Thursday, June 30, 2016

Disatrous Dynasty

O. T. #785  "Disastrous Dynasty"
June 30, 2016
1 Kings 14


The way the author wrote this book is different. He jumps back and forth between events of Israel, the 10 northern tribes, (ruled by Jeroboam) and Judah, the southern tribe (ruled by Rehoboam). So it will take some effort to keep them straight as we read through.

Jeroboam had a chance to be as great a king as David and as wealthy as Solomon, but he turned from God and led Israel into idolatry by making two golden calves to worship, in spite of being promised a lasting dynasty if he remained faithful to God. His dynasty became a disastrous dynasty. This man-made religion was designed for convenience of the people, so they wouldn't have to travel to Jerusalem to offer their sacrifices and participate in Jewish festivals.

Let's take a look at this family now. We see Abijah, who is Jeroboam's son, become fatally ill. I found this interesting.

Abijah means my father is the Lord, in Hebrew. His name indicates that Jeroboam desired to be regarded as a worshiper of the Lord at the time of Abijah's birth. (MacArthur)

 His father was concerned that he would have no successor to his throne if his son died. Do you reckon that the king knew his false gods did not have the power to make his son get well, nor could they predict his future, so the king turned to Prophet Ahijah. (He had earlier given the prediction to Jeroboam that he would become king over Israel, and was an old man with poor eyesight by this time, since Jeroboam had reigned 22 years.)

So Jeroboam devised a scheme:
  • He sent his wife to Prophet Ahijah, disguised as a poor woman bearing meager gifts for the prophet. The purpose for this was so the mother could ask the prophet what would happen to  the king's son.
  • The mother obeyed.
  • However, before the mother arrived, the Lord had revealed the king's scheme and His answer.
  • Ahijah asked the mother why she was pretending to be someone else. Then he told her the bad news, a message from God, to give her husband, King Jeroboam.
  • God had promoted Jeroboam from the ranks of the common people to rule over His people Israel.
  • Jeroboam had not been faithful like His servant David.
  • Jeroboam did not obey God's commands, follow God with all his heart, doing whatever He wanted.
  • Jeroboam's wickedness surpassed that of Saul and Solomon.
  • He made other gods for himself and provoked God to anger with the golden calves.
Do we pretend to be something we are not? Are we pretending to be a devout Christian when we are not?


What was the verdict that the prophet delivered from God to Jeroboam?
  • Since Jeroboam turned his back on God, He would bring disaster on his dynasty and destroy his male descendants, both slave and free, and burn up his royal dynasty as one burns up trash until it is gone.
  • The members of Jeroboam's family who die in the city will be eaten by dogs, and those who die in the fields will be eaten by vultures.
The prophet told the mother to go home, as before she entered the city, her child would die. He would be mourned by Israel and be the only member of her family to be buried properly. God was going to raise up a king over Israel who destroy the family of Jeroboam that day. The people would be uprooted from their land because Jeroboam sinned and made Israel in along with him.
It happened as the prophet had told the mother.


Beware of my sins affecting my family.

Keep the Lord as the God of my heart.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

He Lost it All

O.T. #784  "He Lost it All"
June 29, 2016
1 Kings 13-Part 2


King Jeroboam of Israel encountered a man of God who prophesied that priests would be killed on the altar he set up in pagan worship. It actually happened 300 years later by Josiah. When Jeroboam ordered the prophet to be seized, pointing to him, his hand became paralyzed in that position and he couldn't move it. At the same time, he saw the altar crack and ashes pour out from it as the prophet predicted. This was a startling awakening for the king. He asked the man of God to ask God to restore his hand. So the man of God prayed to God and the king's hand was restored.
Jeroboam tried to trap the man by offering food, drink, and a gift to the prophet, but God had already told him to not do so. And he left Bethel a different way home. It is best to not have fellowship with unbelievers. They may persuade our heart to turn from God.
But even after this, Jeroboam did not turn from his evil ways. He continued to choose priests from the common people. The tribe of Levite was chosen by God to be Israel's only priesthood. Anyone else serving would be under the penalty of death.

We know that Jeroboam's dynasty ended later on, (doomed for destruction) due to his double-mindedness and disobedience to God. He tried to seek favors from God through this. (Holman)

Don't let other people determine the will of God for your life. Obey what God's Word says to you, regardless of the cost.  (Wiersbe)


So I got curious as to how Rehoboam's dynasty ended and had to research it. Here is what I found, for a little history review of things to come for Israel.

Rose Book of Bible & Christian History Time Lines revealed:
  • There are 19 kings of Israel (excluding Judah) listed, having lived from 910 B.C. to 722 B.C. after Jeroboam I.
  • Jeroboam set up his northern kingdom in 931 B.C.
  • During that time, King Ahab married Jezebel, who worshiped the Canaanite god Baal.
  • Elijah prophesied, and chose Elisha as his successor.
  • King Ahaziah  became king, then Jehoram.
  • Syria dominates Israel (841-807)
  • The temple of Baal is destroyed in Jerusalem.
  • Joash, at age 7, became king and repairs the temple.
  • Uzziah reigns while God raises up prophets Hosea, Micah, Jonah, Amos, Isaiah.
  • Then Israel ceases to exist in 722 as it ell to the Assyrians. Other people settle in the land of Israel who are deported from other regions, called Samaritans.
That is a lot of history, but we can see that the downfall and eventual conquering of Israel as due to their worshiping pagan gods and establishing idols, forsaking God, the One and only.

Does your family have the history of Christian believers and servants of God? Will your dynasty include children of God? Something to think about, especially with the Islamic movement to conquer to world.


Encourage others to remain faithful to Jesus, especially my family.

Be true to the True God.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Which Road Will We Take?

O. T. #783  "Which Road Will We Take?"
June 28, 2016
1 Kings 13
The old prophet asked them, Which way did he go? They showed their father which road the man of God had taken.  1 Kings 13:12


Which road will we take? Will we take the road of wholehearted obedience or half-hearted obedience? We may start out on the road of obedience and not finish our journey on it. If we disobey  part of God's instructions, then it is not wholehearted obedience we are living. Today we read of a man of God who had chosen his road.

We have become familiar with the two kings of Israel and Judah-Rehoboam and Jeroboam. When King Jeroboam established pagan idol worship in the northern tribes, those who sincerely wanted to worship the LORD, the God of Israel, followed the Levites to Jerusalem, where they could offer sacrifices to the LORD, the God of their ancestors.(2 Chronicles 11:16)

When Jeroboam went to personally offer his sacrifices on an altar in Bethel to the golden calves he made, something spectacular:
  • The Lord had sent a man of God ahead of time from Jerusalem to Bethel with a message for him from God.
  • This man spoke to that particular altar, saying that a child named Josiah would be born into the dynasty of David.
  • On this altar Josiah would sacrifice the priests from the pagan shrines who come to burn incense and human bones would be burned upon it.
  • That man of God spoke of a  sign from God to prove his message was true-this altar will split apart, and its ashes will be poured out on the ground. (verse 3)
  • When Jeroboam heard this message, he pointed at the man and shouted, "Seize that man!"
  • Instantly the king's became paralyzed in that position and he couldn't pull it back.
  • At the same time, a wide crack appeared in the altar, and ashes poured out, just as the man had predicted in is message from the LORD.
It would have been a hard thing to go to the king and deliver such a message. He was taking his life into his own hands by doing so. The king had the power to kill whomever he wished. He was taking a chance on loosing his life, but went as an act of obedience to God.

