a mess of things. It matters that we are vulnerable before Him. That we are completely ourselves."

Love is patient, love is kind.   (1 Corinthians 13:4)

I LOVE YOU. Simple, single-syllable words, yet they cannot be improve upon. Nothing even comes close. And because we don't have any guarantee we'll have each other forever, it's a good idea to say them, as often as possible. (Chuck Swindoll)

All right now, let's determine to show some patience and kindness today. Ready, set, go.

Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves  his fellowman has fulfilled the law.  (Romans 13:8)

Shall we fulfill the law a whole bunch today, by loving our fellowman and woman and child?

The good things God has for you are more exciting than a clearance shoe sale and a box of chocolates put together. (DaySpring)

The love of God cannot be contained in a box. It is bigger than the earth and universe. oooh e!

Let me say, I LOVE YOU FRIENDS! Thanks for faithfully visiting with me as we spend time in the Word together. I wish we could sit in front of the fireplace, sipping hot tea, and eating from His banqueting table, the whole bunch of us, sharing our love. Some day we will, in heaven. Be sure and look me up, hear.

We will get back to finishing up 1 Chronicles tomorrow. In the meantime, have a blessed day and know YOU ARE LOVED!

Sister in Christ,

Monday, February 13, 2017

Giving Out of a Perfect Heart

O. T. #925  "Giving Out of a Perfect Heart"
Feb. 13, 2017
1 Chronicles 29-Part 2


What is our attitude as we give? Since my husband handles our finances, he does the giving of our tithes. At times I question the offerings he has given (above the tithe), but he does as he feels pleases the Lord. That is good enough for me. So I have to give it in my heart, too. Get the right attitude of love and willingness as the people gave to their new Temple. How about you?

How did David and the people react when such a huge offering was given? (verse 9) David and the people rejoiced. What caused that? How did the leaders of Israel give to the new Temple? They gave willingly, voluntarily, not under compulsory. We read of the tons of gold, silver, bronze, iron, and precious stones in verse 7. King David had also given tons toward the project. I say, that would cause for one to rejoice.

Why did they give extravagantly? Again, we find the answer in verse 9:

The people rejoiced, for that they offered willingly, because with perfect heart they offered willingly to the LORD, and David the king also rejoiced with great joy.

It was because they had a perfect heart. The Hebrew word for perfect means complete, whole.

Sounds like these men loved God with all their heart. They desired to have the best place for God to dwell and where they could worship Him. It was to God that they gave.

This is the same word, perfect, and meaning used back in chapter 28, verse 9, where David challenged Solomon to serve God with a perfect heart and a willing mind. I think David experienced it in his men.

Can we rejoice with what we offer/give unto God? Is it offered with a complete heart and a willing mind? It is a matter of the heart, you know. That is where God looks. It is not the amount of money or whatever we give, but our heart attitude. Is love for God the reason we give?

In Matthew 22:37, Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.


David was so overwhelmed with the people's giving that he spontaneously lifted up a prayer of blessing and thanksgiving to God in verses 10-14.

Jehovah is addressed as the sovereign God who is the source of all blessings, according to Revelation 5:12-13.

What did David include in his prayer, looking at verses 10-12 today?
  • He blessed the LORD God of Israel, their Father for ever and ever.
  • Thine is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty.
  • All that is in heaven and earth is Yours.
  • We adore You as the one who is over all things.
  • Wealth and honor come from You alone, for You rule over everything.
  • Power and might are in Your hand.
  • At Your discretion people are made great and given strength.
That is adoration and wholehearted worship.
Like David, we can acknowledge all we have comes from God. Although we may not have his wealth, we can have his willingness to give. (See 2 Corinthians 9:7.) When we are generous because we are thankful, our attitude can inspire others.
(Life Application Study Bible)

Giving is a matter of the heart, folks. What does God see when He looks into our heart? It all belongs to God; all we have comes from God. Does He deserve our wholehearted obedience and love? Speaking to me.


Bless, adore, honor, glorify my God.

Thank my God for all He has given to me and my family.

Love God wholeheartedly, with a perfect heart that is completely His .

Give to Him.

Serve Him with a willing mind.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Give and Serve Willingly

O. T. #924  "Give and Serve Willingly"
Feb. 10, 2017
1 Chronicles 29


David gathered together the leaders of his cabinet and Israel plus Solomon, his son. In the last chapter, (repetition helps us recall) David gave Solomon 6 principles to live by:
  1. Get to know God personally.
  2. Learn God's commands and discover what He wants you to do.
  3. Worship God with wholehearted devotion. 
  4. Serve God with a willing mind.
  5. Be faithful.
  6. Don't become discouraged. (Life Application Study Bible)
What an insight David had. He learned some life lessons the hard way. But, this man after God's own heart repented and got back on the right road, spiritually.

