Friday, October 27, 2023


 N.T.#174 "Traditions"

Oct. 27, 2023 

Matthew 15


Traditions. when I hear that word, it reminds me of a movie about Jewish tradition. In it we see how outsiders persuaded the Jewish children to stray away. Maybe that movie was a modern application of this chapter. 

Here we go again. The Scribes and Pharisees, Jewish leaders, are causing a conflict with Jesus over a ritual. Their purpose was to scrutinize Jesus' activities. Hundreds of religious traditions had been added to God's laws, ever since the Jews returned from the Babylonian captivity. Those leaders considered the traditions equally as important as the Ten Commandments. Many traditions were not bad in that they added richness and meaning to life. However, they were not sacred. God's laws do not need changing nor additions. Traditions should help us better understand God's laws, not become laws themselves. 

Those Scribes and Pharisees considered failure to observe their traditions as disobedience to the law of God. They thought they were of moral superiority and lusted for power, but it put them at odds with God. So they came to find fault with Jesus' disciples, accusing them of breaking God's law. That is what's taking place here.

Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their hands when they eat bread. (verse 2)

These Jews were not concerned with cleanliness but with ritual. Having proper hygiene does not make one holy. It was not a sign of spiritual purity. Keep in mind that these are the fault finders. they felt competition with Jesus and the disciples.


Traditions are not necessarily bad. Families pass down to generations some custom, practice, or belief to enjoy. Traditions were established by the Jews as they obeyed God's sacrificial system. 

The problem comes when traditions invalidate, cover up, camouflage, or negate the Word of God. the Pharisees taught and practiced traditions that they elevated to the level of Scripture, and that actually allowed them to ignore Scripture. (Tony Evans)

Do we have any traditions which we have made more important than God's Word? Is the fun of halloween and our participation actually causing others to stumble into evil? It isn't the sharing of candy, but dressing like evil ones that take our mind off of Jesus. We give the devil a place he should not have in our thoughts. I think churches should avoid any substitute for this evil holiday. I wish my parents had taught me it was wrong to celebrate a devil's holiday.


Jesus, have first place in my heart and life.

Keep us in You Word.

How faithful You are, Savior.

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