This prophecy came true as recorded in 2 Kings 23. He destroyed the shrines and altars to the false gods which Jeroboam had established in Israel, some 300 years earlier.
Are we teaching our children that God is the only deity to be worshiped, warning them against worshiping false gods?


This story continues with that same man of God who gave the prediction left Bethel without eating or drinking anything as God had instructed him. However, there was an old prophet who had compromised his ministry, living among the Israeli idolaters and false system of worship without speaking out against it as disobedience to God's Commandments.

Look what happened next:
  • This old prophet's sons came home and told their father what had occurred. He asked, Which way did he go? His sons showed their father which road the man of God had taken.
  • The old prophet caught up with the man of God and lied to him, saying the Lord had gave him the message to bring him home with him and give food and drink to the man of God.
  • While they were eating, the Lord told the old prophet to tell the man of God: You have defied the word of the LORD and have disobeyed the command the LORD your God gave you. You came back to this place and ate and drank where He told you not to eat and drink. Because of this your body will not be buried in the grave of your ancestors. (verses 21-22)
  • So the man of God finished eating and drinking, rode on the old prophet's donkey out of  town.
  • As he was traveling, a lion came out and killed him. His body lay on the rode, with the donkey and lion standing beside it, for passerbys to see.
  • When the report of this incident reached the old prophet, he took the body of the man of God back to the town to mourn over and bury him there. So the message came to pass.
  • The old prophet told his sons to buy him next to the man of God whenever he died.
Even after this happened, Jeroboam did not turn from his evil ways. (verse 33)
He kept on appointing common people for priests at his pagan shrines.
This became a great sin and resulted in the utter destruction of Jeroboam's dynasty from the face of the earth. (verse 34)

This man of God half-heartedly obeyed God's instructions and we see the result of it. We should beware lest we stumble into the same sins we are proclaiming against.
The great sin of one affected his whole family for generations to come and for the Israelites, too.


Refuse to be tempted away from serving God with worldly things and ways.

Stay on the road of  wholehearted obedience.

Beware of temptations to which could lead me down the road of half-hearted obedience.

Faithfully finish my race with Jesus.

Monday, June 27, 2016

When Opportunities Come Knocking

O T. #782  "When Opportunities Come Knocking"
June 27, 2017
1 Kings 12-Part 2
I will place you on the throne of Israel, and you will rule over all that your heart desires. If you listen to what I tell you and follow my ways and do whatever I consider right, and if you obey my decrees and commands, as my servant David did, then I will always be with you. I will establish an enduring dynasty for you as I did for David, and I will give Israel to you.  1 Kings 11:37-38  NLT


King Rehoboam, son of Solomon, blew it. He had a chance to reign over all of Israel, but he chose to not give the people their requests of lessening their labor load and taxes. So as a result, this kingdom divided their allegiance. The southern nation of Judah (and part of the tribe of Benjamin) was ruled by Rehoboam. The 10 northern tribes turned to Jeroboam for their king. An opportunity came knocking on Rehoboam's door, but he did not take it nor make the right choice. Do we make the best of an opportunity when it comes our way? Do we Ask God if it is His will before we jump into it? I have learned that not all things are God sent. When opportunities come our way, what do we do?

Who was this Jeroboam?
  • He had been a servant of Solomon, who was a type of special project foreman.
  • He was from Ephraim.
  • As a young man, Jeroboam had been appointed by Solomon as leader over the building works around Jerusalem, and he rose to public notice. (MacArthur)
  • Jeroboam was told about God's plans, through Prophet Ahijah, of a future division of the kingdom of Israel and his reigning over a part. Solomon heard about this and tried to have Jeroboam killed, so he fled for his life to Egypt.
  • He was summoned from Egypt by the 10 northern tribes  to be their representative  and spokesman in dealing with King Rehoboam.
  • He returned from Egypt, willing to do whatever to secure his reign a king over the 10 tribes, leading a rebellion. This charismatic man became a leader with much support.
  • However, he was warned that if he disobeyed God's Word, then his family would be wiped out and not remain upon the throne, which eventually happened. (1 Kings 13:33-34)
As a result of God's judgment upon Rehoboam, He ordained a north-south split of Israel. (12:24). It was a political, not a religious division. Jeroboam was given the same great opportunity of serving and obeying God and having his own dynasty, but does he make the right choice?

Are we faithful to seek God's will and His way in our life and in our church? We have the choice to obey or rebel.


Sadly, Jeroboam did not stay faithful to God:
  • He led the ten tribes of Israel away from worshiping God and into worshiping idols.
  • He erected idols in Israel in order to keep the people from going to Jerusalem to worship so they would not change their alliance. 
  • He appointed priests outside of the Levite tribe.
  • Instead of depending upon God's promises, he relied upon his own cunning ways.
  • He established the city of Shechem as his royal residence and capital.
  • Jeroboam's mistake was similar to Aaron's-making 2 gold calves for idol worship.
  • He even instituted a  religious festival.
  • He even offered sacrifices to his idols on the altar at Bethel.
You know that is one thing God does not tolerate-idol worship in place of His being worshiped. He will not share His place in the throne, for He alone is God.

We must be extremely careful to keep God at the center of our life, first place, the One we give our time and allegiance to. Ask Him for discernment when an opportunity comes knocking on our door.

The Life Application Study Bible gives us some life lessons from this chapter:
Great opportunities are often destroyed by small decisions. Careless efforts to correct another's errors often lead to the same errors. Mistakes always occur when we attempt to take over God's role in the situation.


Seek discernment as to whether an opportunity is from God.

Be careful in aiding others in their errors.

Do not take over God's role in a situation.

Stay surrendered to God.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Request Denied

O. T. #781  "Request Denied"
June 25, 2016
1 Kings 12
So the king paid no attention to the people.  1 Kings 12:15a  NLT


Decisions, decisions. We make hundreds of them in a day's time-foolish and wise. Do we seek counsel for the important, tough ones? Do we sometimes have a hard time taking wise counsel, when it goes against the way we want to do things, against our will? Do we heed wise advise? When an event is God's doing, and not what we prefer, how do we react?  King Rehoboam had a decision to make and he made it foolishly, denying the request of his people.

And so the saga begins-the split, the division of the mighty kingdom of David and Solomon, of  Israel into two kingdoms.
  • King Solomon's son, and inherited the throne, David's dynasty;
  • summoned by the leaders of Israel, along with Jeroboam (who fled to Egypt so Solomon would not kill him), and the whole assembly of Israel;
  • asked by the people of Israel to lighten their harsh labor load and heavy taxes imposed by Solomon, and then they would be loyal subjects of Rehoboam;
  • wise to seek advise from his father's  counselors;
  • unwise to reject their counsel of giving the people for what they asked;
  • sought counsel from his younger advisors, with whom he had grown up-no lightened burdens of the complainers;
  • taking too long to make this important decision-3 days;
  • unwise in his decision-heavier burdens;
  • unwise to pay no attention to the people-rejected their request.
 Do we realize how important decisions can be, resulting in a turn of events in our life, changing our direction? They can even cause us to stray from God's will or remain faithful in doing it.

Rehoboam did not want to be a servant. He did not do as the wise elders recommended, but what young, inexperienced and unwise men suggested. He had no idea as to how close he came to loosing it all. But for God's grace and the David Covenant, he would have. Yep, he made a foolish decision.