God had chosen Solomon to be Israel's next king, though he was young and inexperienced. (Commentaries say he could have been age 14-30, in reference to his being young.)

Instead of sulking in disappointment at a spoiled dream, David redirected his energies to a new vision, motivated to help his son.  (David Jeremiah)

In verses 3 and 4, we read how David gave over and beyond from his personal special treasury toward the Temple building-112 tons of gold, 260 tons of silver, and precious materials.
Gold of Ophir was the purest and finest in the world, according to MacArthur.

And who then is willing to consecrate his service this day unto the LORD? (verse 5b)

The phase "to consecrate his service" literally means to fill his hands. It was a technical expression used for induction into the priestly office. David asked the assembly who would be as equally devoted as priests. (Falwell)

Did you notice that David did not ask his people to give what he himself was not willing to do? What about us? With what do we fill our hands? Is it for serving the Lord?


How did the leaders respond? They matched David's spirit of giving.
How did they give and why did they give? We see the answer, in the use of the word willingly six times (verses 6, 9, 9b, 14, 17, 17b).

They gave willingly, which means to impel; hence to volunteer (as a soldier); to present spontaneously-offer freely; be willing.

So the leaders gave freely and voluntarily and spontaneously on impulse. They were not made to do it, nor hit over the head if they didn't. These guys wanted to do it; give their part in supporting the building of the new Temple. And give they did.  They gave 187 tons of gold, 375 tons of silver, 675 tons of bronze, and 3,750 tons of iron. This has been estimated to be billions of dollars.

Add that what to  David gave, no wonder the Temple was magnificent. Yet, the amount is not the important thing for us to focus on, but the why they gave. Next time we will look at why they gave.

You know what I'm going to ask, don't you friends? Do we give willingly, freely, and spontaneously when there is a need for kingdom work? Ouch. Stepped on my own toes.


Give willingly.

Serve willingly and with a smile.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Just Do It

O. T. #923 "Just Do It"
Feb. 9, 2017
1 Chronicles 28-Part 3


We have been reading David's last words and works. He gave Israel's leaders and next king principles to guide them through life.
Life Application Study Bible explains them:
  1. Get to know God personally.
  2. Learn God's commands and discover what He wants you to do.
  3. Worship God with wholehearted devotion.
  4. Serve God with a willing mind.
  5. Be faithful.
  6. Don't become discouraged.
Already have we discussed the first four. David made it clear that God had chosen and commissioned Solomon; it was not his doings. Solomon was not the first born son of David. Neither was David a son of Saul.

So David gave to Solomon the pattern, plans, divine blueprint of the new Tabernacle, its sections and buildings, and furnishings with details, even the weight and composition of gold and silver. In verse 19, David said, the LORD made me understand in writing by His hand upon me, even all the works of this pattern.

Was the pattern David's invention or imagination? Nooo sir. However, these Temple plans were different from the first Tabernacle in Moses' day.

Are our words given to us in writing from the hand of the Lord? Yes, it is His Holy Word, the Bible. I find it so amazing that it has been preserved all these years so you and I can read it, study it, and use it as a guide for our Christian life. It is the living Word of God, folks. (Jesus is risen and alive and our Living Savior.) Can I get an amen?


Oooh, has this been a good chapter! Now David gives one final admonishment to Solomon, as God gave to Joshua, when he became Israel's new leader after Moses.

Be strong and of good courage, and do it: fear not, nor be dismayed: for the LORD God, even my God, will be with thee; He will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, until thou hast finished all the work for the service of the house of the LORD.

Yeah buddy! Who does not need to hear that encouragement when down?
Dear ones, God does not fail us nor forsake us yet, and according to Deuteronomy 31:6 and according to the experience of Linda and you. Has He? It is me that forsakes His plans.

Just do it. Whatever the "it" is that God has purposed and instructed us to do today. Be encouraged and enthusiastic and faithful. Give Him control and watch Him work.

One more thing-Solomon would not be working alone. The priests, Levites, prices, and people would help by wholly being at his command. Yep, things were soon going to be buzzing in Jerusalem, and not saws either.

There are the challenges David laid out. The question is, are we going to heed them? I hope this has encouraged you as much as it has me.


Be strong and of good courage.

Fear not nor be dismayed.

God won't fail me nor forsake me.

