Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Keepers and Tossers of Fish

N.T.#156 "Keepers and Tossers of Fish"

Oct. 3, 2023

Matthew 13-Part 13


Most of parables Jesus taught had to do with farming. He was in the area of the Sea of Galilee, especially the city of Capernaum and neighboring villages. Many men made their living in the fishing industry. Therefore, the disciples would have been familiar with this seventh parable. 

Jesus said the Kingdom of Heaven is like a fishing net that was thrown into the water and caught fish of every kind. when the net was full, they dragged it up onto the shore, sat down, and sorted the good fish into crates, but threw the bad ones away. (New Living Translation)

MacArthur says some people fished by dragging a large weighted net along the bottom of the lake. When pulled in, it contained as assortment of fish that had to be sorted. 

A dragnet was pulled between two boats or taken out into the water by a single boat and drawn to shore by ropes. In such a process all kinds of fish and other objects would be caught together. The good were put into vessels, while the bad were cast away to be burned of fire (in hell). Broadman Bible Commentary)

Some of the fish were keepers and some were tossers (too small or not good for eating). Either way, the good is separated from the bad, Christians and unbelievers, hypocrites and true believers.. The net is the Gospel of Jesus and His salvation through faith.

Revelation 21 tells us such a thing. In the Day of Judgment, the just and wicked will be separated. In which group will you be, friend?


The disciples finally got it. (verse 51) The nineth and last parable in this chapter deals with a good housekeeper, who brings out his treasure things new and old. The head of the household was responsible for the nurturing, and health of those under his roof. 

Our treasures are found in the New Testament and the Old Testament. We need to understand Jesus' teachings were new to the disciples, yet the old truths were not to be cast away. The second coming of the Messiah was clearly revealed. both His first and second coming were predicted in the Old Testament. We need to live and learn and study the Word. 

Are we sharing what we are learning in the Word of God? Are we telling the Good News of Jesus? One day this old world will end. Is our family ready? We must cast the net out to bring sinners to the Savior.


How marvelous are Your plans, Father.

Help us cast out our nets for others to experience what a wonder Savior we have. 

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