After the three days, Rehoboam revealed his decision to the people's pleas and complaints. Their king had paid no attention to his people, which was a foolish decision. This turn of events as actually the will of the LORD, thus fulfilling His message through Prophet Ahijah from Shiloh back in 11:29-33. (verse 15) As punishment for Solomon's sins of idolatry and disobedience, God was going to divide Solomon's kingdom, the beloved Israel.

Later, in verses 21-24, we read of Rehoboam's effort to form an 18,000 men of Judah and Benjamin tribes army, with the purpose of fighting against Jeroboam, to restore all of Israel to his reign, to fight those rebels.

But God spoke to Shemaiah, a man of God, who relayed His message to Rehoboam and to all the Israelites in Judah and Benjamin:
  • Do not fight against your relatives, the Israelites.
  • Go back home.
  • What is happening is God's doing!
What is God doing in your life, friend? Can you see His amazing work? Is He doing a working in your church, in your family, in your community, in your nation?

Rehoboam reigned as king over Judah and little Benjamin tribes, who formed the Southern kingdom. Remember this so you can keep straight the two kingdoms.
First Kings covers 125 years of history. Looking beyond this time, Judah (southern kingdom) went on to have 5 kings and Israel (northern kingdom) went on to have 8 kings rule them before Assyria conquered the northern and Babylon conquered the southern kingdoms.

Beware, lest we fall, since the wisest man (Solomon) and his son (Rehoboam), could fall into temptations way of sin, so can we.
Do we ask if advise we get is realistic, workable, and consistent with biblical principles?


Seek godly counsel and God's counsel in His Word when making a decision.

discern the wisest way to go.

If my prayer, request, is denied by God, accept it as the best way for me.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

If Only

O. T. #780  "If Only"
June 23, 2016
1 Kings 11-Part 3


If only Solomon had not taken those foreign wives and concubines, then he would not have worshiped idols. He would not have had a divided his heart from God. If only he had stayed true to the One True God, then his son would not have lost most of the kingdom. If only Solomon had lifted the heavy tax burden, then he would have won back the love of the people. If only he had not disobeyed God, then his kingdom, after Solomon's death, would not have been divided into two kingdoms. If only...

In verse 29, Prophet Ahijah from Shiloh met Jeroboam as he was leaving Jerusalem. The prophet tore a new cloak, which he was wearing, into ten pieces, symbolizing God tearing the Solomon's kingdom from him and giving ten tribes to Jeroboam.
Because Solomon abandoned God, and worshiped the gods of the Amorites, God rejected Solomon's dynasty, though not completely. He did not please God, follow His ways, obey His decrees, nor regulations as David did. All of this was what the prophet told Jeroboam.

If only Solomon had...  (He reigned 40 years over Israel.)

Well, the good news is that not all of Israel would be taken from Solomon's family, due to David's faithfulness. Solomon's son Rehoboam would reign over the southern part of Israel, the tribes of Judah and little Benjamin.


God made some promises to Jeroboam:
  • He would be placed on the throne of Israel.
  • He would rule over all that his heart desired.
  • If he listened to what God told him, and followed His ways, do whatever God considered right, obeyed God's decrees and commands, then God would always be with him.
  • God would establish an enduring dynasty as He did for David, giving Israel to Jeroboam.
Solomon tried to kill Jeroboam, but he fled to Egypt until Solomon died.

He wrote to book of Ecclesiastes, with concluding thoughts:
Fear God and obey His commands, for this is everyone's duty. God will judge us for everything we do, including every secret thing, whether good or bad.

I do not want to come to the end of my life and think: If only I had served the Lord wholeheartedly, lived my Christian life extravagantly for Jesus, loved others extraordinarily, been obedient to His Word. so today is the day for me to do those. Shall you join me?


                             ... of my selfishness and love others as Jesus did.
                             ... of control of my life and serve the Lord wholeheartedly.
                             ... and obey His Word.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

From Wise to Stupid

O. T. #779  "From Wise to Stupid"
June 22, 2016
1 Kings 11-Part 2
...the God of Israel says: I am about to tear the kingdom from the hand of Solomon, and I will give ten to the tribes to you! 1 Kings 11:31


I'm sure we can all recall some stupid things we did when we were young or teens. Things that may have had bad repercussions for years to come. Regretful now years later, but we didn't heed the warnings then, did we? Solomon, though the wisest man on earth, made some mistakes, too. Stupid one, I call them. Yep, he went from wise to stupid, in my books.

Solomon went astray, led away from God by his 700 wives and 300 concubines. These foreign women worshiped foreign gods  in the form of idols. As Solomon built idols for them to worship, he joined them. Now if there is one sin that God will not tolerate, it is idolatry. He demands to be first place, the One and Only God, and  rightfully so. His women and worship were as sign of this king's double disobedience.

Now he is going to reap what he has sown. We see the wisest man on earth turning into the most stupid of all. Solomon's divided heart loved the world and tried to serve God. We can't serve two masters, for we love one and hate the other.
A divided heart leads to a divided kingdom. Today, believers bring division into their marriage, their families, and their churches when they fail to guard their hears and set them on eternal concerns.
(D. Jeremiah)

Being a believer, follower, and servant of Jesus Christ is not a part-time thing. It requires our all.
God kept His word to Solomon after his death, with Solomon's kingdom being divided into two kingdoms-northern and southern, with Rehoboam, Solomon's son, reigning as king of Judah and Benjamin, the southern tribes. (We  will read about this in the next  chapters.)

God keeps His promises. There may be times we wish it not so, but He is faithful. It is up to us to be thankful for them, to be in the position to receive them with praise to Him.


Warren Wiersbe tells us that God sent several disciplines to bring the erring king back to the faith:
  1. A warning message, found in verses 1-13, where God threatened to give Solomon's kingdom away to another.
  2. An invasion by Edom, verses 14-22, as King Hadad took revenge on Israel for David's slaughter of Edom (2 Samuel 8). Egypt turned out to be an ally with Edom.
  3. Trouble with Rezon, verses 23-25, occurred when this band of warriors took Damascus, harassing the borders for many years, and established a strong dynasty with kings of Syria that troubled Israel in the ninth century.
  4. Competition from Jeroboam, in verses 26-43, whom God chose to be the king over Israel's ten northern tribes, and Prophet Ahijah shared with him.
When things are going good for us, that is when we need to be closest to God. Although our situation is well, we are to give God the glory, for He is amazing God.


Heed the warnings which God sends my way.

Search my heart to see if there be anything dividing it from God.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Double Disobedience

O. T. #778  "Double Disobedience"
June 21, 2016
1 Kings 11
...they turned his heart away from the LORD.  1 Kings 11:3


Solomon is known as having built the fantastic Temple in Israel and being the wisest man on earth. Also, he was very wealthy and king of Israel, having a dominating empire in his world, in his time. We previously read about his astounding number of possessions.

Now Solomon is about 60 years old by this time. Among kings in the ancient Near East, taking foreign wives often produced political alliances; for Israel, it led to the worship of other gods-a double disobedience. (D. Jeremiah)

Yes, it was a double disobedience. (How could such a wise man be so stupid? His family would eventually loose what he had built up.)

How was Solomon committing double disobedience?
First, Israel was forbidden to marry foreign wives. In Exodus 34, God instructed Moses that Israel was to not intermarry with foreign nations. They could lead Israel into a covenant. Israel was warned that these foreigners would become a snare to them, so their altars, pillars, wooden images were to be destroyed.
However, it was a common practice in this era to ratify treaties by giving women as wives to the other one. That is how Solomon ended up with 700 wives and 300 concubines. Polygamy was tolerated in the Hebrews huh most one had one wife. A number of wives was a sign of wealth and importance. but, this was a sin directly violating God's Law, which was designed to prevent what happened in Solomon's life.
Second, The particular evil in Solomon's life was the tolerance and practice of idolatry. Deuteronomy 17:17 prohibited the marriage of wives who practiced idolatry, which would result in a heart turned from worshiping God to worshiping an idol. this very thing happened to Solomon, to whom God had spoken twice previously.