Finish the work God has for me.

Just do it.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Keep and Seek

O. T. #922  "Keep and Seek"
Feb. 8, 2017
1 Chronicles 28-Part 2


In the previous lesson, King David gathered his leaders and Solomon, his son. He revealed that God had chosen Solomon to be Israel's next king and to build the new Temple. David informed his people the reason was that he was not building it was that he had shed blood in war. He is some sound advice from a man after God's own heart.

Before David charged Solomon publicly, he gave three charges:
  1. First to the gathered assembly: Keep and seek for all the commandments of the LORD your God: that you may possess this good land, and leave it for an inheritance for your children after you for ever. (verse 8)
  2. Next, to his son Solomon, know thou the God of your father.
  3. Serve Him with a perfect heart  and with a willing mind.
In Hebrew, keep is defined as to hedge about (as with thorns), guard, to protect, attend, take heed, observe;
seek refers to tread or frequent , usually to follow, to ask, to worship, make inquisition, question;
know means acknowledge, acquaintance, have respect;
perfect, as used here, refers to complete, whole;
willing is to grow torpid.
Webster Dictionary defines torpid as having lost power of exertion.

With all that looked up and said, what is David saying to Solomon?
  • Get to know God's Word (commandments) frequently, heeding it, inquiring of it, following it.
  • Get to know God; respect Him.
  • Get to serving God wholeheartedly, and with a willing mind-surrender to Him.
Can there be any better advice for father to son, king to next king, for us thousands of years later?
Are we studying the Bible, praying, and serving our God?
Do we have a perfect heart and willing mind?


Continuing in verse 9, we read ...for the LORD searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts.

Nothing is hidden from God. He searches every heart. He sees and understands everything in our hearts. Didn't David find this out the hard way when God sent Nathan to expose David's adultery and murder. This father tells his son to be completely open with God and dedicated to Him. After all, does it make any sense to try to hide any thoughts or actions from an all-knowing God? So, God knows the worse about us and still loves us anyway. Now that should ring our bell today; fill us with joy.


Keep and seek God's Word daily.

May I know you more today, Lord Jesus than yesterday.

Serve God with a perfect heart (with all my heart) and a willing mind to do His will.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Are You Chosen?

O. T. #921  "Are You Chosen?"
Feb. 7, 2017
1Chronicles 28


I have a few friends who were chosen to be adopted into their family. How wonderful to know they were specifically loved by that family before they joined it. So it is with God's family. We were chosen before we were born. Read on, dear ones for a closer look.

Back in chapter 23, Ezra was writing David's final words, then inserted the information of the organization for Israel's religious, military, and civil leaders. Now he continues with David's final words before his death.

David gathers his leaders, who were his kin, together for his final speech.
What does King David have to say?
  • He had in his heart to build a house of rest, a permanent residence for the Ark of the Covenant and a footstool of our God (Mercy Seat where He met His people). This was the focal point of Israel's worship (Ps. 132:7). In chapter 22, David had it in his mind to build a new Temple.
  • He made the necessary preparations for building it, but God would no allow him since David had shed blood as a man of war. (verse 3)
David made it public the reason why he was not building the Temple, but his son Solomon would complete what he had planned and prepared.

Are we ok with someone else completing what we begin in the kingdom work?


Now comes the transition from David to Solomon, his son, as king over Israel. Notice that Ezra  does not mention the conspiracy of Adonijah in an attempt to take the kingdom from his father, nor David's frailty (1 King's 1-2).  Instead, what he focused on is God's plans for Israel and the promise to David's descendants. The kingdom of Israel belonged to the LORD, not the kings ruling over it. A king was only commissioned to carry out God's will for the nation.

So God chose the one He wanted to rule-Judah, David, and Solomon. The word chosen appears 4 times in verses 4,5, 6, and 10. In the Hebrew language,  chosen (bachar: baw-khar') means select; acceptable; appoint; excellent.

Ephesians 1:4-6 says ...in Christ, According as He hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love; Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, To the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He hath made us accepted in the beloved. 

Did you catch that, friends? God chose us to be His child before He created anything on earth or anywhere. It was by His grace, good pleasure, and will that He adopted us. Glory to the Lord on High!

Are you a chosen Child of God? Thank Him for such love and mercy shown!


Be faithful to do my part in God's kingdom work.

If someone else is chosen to complete that work, accept it.

