Thursday, February 27, 2014


O. T. #236  "Preparations"
Feb. 27, 2014
Exodus 29-part 1
And this is the thing that thou shalt do unto them to hallow them, to minister unto Me in the priest's office.  Exodus 29:1a


I have noticed that before people enter a special meeting of sort, they make preparations. The bride spends hours preparing for her walk down the isle to meet her beloved to wed. She probably laid out everything in her attire. Cub scouts put on their uniform before they walked into the ceremony. Before the funeral procession, mourning clothes are put on by those attending. The priests in Moses' day had to make preparations before they entered the Tabernacle. Read on for such preparations. (Previous postings discussed the garments.)

The consecration of the priests, Aaron and his sons, is discussed in chapter 29. What were the instructions for the preparation?
  • It was performed at the door of the tabernacle.
  • They were first washed with water, speaking of cleansing.
  • Next, after Aaron was clothed in the high priest attire.
  • Moses poured the anointing oil upon Aaron's head.
  • Aaron's four sons were clothed in their priestly garments.
Do we prepare ourselves before entering the sanctuary, our place of worship?
Have you made preparations to meet your God?


What does all of this represent?
Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the Old Testament explains:
  • The washing speaks of the cleansing we have through faith in Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 6:9-11; Rev. 1:5; Acts 15:9), a once-for-all washing that needed never to be repeated (John 13:1-10).
  • It was necessary for the priests to have daily washing at the laver, which speaks of our daily cleansing as we confess our sins (1John 1:9).
  • In Scripture, clothing often symbolizes character and conduct. Our righteousnesses are like filthy rags before God (Isa. 64:6). We cannot clothe ourselves with good works as Adam and Eve tried to do (Gen. 3:7). When we trust Christ, we are clothed with His righteousness (2 Cor. 5:21; Isa. 61:10).
  • We should put off the "graveclothes" and put on the "grace clothes" (Col 3:1).
  • The distinctive garments of the priests identified them as the holy servants of God, set apart to minister to the Lord.
  • The holy anointing oil is a type of the Spirit of God who alone can empower us for service (30:22-33).
What preparations do we make before we enter the worship service?
The purpose of the priests was to serve God, minister unto Him.
Are we busy doing the same?

Colossians 3:23 (KJV) says, And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.

NIV states, Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.

Who are we working for today?


Place my heart and life into the hand of Jesus.


Whatever He tells me, do.

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