David Jeremiah described the situation: At first, Solomon's sin was immorality and sensuality, but eventually it became gross idolatry that divided his heart.


Obedience to the Mosaic covenant was necessary in receiving blessing through the Davidic Covenant. Solomon failed to obey the commandments to honor God (Ex. 20:3-6). (MacArthur)

Solomon did not listen and ended up worshiping the idols of his many wives, which turned his heart away from God. How sad a time.

Previously, the Lord had taken Saul's kingdom away when he practiced sorcery. Now we read of Solomon's kingdom being taken away from Solomon's son, after Solomon's death. The Lord was faithful in his Word to David (2 Sam. 7). Israel did divide into tow kingdoms-the northern kingdom of Israel, and the southern kingdom of Judah.

Oh, Solomon, how you disappoint us. Well, lest we be too quick to point a finger at him, let us consider how many times we have failed to obey God's Words and instructions. Do we disappoint others, as well as God, when we disobey? Although we are guilty, God's grace is sufficient; His mercy endures forever.


Consider the results of sins which could be in my life if I pursue them.

Do not allow any idols in my life.

Love God and serve Him only.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Self-Serving or Serving Self

O. T. #777 "Self-Serving or Serving Self"
June 20, 2016
1 Kings 10-Part 2
So Solomon became richer and wiser than any other king on earth. 1 Kings 10:23


I think there is a difference between self-serving and serving self. We pull up to the gas stations now days and have to pump gas on our own-that is self-service. Used to, the owners or workers would pump the gas for the customer. Not so today. Serving yourself, like at a buffet where you put the food on your plate, instead of  ordering off the menu and having it delivered to your seat. Are we always serving our self as we and buy things for us instead of sharing with others? Which do we do? Which did Solomon do?

People from every nation came to consult Solomon and hear the wisdom God had given him. Year after year everyone who visited brought him gifts of silver, gold, clothing, weapons, spices, horses, and  mules.

Visitors from distant lands came to admire this wise king, while his own people were gradually alienated from him. Little is mentioned in the Bible about the last decade of Solomon's reign. (Life Application Study Bible)

God gave Solomon very great wisdom and understanding, and knowledge as vast as the sands of the seashore. He composed some 3,000 proverbs and wrote 1,005 songs. He spoke about plants, animals, birds, small creatures, and fish. Kings from every nation sent their ambassadors to listen to the wisdom of Solomon, the wisest man in the Bible, other than Jesus Christ. (chapter 4, New Living Translation)

What does a man with such wisdom do with his time and life? He authored the books of Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs,  many proverbs and a couple of Psalms. He was a diplomat, trader, collector, and patron of the arts. (LASB)

Are we sharing the knowledge and life lessons we have learned during our walk of our Christian life with others?


We learn of the wealth of gold that came to Solomon through tolls and tariffs from traders, revenues from loyal administrators, and taxes from Arabian kings who used caravan routes under Solomon's control. (MacArthur)

Solomon received approximately 50,000 pounds of gold yearly with an estimated value anywhere from $750 million to over $1 billion in modern U.S. dollars. (The Jeremiah Study Bible, published in 2013)

What does a man do with such an astronomical wealth?
  • He had shields of gold made and places them in the Palace of the Forest of Lebanon.
  • He made a huge throne of ivory and overlaid with fine gold, decorated with lions. No other throne in all the world could be compared with it. (verse20)
  • All of his drinking cups and utensils were solid gold instead of silver, which was considered worthless in that day. (verse 21)
  • He had a fleet of trading ships that sailed with Hiram's fleet, which once every 3 years brought gold, silver,ivory, apes, and peacocks.
  • Solomon had a huge force of chariots and horses, imported from Egypt and Cilicia.
God had allowed for normal blessings of riches to occur in Solomon's kingdom, but He warned accumulating riches for personal gain because it would prevent wholehearted devotion to God.

If only Solomon had read Deuteronomy 17, which instructs the kings of Israel to:
  •  not acquire horses for himself or send people back to Egypt to acquire them. You are never to go back that way again. 
  • not acquire many wives for himself so his heart won't go astray.
  • not to acquire large amounts of gold and silver for himself.
  • copy this instruction for himself on a scroll in the presence of Levitical priests when he was seated on his royal throne. It is to remain with him and he is to read it all the days of his life, so he may learn to fear the Lord his God, to observe all the words of this instruction, and to do these statues.
What would result if the king did all of these things?
  • His heart would not be exalted above his countrymen.
  • He would not turn from this command to the right or to the left.
  • Solomon and his sons would continue ruling many years over Israel. (LASB)

Solomon seemed to have gotten distracted with serving himself with all the things his money provided. He realized toward the end of his life that there is no satisfaction apart from serving God and others.

Is there anything that prevents our wholehearted devotion to God? If there is, friends, we must remove it. God demands first place in our life and heart and soul.


Keep  God on the throne of my heart, surrendering daily my life to Him.

Do not allow material things or riches to be more important than my God and Savior.

Never go back to my Egypt of serving self.

Serve Jesus and others with love today.

Friday, June 17, 2016

It Took Her Breath Away

O. T. #776  "It Took Her Breath Away
June 17, 2016
1 Kings 10 took her breath away.  1 Kings 10:5 LASB


There have there been times in my life that I just stood still in awe of a gorgeous sight in front of me. It took my breath away. Which times? The sight of my two babies after their birth, the Smokey Mountains, the vast ocean seen for the first time, a twenty-five dollar check for groceries at college, needed jobs throughout my years of life, good test results on my health, a sunrise or sunset that are astounding, the sight and smell of a red rose, holding my grandchildren. The list can go on and on. There have been so many things that have taken my breath away as I realized my Awesome God had His hand on my life. How about you? What are the times in which your breath was taken away?
Today, we read of another woman who had her breath taken away. Join me as we find out what caused it.

She came as a competitor, but left as an admirer. Like many kings and foreign dignitaries, she was curious about Solomon's wisdom and wealth. So the queen of Sheba made a trip personally to see for herself. (Sabea was located in the southwestern corner of Arabia.) She traveled with a camel caravan, loaded with the luxury goods from her kingdom.

What do we know about her?
  • She came to test the king with difficult questions.  (Solomon's fame connected with the name of Yahweh.) Contests with riddles or proverbs were often used to test wisdom. 
  • She came to Jerusalem with a large entourage, with camels bearing spices, gold in abundance, and precious stones.
  • She came to Solomon and spoke to him about everything that was on her mind. He answered all her questions, for nothing was too difficult for the king to explain to her.
Do you have difficult questions for which you want answers? Have you asked God they whys? If He gives no answers, do you continue to trust in Him anyway? Are your mountains in your life getting steeper to climb? Do the waters of troubles seem so deep that you can't keep you head above them and you feel that you are sinking? Trust God, dear one. He has a plan.

Is anything too hard for the Lord? (Genesis 18:4)

The Lord asked Abraham that question when he said Sarah laughed when she heard that she would have a child in her old age of 90. It was obvious to that couple that nothing was too hard for God to do. It was by faith given to Sarah that she was able to receive her ability to conceive a son. (Hebrews 11)
What difficult this are you waiting on God to perform in your life? Eh, that's not so hard for Him! Waiting for it can be the hard part; not loosing faith; looking for it tomorrow.


