Tuesday, October 10, 2023

What is Impossible?

N.T#161 "What is Impossible?"

Oct. 10, 2023

Matthew 14-Part 4


Please pray for Israel. We ask for God's protection of His beloved nation and their enemies would be stopped.

Are you surrounded by impossibilities? Are there things that are completely out of your reach, situations you are unable to change, problems you are unable to solve? The disciples faced an impossible situation of feeding a huge crowd listening and watching Jesus. How did they handle it?

In verse 15, look what the disciples said to Jesus, the One who had performed many miracles of healing before their very eyes:

  • It was evening and Jesus had healed the sick among the huge crowd.
  • It was getting late, they were in a remote place. 
  • Send the crowds away so they can go to the villages and buy food for themselves. 
How did Jesus respond? They need not depart; give ye them to eat. (verse 16)
In John 6, it says that Jesus asked Phillip where they could buy bread to feed all the people. (He was testing Philip.) Jesus already knew what He would do. (John 6:6) Then Philip started assessing the  probable cost. They only had a little money to buy a little bread. (There were 5,000 men plus women and children.) Jesus wanted to teach this disciple that financial resources are not the most important ones. 
We  can limit what God does in us by assuming what is and is not possible. Is there some impossible task you believe God wants you to do? God can do the miraculous, so trust Him to provide the resources needed.


Andrew popped up and told them of a boy that had 5 loves of bread and 2 fish. Now that normally would not feed 20,000 folks. But what are they for so many? (Andrew asked that question.)

Even if we worked for months, we wouldn't have enough money to feed them! (Philip replied.)

Hello guys. You had just seen Jesus, the Son of Almighty God, heal people. Don't you think He could take care of this problem? This is the Creator who made everything out of nothing, remember guys? Why didn't you ask Jesus to provide the food needed? Jesus could have commanded a full meal into the lap of everyone in the crowd. Isn't Jesus that powerful?

 But we can't be too harsh on the disciples, can we. How often do we try to reason the answer to a problem, trying to solve it ourself, and fail to turn to Jesus for the answer? Is it faith or doubt in us?

When I fractured my bone to the ankle, I kept praying for God to heal me. Well, He did, just not in my timing. I was on crutches and in a boot for 5 weeks, putting no weight on the foot. Talk about difficult! I think the pain was worse than any surgery I had had. And the confinement-our couch got so hard to sleep on. (I was not a good patient for my hubby to tend to, but he was good to serve me anyway.) Finally, God healed my bone. In fact, the doctor had to look at the first x ray in order to locate where the injury was located. God did it! So don't tell me He can't do the impossible. On whom or what are we relying? This Jesus that arose from the dead and moved the stone away from the tomb can do anything.

Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for Me? (Jeremiah 32:27)


Yes Lord Jesus, You can do anything and in Your timing and way, too.

You know what is best for us. 

Help us to believe You can do all things. 

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