Thank You Lord for choosing me to be  Your child.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Trustworthy Leaders

O. T. #920 "Trustworthy Leaders"
Feb. 6, 2017
1 Chronicles 27


Here we read about the protectors of the Temple and the land of Israel, the army and civil servants. In the last chapter we read of the Temple organization. Now Ezra focuses on the military and civil government organizations. Both were ordered by God and governed by His divine Law.

The army of Israel consisted of 28,000 men, who were responsible for  guarding the Temple and the nation. They were divided into 12 units/corp/divisions with 24,000 each serving one month out of the year rotation. However, in time of war, all were called to serve.

David had established a captain over each division. Each one was a distinguished military person, listed in chapter 11 as his "mighty men." Basically, these men oversaw the military. They had proven themselves trustworthy during David's running from Saul. (For some unknown reason, the tribes of Gad and Asher were not mentioned.)

Our reputation precedes us in our later years. It goes before us, whether good or bad. It is true especially when on lives in a small community or attends a small church.
What are we known as?


I verses 16-24, we read of a description of the organization of the civil government of Israel. (Remember those reading this had returned from captivity of Babylon, so everything had to be newly organized once again.) In addition to capable soldiers, there were capable leaders whom David appointed to the tribes o Israel. Each tribe had a representative before the king, David's "chain of command."  David didn't complete his census which had earlier resulted in so many dying.

Others are mentioned as a type of cabinet of the king, like our President has:
  • Azmaveth was put in charge of the palace treasuries or David's royal possessions.
  •  Jonathan as in charge of regional treasuries.
  • Men were put in charge of David's various agricultural assets.
  • David's uncle Jonathan was a wise counselor; a man of great insight and a scribe.
  • Jehiel was in charge of teaching the king's sons.
  • Ahirhophel was the roal advisor.
  • Hushai was the king's friend.
  • Joab was the commander of the king's army.
Are we trustworthy? Can others depend on us to be truthful? Corrupt leaders can bring a nation or an organization down.

Be trustworthy and honest.

Friday, February 3, 2017

How Do We Encounter Danger?

O. T. #919  "How Do We Encounter Danger?"
Feb. 3, 2017
1 Chronicles 26
...for they were mighty men of valor.  1 Chronicles 26:6, 30,31,32


Do you remember he man named Obed-edom? He was the Jew that kept he Ark of the Covenant after Uzza's tragic death during its transport by David to bring it to Jerusalem. God blessed his household during those months.  He and his family are mentioned in verses 4-8. How did God bless
Obed-edom again? He was given many children-62 sons and grandsons. I would say this man was quite blessed. Well, Obed-edom had assisted in moving the Ark (16:5) and was appointed by David to be a porter (gatekeeper) at the tent of the Ark in Jerusalem (16:38). How proud this man must have been to have been since the Bible describes his son, Shemaiah,  and grandson, as mighty men of valor.

This word has several meanings in the Hebrew language, so I looked in Webster's Dictionary. 
Valor means to be strong: strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness; personal bravery.

What a family of men, would you agree?
Encounter danger with firmness. Sounds like to me that these men had been taught to be faithful to God, stand for what was right, and to trust in God by example of their father and grandfather, Obed-edom.

In addition to Obed-edom's family, Hashabiah and Jerijah had mighty men of valor as their descendants. They are named in verses 30-32. What an honor.

Are we a man or woman of valor? Do we depend on God when confronted with a danger to strengthen us to remain firm? What a challenge.
Lord Jesus, develop personal bravery within me and my friends here to face what challenges or dangers today holds.

Also, do we consider children a blessing from God, not a burden?


The author Ezra continues to write about the Temple duties of:
  • Captain of the Guard (verse 1),
  • Guards for the gates and storehouses (verses 12-18),
  • Those who cared for the treasury (verse 20),
  • Chief officer of the treasury (verses 23,24),
  • Those who cared for dedicated items (verses 26-28),
  • Public Administrators (verses 29, 30).
Keep in mind that when David conquered Israel's enemies, he also got their land and treasures. He then brought them to dedicate to the Lord. These items needed to be guarded, plus the articles in the Temple area made of gold, silver, and brass.

Were those men joyfully serving as guards? Did they rejoice in their duties and faithfully serve?
What an example to us.


Ask God for strength of mind and spirit to encounter danger with firmness.

Help me rise above my problems, trials, failures.

Teach my family to serve God faithfully by my example.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Music and Songs of Praise

O. T. #918  "Music and Songs of Praise"
Feb. 2, 2017
1 Chronicles 25


What would it be like without music? It is such a huge part of my life during the day. My radios are set on a local Christian station. I am juking in the car, singing in my heart praises to my Savior. How about you?