What were the reactions of the Queen of Sheba when she visited King Solomon of Israel?
  • When the queen of Sheba observed all Solomon's wisdom, the palace he built, the food at his table, his servants' residence, his attendants' service and their attire, his cupbearers, and the burnt offerings he offered at the LORD's Temple, it took her breath away.
  • She told Solomon that the reports about his wisdom and wealth she received in her country were true, although she did not believe them. She had to come see with her own eyes.
  • She saw that Solomon's men and servants were happy.
  • Queen Sheba praised Yahweh, God of Solomon. She said that He had put Solomon on the throne of Israel because of the LORD's eternal love for Israel. He made Solomon king to carry out justice and righteousness.
  • This woman gave Solomon 4 1/2 tons of gold, a great quantity of spices, and precious stones. Never again did such a quantity of spices arrive as those the queen of Sheba gave to Solomon.
I can see the similarities of King Solomon and King Jesus:
  • Jesus sits on the throne of His people, reigning as the highest king in authority, King of Kings and Lord of lords.
  • He is ruling with wisdom, justice, and righteousness.
  • Jesus provides His children with wealth of wisdom and their needs.
  • We, as His happy servants, are dressed in the salvation and righteousness of Jesus with grace and mercy surrounding us, serve our King Jesus daily. 
  • We give the Lord our precious things-our life and time for His service and honor, and we trust Him with our family, give our money so others will come to know Him.
  • We are trusting that He is preparing us a mansion in heaven to live in for all of eternity.
Does it get any better, folks? Does it take our breath away when we stop and consider all our God has given and done for us?


Thank You Great God for all the blessings that You have given to me all these years.

Use me as Your servant to share those blessings with others.

Thursday, June 16, 2016


O. T. #775  "Plans"
June 16, 2016
1 Kings 9-Part 3


In relation to the recent tragic shooting Florida, I wanted to share this. Our local airport has a direct flight to Orlando. This morning, I heard on the radio of the compassion shown to a grandmother flying on it to attend her grandson's funeral, one of the 50 who was killed in the horrible rampage killing there. The two stewardesses decided to give their passengers the opportunity to express their condolences to the grandmother by passing around a piece of paper on which they could sign their names in support. The hour and half flight produced pages of messages of encouragements to this hurting woman. Also, on the way off the plane, every passenger took time to speak to or hug this hurting heart. Now is that love? I'm sure it helped her feel that she was not alone in her pain. Through this I learned that  we can show Jesus' love and compassion if we are only looking for the opportunity.

Now, turning to the Word, we pick up in verse 15 where Solomon had forced labor in the construction of the Temple, royal palace, buildings, wall of Jerusalem, and cities of Hazor, Megaiddo, and Gezer.
Let's focus on the city of Gezer:
  • King David never completely subdued the Philistine cities, so Egypt felt free to invade Philistia even while David ruled. Possibly the Egyptian king felt he overreached in the invasion and gave Gezer to Solomon.
  • Pharaoh, king of Egypt, had attacked and captured Gezer, killing the Canaanite population and burning it down. (verse 16)
  • He gave the city to his daughter as a wedding gift when she married Solomon.
  • Solomon rebuilt the city of Gezer.
  • Control of Gezer permitted Israel to control the coastal north-south trade route and one of the approaches from the coast to Jerusalem. Pharaoh was forced into an unusual, perhaps humiliating, marriage alliance in which he gave an Egyptian princess to a foreign king.
Sounds like Solomon had some good plans. God planned out all of His creation and carried them out. Do we ask God to establish our plans? Do we carry out our plans to completion and for His glory?


What else did Solomon do?
  • He established supply centers and towns where he stored the chariots and horses.
  •  He built everything he desired in Jerusalem and Lebanon, as well as throughout his entire realm.
  • There were still foreigners living in the land, so they were made labor force.
  • He assigned men available to be Israel's fighting army, officers, government officials, commanders of his chariots, and supervisors for his projects.
  • He moved his wife, the Pharaoh's daughter into her new house.
  • Solomon presented burnt offerings during the appointed times.
  • He built a fleet of ships; Hiram sent experienced crew men to sail with Solomon's men in order to protect the shipment of gold (16 tons).
  • Luxury items and goods were sent on the trade routes, establishing a world trade international system.
It sounds like Solomon used his God-given wisdom to establish the wealthiest kingdom for Israel at that time. Did he seek God's will and direction? We don't read it in the Word, but who else would give him those ideas/

Do we ask God for directions and His leading us in our projects? Do we ask for His wisdom along the way?


Lord, You are the creative one, so lead me in the ways that will honor You.

Establish my plans, Jesus.

May You receive glory in all I do.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


O. T. #774  "Brotherhood"
June 5, 2016
1 Kings 9-Part 2
... then King Solomon gave Hiram twenty cities to the land of Galilee.  1 Kings 9:11


Who is considered part of your brotherhood? Are family, church family, neighbors? Israel had a treaty with their brotherhood.

A treaty of brotherhood was a longstanding, brotherly relationship which existed between Phoenica and Israel.  It began with the assistance of King Hiram of Tyre to David in providing materials for his house (2Sam. 5:11) and then with Solomon and the new Temple. It was later solidified with the marriage of Jezebel to Ahab (chapter 16). No king of Israel ever made war against Phonicia, especially the two major cities of Tyre and Sidon.  (MacArthur)

Solomon sent wheat and oil to Hiram for an annual payment for the cedar  and fir used in the new buildings of the Temple and palace. Now this must have continued over a period of 20 years since it took that long for the completion of those buildings. Perhaps the 20 cities given to Hiram were payment for the gold here mentioned, or simply a gift for completing the two houses. (verse 10)
At any rate, Hiram was displeased with these unnamed cities and called them Cabul, which means as nothing   because they were inferior. (2 Chronicles suggests that Hiram either returned those cities or swapped them for others.)  [Resource: Liberty Bible Commentary]

Maybe Hiram preferred a piece of land along the coast which would have been more suitable for trade. As it turned out, Hiram was paid many times over through his trade partnership with Solomon.

Commentaries say that the six score of talents of gold which Hiram sent to Solomon was 9,000 pounds or 4.5 tons of gold. It was a lot.

Do we have a type of treaty with our neighbors, our brotherhood? Maybe it is a silent one, one understood without a signed document.


So later on, the entire region of Phonicia was included in the judgment pronounced by Tyre. They would sell captives from Judah into slavery to Edom and other nations. They would break this treaty made between King Hiram and David as well as Solomon. God's promise to burn the walls of Tyre was fulfilled when Nebuchadnezzer took the city after a 13 year siege. This took place during the reign of King Uzziah of Judah before 753 B.C.  (Falwell)

Are we faithful to those we consider in our brotherhood? Are we loving our neighbor as our self, as Jesus told us to do?


Take serious my agreements and keep my commitments.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

My Cup Runneth Over!

