Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Here I Am

O. T. #596  "Here I Am"
September 15, 2015
1 Samuel 12
Behold, here I am...  1 Samuel 12:3


I recall when my kids would come home, through the door, they'd holler, "Mom." I'd answer back, "I'm in here." It was to make my presence known to them. Samuel's answer was similar when the Lord called to him. His was with the intention of surrendering his will, because the Lord knew where Samuel was.

Why did God choose Israel for His people?
It wasn't that they deserved such a choosing and grace. It was in order for God to channel His blessings to all people through the Messiah (Gen. 12:1-3). He would never abandon Israel because they were a special nation. However, He would punish them for their disobedience in order to bring them back into a right relationship with Him.

Israel asked for a king so they could be like other nations. It was not God's way, for He wanted to rule over His people. He allowed it anyway.
God desires to be the true King of every area of life. We must recognize His kingship and pattern our relationships, work life, and home life according to His principles. (Life Application Study Bible)

Do we?


Samuel continued to serve the people as their priest, prophet, and judge, but Saul exercised more and more political and military control over the tribes.

Did you hear those familiar words often spoken by Samuel? "Here I am," was His response throughout Samuel's entire life (3:4, 5, 6, 8, 16). We read it here in verse 12 again.

How often do we offer our response to the Lord "Here I am?" As His servant, it should be our every response to God's speaking to us, shouldn't it?


Acknowledge the Lord's presence whether at work, home, or wherever.

Surrender to the Lord with "Here I am."

*Please excuse my not posting yesterday. We have been painting the halls in our educational building at church. Saturday we have 120 teen girls and 30 adults coming for a one day Princess retreat. We needed to spruce it up a bit. Also, I am speaking in the afternoon. I covet your prayers on Saturday. Thanks ya'll. Love ya.

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