David was the sweet psalmist of Israel and established music as a central feature in the worship of God. (2 Sam.23:1) David's three ministers of music were Asaph, Heman, and Jeduthun, as mentioned in chapter 6. They prophesied, which was not necessarily in a revealing sense, but the sense of proclamation and exhortation through the lyrics of their music (verses 2,3).

Prophesying is not necessarily predicting the future or even speaking direct revelation. It is  proclaiming truth to the people and music is a vehicle for such proclamation in praise. David and his leaders selected those most capable of leading the people to worship God through their music.  (MacArthur)

When there was prophesy of God's future for His people, it was through divine command through His prophets Nathan and Gad. In 2 Chronicles 29:25, we read of Gad being King David's seer and prophet (2 Sam. 23:11) and Nathan his prophet (2 Sam. 12:1).

Seer is a term used to describe a prophet in that he knew and understood the ways and will of God.

Do we know and understand the ways and will of God for our life? If not, are we seeking it? If so, are we faithfully doing it?


Have you figured out that music was an important component in worship during David's day? Music instruments used are mentioned here-horns, cymbals, psalteries,  harps. Those men trained, skilled, and taught in music was 288. There were 24 divisions, plus 11 Levites per divisions. Unskilled musicians were 4,000 in number. A master musician taught them. Apparently, David established a music school of sorts to develop those unskilled and prepare them for serving in worship services.
Lots were cast again to determine when each division would serve. They are mentioned in order of their service in the rest of the chapter.


Praise the Lord with music.

Sing to the Lord a new song. (I like to sing my own words as the Christian music plays on the radio.)

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Stress Fractures

O. T. #917  "Stress Fractures"
February1, 2017
1 Chronicles 24


Not only was Aaron a high priest in Moses' day, but his descendants were the priestly line which God promised to use to carry on worship and His sacrificial system for their sins. Jesus is our blood sacrifice for our sins now.

In David's day, he organized the priests to serve that were from Aaron's line, sons of Eleazer and Ithamar. As we studied in chapter 15, Zadok was a descendant of Eleazer and his division of priests were divided into 16 groups meanwhile, Ahimelech was the descendant of Ithamar and his division of. Their was a larger number of Zadok's family leaders, being the reason for twice as many men serving as priests from his family than Ahimelch. Also, it could have been due to the death of Nadah and Abihu and having no children to carry on as priests from them(Leviticus 10:1-2). The number of Levites had grown from 8,000 in Moses' time to 38,000 in David's time.
One group would go serve in the LORD's house on rotation basis, and under the direction of the two leaders. Shemaiah wrote the name of the heads of the division as they were drawn by lot.(verse 5)

What can we glean from this? I see how families and lineage was important to the Lord. He required the Levites to be His priests to serve Him and intercede for the people, Israelites. Although Jesus was not a descendant of the Levite tribe, but Judah, He is serving as our High Priest interceding for us to the Heavenly Father.

I read this daily devotional by Charles Swindoll today:
Stress fractures aren't limited to athlete. Microscopic cracks in bones are painful, but can they match the hurt of a stress-fractured spirit? That's a pain like no other. So what do we do? Above all, turn it over to God. Tell Him everything. He has no problem hearing about our hurts. Furthermore, He can keep any secret you tell Him. Don't let stress fracture you. (Ps. 23)
So far I have never had a stress fracture, but my heel has been bothering me for months. That is painful. Yesterday, I got a steroid shot in it, so I hope it goes away. A stress-fractured spirit is just as painful, right? But Jesus can fix it.


Now Ezra writes about Shemaiah, so of Nethanal, a Levite, who acted as a secretary,  and wrote down the names and assignments in the presence of:
  •  the king,
  • the officias,
  • Zadok the priest,
  • Ahimelech, and the family leaders of priests,
  • and Levites.
He had quite an extensive job.

Verses 20-30 list the various family leaders, descendants of Levi. Like the descendants of Aaron, they were assigned to their duties by means of sacred lots, without regards to age or rank. Lots were drawn in the presence of King David, Zadok, Ahimelech, and the family leaders of he priest and the Levites. Lots were cast to prevent pride or jealously.

The official secretary kept a record, and there were overseers from both family lines, as well as the dignitaries who did not have a vested interest in how this manner was handled.  (Holman)

An interesting note is that some priestly divisions such as that of Abijah survived almost a thousand years (Luke 1:5) This is referring to Zacharias, father of John the Baptist.

Thank a secretary as she does she/he does their work. The position is God called.


Take my stress-fractures to Jesus.

Thank secretaries for their work.