O. T. #773  "My Cup Runneth Over!"
June 14, 26
1 Kings 9
...for it is dear to Me.  1 Kings 9:3


I just wanted to share what a blessed day I had yesterday before we get started in our study. My cup runneth over with blessings! First of all, we suspected that our refrigerator was having problems and not working right before we left  for our family reunion of 3 days. We were right. However, we didn't have to buy a new one since a repairman was able to fix the problem. Then we were off to the Social Security office so I could get information on my retirement. Actually, I expected to have to wait another 2 1/2 years, but it all worked out and now I am retired, according to the government. (Of course, housework is not included.) That was an unexpected surprise. Next, good news came in the mail from one of my doctors. My Crohns is inactive and I don't need a colonoscopy for 5 years! Hang on, it gets better. Also in the mail was an invitation to attend a conference in beautiful Tennessee this fall with one of my favorite Bible study teachers, free.
Did I tell you that I had a blessed day yesterday? How great is our God! Thank You Lord!
After living through last week and all the discouragements, I needed that. How about you? Had one of those weeks where you could use some extras blessings? Is our cup empty? Take it to the Fountain of Living Water and offer it up.

Solomon had some good news, too. He completed the Temple and the royal palace as he had planned to do. It took him 20 years, but he did it.
Then the LORD appeared to him a second time, saying:
  • He heard Solomon's payer and petition.
  • He set that Temple apart to be holy place where His name would be honored forever.
  • God would always watch over it, for it was dear to His heart. (verses 1-3)
What is dear to your heart? If you made a list, would your place of worship be included? Would you prayer room be included?


What else did God tell Solomon?
  • If Solomon would follow God with integrity and godliness, as his father David did, obeying all instructions, then the throne of his dynasty would be over Israel forever.
  • However, if he and his descendants abandoned God and disobey the commands and worship other gods, then Israel would be uprooted from their land and the Temple would be a  mockery and ridicule among the nations. People would pass by it and be appalled and shake their heads in amazement. (verses 4-9)
Obedience to the Mosaic statues would result in blessings of the Davidic covenant. The devastation of the Temple came in 586 B.C. as the Lord showed his anger against Israel's idolatry. (MacArthur)

It was some 373 years later when Israel went into Babylonian captivity. They had been warned, but did not heed it. God kept His unconditional promise to David's line on the throne through the birth of Jesus Christ, who now reigns in heaven and will one day reign as King upon the earth.

If there is one thing that God does not tolerate, it is idolatry, worship of another in His place.
Are we seeking God and His kingdom first?


Thank God for His blessings.

Keep Him first in my life.

Monday, June 13, 2016

From Failure to Faithful

O. T. #772  "From Failure to Faithful"
June 13, 2016
1 Kings 8-Part 5


Boy, do I fail. Are you with me? I had a couple of serious situations come at me this past week. The devil really stirred up things really good in my life and family. And I fell right into the trap. I went through the gamete of emotions-from anger, determination to have my way, hatefulness, unforgiveness, disappointment, to insignificance, giving up, brokenness, etc.
Then God picked me up like dirt on the ground and put me together like He did Adam at his creation. He dusted me off and cleansed my heart, set me back on the right road of faith again. Folks, God's love is always, always available. He has a forgiving Spirit. His promises are true. He took me from failure to faithful. He doesn't give up on us. Solomon knew all of that and so do I.

In the first part of this chapter we read of Solomon's prayer praising God and for the people of Israel. Now he gave a benediction in which he recapped his preceding prayer. In verse 56, Solomon affirmed God's faithfulness: Not one word has failed of all the wonderful promises He gave through His servant Moses.

Friends, God's Word never fails to be true and He does not fail to be faithful.

Solomon added, May God give us the desire to do His will in everything and to obey all the commands, decrees, and regulations that He gave our ancestors.

If our desires have changed and we are not desiring to do God's will in everything, we need to ask for a changed desire. If we do not desire to obey all His instructions, we need to ask for those desires to be changed. After all, God will give us His desires. This is what I had to do. I had given up.

Like Solomon challenged Israel in verse 61, so may I challenge you (as well as me): May we be completely faithful to the LORD our God. 

The King James Version uses the word perfect instead of complete, as New Living Translation uses in this verse. Perfect in the Hebrew language as used here means complete, whole, just.

The question here is, "Are we faithful to the LORD our God?"
Are we trusting in Jesus with everything? It's a new day. I can gladly tell you that we are walking on my country road of faith again.


The result of Israel's faithfulness brings us to the major theme of OT missions-that all the peoples of the earth may know that Yahweh is God. with these words Solomon mad a worldwide missions proclamation. (Holman Illustrated Bible Commentary)

Solomon exhorted Israel to be faithful to the Lord Jesus, and so do I. Sure we fail, sin, fall down, but He is always there to pick us up and we try again. There are children, youth, and adults who need to hear about the love and forgiveness of God. He wants to use you and me to tell them about it.
If our God is for us, who can be against us or what can stand against us?

After the dedication of the new Temple, the sacrifices, the celebration of Festival of Shelters, the people blessed the king and went to their homes joyful and glad because the LORD had been good to His servant David and to His people Israel. (verse 66)


                               ... and turn to God.
                               ... and repent of my sins and failures, turning away from those attitudes that
                                    brought me down.
                               ... and remember that God is faithful, His Word is true, and He never fails.
                               ... and become a faithful servant of Jesus again today.
                               ... and ask God for joy and gladness of heart.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

We are having a family reunion this weekend, beginning Thursday, so we will continue our study on Solomon's prayer on Monday. Besides, it's my birthday and r & r is on our schedule for today (big 62).
Meantime, be like Solomon and pray, pray, pray.

Give your people what their actions deserve, for you alone know each human heart. (verse 39)

Have a great weekend, y'all.

For What Do We Ask?

O. T. #771  "For what Do We Ask?"
June 9, 2016
1 Kings 8-Part 4
He lifted his hands toward heaven, and he prayed...  1 Kings 8:22 NLT


In the first part of this chapter, we read where Solomon blessed the LORD and the people. Now starting with verse 22 we read of his prayer of dedication as he moved to the altar of burnt offerings in the new Temple.
He lifted up his hands toward heaven and prayed:
  • O LORD, God of Israel, there is no God like You in all of heaven above or on the earth below.
  • You keep Your covenant and show unfailing love to all who walk before You in wholehearted devotion.
  • You have kept Your promise to your servant David, my father: You made that promise with Your own mouth, and with Your own hands You have fulfilled it today.
Solomon affirmed that there was no god to compare to Israel's God, the Lord. (verses 23-24)
Then he asked the Lord for His continuous presence and protection. (verses 25-30)

How often do we tell God that He is the only God to be worshipped? Do we ask for His continuous presence and protection?


After praying those things, Solomon enumerated various conditions and circumstances in which Israel could be found so he petitioned God on the basis of each.

The MacArthur Bible Commentary informs us:
Solomon listed 7 typical Israelite prayers that would require the Lord's response. these supplications recalled the detailed list of curses that Deuteronomy 28:15-68 ascribed for the breaking of the law. The Lord would:
  1. judge between the wicked and righteous. (v. 31,32)
  2. forgive the sins that had caused defeat in battle. (v. 33,34)
  3. forgive the sins that brought on drought. (v. 35,36)
  4. forgive the sins that had resulted in national calamities (v. 37-40)
  5. show mercy to God-fearing foreigners (v. 41-43)
  6. give victory in battle (v. 44, 45)
  7. bring restoration after captivity (v. 46-54).
How often do we intercede for our nation due to its sins, seeing God's forgiveness?
Do we ask Him for victory in our own battles?


Pray, pray, pray.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Finally Finished

O. T. #770  "Finally Finished"
June 8, 2016
1 Kings 8-Part 3


What project have you finally finished, completed lately? I have been working for months on decorations for our summer Vacation Bible School.  It will be a good feeling to finally have it done. Especially since it is one which the Lord had instructed me to do. Solomon and the men of Israel had finally finished the Temple after working on it for 7 years. Don't you know what a happy time it was for them.

Solomon speaks to the congregation of Israel in this chapter.

The cloud, which represented God's presence, filled the house of the Lord, the new Temple.

King Solomon's declaration was addressed to the Lord. Solomon recognized the thick darkness as the manifestation of the Lord's gracious presence among His people (Ex. 19:9; 20:21; Lev. 16:2) and affirmed that he had built the temple so the Lord could dwell there in the glory of the thick darkness.  (MacArthur)

He blessed the LORD God of Israel after seeing His presence evident.
The Lord said that He would dwell in the thick darkness. (verse 12)

At one time, the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle the cloud symbolized God's mystery, obscuring the view of Him. It also represented His nearness-He was present in a tangible way.
(David Jeremiah)

Holmon Illustrated Bible Commentary explains:
This brief introduction states several significant points of history and covenant theology. First, god showed Himself in overwhelming glory and thick darkness. Both prevented human eyes from seeing God. Then, the temple was to be God's dwelling despite the fact that neither earth nor heaven could contain God. 

Does God dwell in your heart, dear friend? He wants to.


Solomon turned from facing God to address to bless the entire congregation of Israel standing before him.
What did the King say? He recognized God's covenant faithfulness in keeping His promises to David. (verse 15)

Four major steps in advancing God's covenant agenda are described here:
  1. by implication, god had a dwelling place among His people;
  2. this dwelling was the Temple built by the Davidic dynasty;
  3. it was in the city chosen, providentially, by David;
  4. this was the dynasty chosen by God. (Holman Illustrated Bible Commentary)

What a joyous day it must have been for Israel.


Thank and praise God for all He has done.

Give glory to the Lord in my finished projects.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Presence of the Lord

O. T. #769  "Presence of the Lord"
June 7, 2016
1 Kings 8-Part 2
The priests could not continue their service because of the cloud, for the glorious presence of the LORD filled the Temple.  1 Kings 8:11


Have you ever been overwhelmed with the presence of the Lord? How wonderfully assuring it is. Israel experienced it.

After seven years, the Temple was finished and the Ark of the Covenant was transport to its new place in the Holy of Holies. It was placed beneath the wings of the two cherubims, whose wings formed a canopy over the Ark. the carrying poles apparently remained though the rings. The Law written on the two stones were inside the Ark. (Aaron's staff and manna are not mentioned here as being inside also.)
When the priests came out of the Holy Place, a thick cloud filled the Temple of the LORD. The priests could not continue their service (offering sacrifices) because of the cloud, for the glorious presence of the LORD filled the Temple. (verses 10-11)

The church service stopped because of the Lord's presence was overcoming. It signaled to the Israelites that the Lord approved of the Temple. A similar manifestation took place when the tabernacle was dedicated in Exodus 40:34-35.

God's impenetrable and unbearable glory filled the new sanctuary. (Holman)

Do we bow in the presence of the Living God?


Leviticus 5 gives more details concerning this. the Levites were musicians and joined by 120 priests playing trumpets. They and singers performed together in unison to praise and give thanks to the LORD.
They sang: He is good! His mercy endures forever!


Praise the Lord Jesus, for His mercy endures forever!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Don't Touch!

O. T. #768  "Don't Touch!"
June 6, 2016
1 Kings 8
When the elders arrived, the priests picked up the Ark.  1 Kings 8:3


Don't touch that! Hot water, fire, and hot stoves burn, electrical wires and outlets shock, needles stick, snakes, spiders, and wild animals bite. Experience has taught us that and we don't want our children to get hurt, shocked, burned or bit if we can prevent it. So it was with the Israelites. They were not allowed to touch something. Join me as we find out what it was.

The new national Temple was ready. It was time to bring the Ark of the LORD's Covenant and put it into place, the Holy of Holies, to restore the Ark to its role as a national religious symbol. The Ark contained the two tablets of stone, on which the Ten Commandments were written.
So Solomon summoned the elders and all the heads of the tribes of Israel to Jerusalem.

The MacArthur Bible Commentary informs us:
The elders of Israel were respected men who were in charge of local government and justice throughout Israel. They advised the king on important matters of state. The heads of the tribes or chief fathers were the oldest living males within each extended family unit. They were the ones responsible for learning the law and leading their families to obey it.

The word elder, in the Hebrew language, refers to old men or women.

These men were responsible for bringing the Ark from its location in the City of David to Zion.
Zion was the hill which David took from the Jebusites, but later the name was applied to the Temple area northward, in Jerusalem.
Now, the dedication of the Temple wasn't until several months later so it corresponded with the regular festival of the Feast of Booths or Tabernacles, the Festival of Harvest. This was celebrated a week after the Day of Atonement.
During this week, the Israelites lived in tents to remind them of the hardships of their ancestors as the lived seeking and conquering their Promised Land.

What a joyous time for Israel. A permanence for the Ark, which symbolized God's presence, was established. It was a place of worship, a place of sacrifice for their sins, a place where they could meet with their God Jehovah, Yaweh. I am sure they found security in this. God wasn't moving away from them, as He had moved in the 40 year wilderness journey. He was their God and here to stay. All they had to do was to keep Him first in their lives, worship Him only, no idolatry, and follow His laws. Then they would have a blessed life. (Of course, history tells us that 500 years later, they failed at keeping these commands and were sent into exile in Babylon.)

Are we supportive of the elders in our church and in our family?


David learned a lesson the hard way concerning the transporting of the Ark. Back in 2 Samuel, he put it on a new cart to transport it back to camp. However, God had made it a rule that the Levites, priestly tribe, were to move the Ark on poles that were through rings on the side of the Ark, resting on their shoulders. The burden was to be upon their shoulders. Well, when David did not obey, it cost one man his life. That cause David to seek the Word as to God's instructions on the matter.
Solomon knew what had happened previously, and did not make the same mistake. Then King Solomon and the entire community of Israel sacrificed many sheep, goats, and cattle that no one could keep count. (verse 4)

The people were not allowed to touch the Ark, which is contrasted with our access to God through Jesus Christ (Hebrews 10:19-22). We Gentiles are grateful for Jesus being our intercessor for our petitions reaching God! Such love!

Now, as adults, we know that we are warned to not touch things as pornography, another's spouse, items that do not belong to us. God warns us to not covet our neighbors' things. We will be hurt if we do, as well as others.


Be thankful for what I have that God has provided.

Heed His warnings.

Friday, June 3, 2016

What Has Happened to You in the Passed Seven Years?

O. T. #767  "What Has Happened to You in the Passed Seven Years?"
June 3, 2016
1 Kings 7-Part 3
by the seventh day God had finished the work He had been doing.  Genesis 2:2


What was happening in your life 7 years ago or during the passed 7 years? Hm, let's see, we had only 5 grandchildren, and the construction of our new sanctuary was not even begun yet.  During the past, my husband has had 2 heart ablations to correct its rhythm problem and I have had surgery. My sister-in law almost died. We have lived in the same house and had the same jobs. So we haven't experienced any dramatic changes. We have done several foreign mission trips. However, we have had older family members and friends pass away during that time. Basically, our life has not changed very much during the past 7 years. Others have come through serious illnesses and life adjustments, though. We have seen many saved during that time, some  marriages destroyed, and some marriages restored and new ones. How quickly 7 years do pass by, right?
We don't read of any significant activities in Israel other than the Temple Solomon had built being completed. That was the task at hand, given priority.

What elaborate, expensive, and exquisite furnishings Solomon had made or the Temple. And rightfully so. God had blessed his kingdom with the Promised Land, peace with its neighboring nations, huge wealth and blessings overflowing like the water of the huge water basin name the Sea.
With all that God provided for His children of Israel, why shouldn't He have the best of the best in His house?
I was singing a song last night as I was thinking about today's lesson:
Worthy of worship, worthy of praise, worthy of all our devotion, worthy of all the glad songs that we sing, worthy of all the offerings we bring; You are worthy, Father, Creator, You are worthy, Savior, Sustainer, You are worthy, worthy and wonderful, worthy of worship and praise.

Truly, He is worthy of our worship and praise. Without Jesus, we would be nothing, have no salvation or eternal home awaiting us, no Holy spirit to strengthen us, no faith to sustain us.
We lift up Your name today, Lord Jesus!


Previously, we read about all the bronze articles that King Solomon had Huram make. Finishing this chapter, we read of other furnishings made for the Temple, only these were made of gold, all of them:
  • the gold altar;
  • the gold table for the Bread of the Presence;
  • the lampstands of solid gold, 5 on the south and 5 on the north in front of the Most Holy Place;
  • the flower decorations, lamps, and tongs;
  • the small bowls, lamp snuffers, bowls, dishes, and incense burners;
  • the doors for the entrances to the Most Holy Place and the main room of he Temleth their fronts overlaid with gold. (verses 48-50)
Falwell explains that the tabernacle was lighted by a single 7-lamp candlestick (Ex. 25:31-40). The Holy Place of the Temple was lighted by 10 candlesticks, 5 on each side.

If you have noticed, all the furnishings of the Temple corresponded with those in the Tabernacle. When Solomon put those items used in the Tabernacle, provided and consecrated by King David, in the side rooms (treasury rooms), the Temple construction was finished and ready for use. Those were made of bronze, gold, silver, and cedar and had monetary value, as well as spiritual value, so they needed to be guarded. The house for God had no equal to its magnificence.
If you can find a drawing of Solomon's Temple, it will make all of these descriptions more clearly to you. Several of my commentaries have it. Also, you can find on Google's diagrams, as well as purchase small models.

Some see the Tabernacle as a picture of Christ in His humility on the earth, and the Temple as a type of His present ministry in glory, building that "holy temple" of living stones. (Wiersbe)

Say, did you realize that God completed creation in 7 days and Solomon completed His Temple in 7 years?

*Item of Interest: A Dutch architect and archeologist, Ritmeyer, clams to have found The Solomon's Temple. However, Muslims control the Temple Mount and will not allow excavations. A specific stone is thought to be part of a platform wall built by King Hezekiah, which was on the original site. He says the Dome of the Rock stands on the spot where the Temple once did.
Ritmeyer spoke on this topic at four times at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary during November.

Whew! Seven years have passed by quickly, haven't they? I wonder what God has in store for us the next 7 years. Some of us could be in our eternal home, you know. Hmm.


Give thanks for all the blessings I have experienced in the past 7 years.

Worship and praise the Lord Jesus in truth.

Thursday, June 2, 2016


O. T. #766  "Details"
June 2, 2016
1 Kings 7-Part 2


King Solomon spent a fortune on his palace-his residence, the courtyard, and  housing for his women. Previously, we learned about its five various parts. The rest of the chapter (13-51) describes the furnishes he provided for the Temple.

Solomon brought in the best men to work on the Temple. Huram (Hiram in the Hebrew language), was one of those skilled men. He was from the city of Tyre (not to be confused with the King of Tyre), and his mother was a widow an Israeli from the tribe of Naphtali or Dan, which was a contradiction. (One was her  birth place and the other was her residence, or she could have married into one tribe.) At any rate, Huram was an Israeli.

What is notable about him? Huram was highly skilled and experienced in all kinds of bronze work. He did all the work King Solomon assigned to him. Does that mean he was obedient to the king's instructions/wishes?

What a thing to have said about a person. Are you and I known as a person who is obedient to King Jesus' instructions?


The Temple's furnishings were unique and extensive:
1. The porch of the Temple had two huge bronze free-standing pillars with a description as:
  • each 27 feet tall and 18 in circumference;
  • tops of those pillars, called a capital, were decorated with bronze elaborate shapes of pomegranates (a fruit of the Promised Land), a border of lily-work, checker-work, wreaths of chain-work.
  • On the top of each pillar was a bowl, so the pillars could have served as a giant lampstand. 
  • The south pillar was named Jakin and the north was named Boaz.
2. A huge circular brass fountain-type basin:
  • held about 12,000 gallons of water;
  • was known as The Sea;
  • stood in the southeast side of the Temple;
  • was the used by the priests to wash after killing the sacrificial animals. It probably provided water for the 10 movable basins. 
  • Huram arranged it to be supported by 12 oxen, with 3 each facing the directions of the compass.
3. Ten portable lavers were constructed  as carriage-like bases, decorated with ornamental cherubim,
     lions, and oxen.
4. Other objects, pots, shovels, and sprinkling bowls were used in the process of sacrifices, and are
     described in the rest of the chapter.

The work of Huram was not engraving, but casting. Large molds were dug in the clay, and the molten brass was poured into them.
Details. Did you notice all the details in this chapter? And we are not finished yet. Do you think God concerned with the details in our life?

Do we consider God's Word as important a these furnishings?

[Resources: NIV Bible, The MacArthur Bible Commentary, Liberty Bible Commentary]


Be an obedient child of God our Father.

Make the Bible as important to me as the world does precious metals.

Seek God's will for the details of my life.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

A Elaborate Palace

O. T. #765  "An Elaborate Palace"
June 1, 2016
1 Kings 7


It took 7-7 1/2 years for Solomon to complete the structure of the Temple of God. His next project was to build his palace, taking 13 years for completion, which was twice the time spent on the Temple.
Why did it take so long or why did Solomon spend so much time on his palace?
Keep in mind that his father David had previously provided some of the materials. Perhaps it took so long due to his lack of planning with his own construction, or it was because he lavished more wealth and beauty on it than the Temple. Maybe it was because only once every three years the merchant ships brought gold, silver, and ivory (10:17). I suppose the reason did not affect the length of time, nor does it matter in the long run.

The MacArthur Bible Commentary explains:
A fortune was spent on building adjacent to the temple the whole palace with its three parts:
  1. the king's home;
  2. the courtyard in the middle;
  3. the house of the women on the other side.


Shall we take a look at this splendorous palace?
The five palace complex buildings show his consideration for comfort and luxury:
  1. The Palace of the Forest of Lebanon was an armory and treasury for weapons and eating utensils. It got its named because the interior was mostly made of cedar. "The 45 pillars set in this building gave the impression of being in a majestic forest," David Guzik said. Above the beams of pillars were 45 side rooms. There were 500 gold shields that hung in this palace.
  2. The Hall of Pillars had a porch in front, along with a canopy supported by pillars. It was a porch attached to the armory or entrance into the next building. It served as a waiting room for people with law suits, before they were admitted into the throne room of the king. 
  3. The Hall of Justice was where legal matters were heard. It was paneled with cedar, also.
  4. Solomon's royal residence was his  private living quarters, which surrounded a courtyard behind the Hall of Justice. They were constructed the same.
  5. The harem living quarters was built similar to Solomon's. Pharaoh's daughter, whom he married, lived there, also.
Now I see why Solomon's palace was considered elaborate.