Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Rejection is Hard

N. T. #157 "Rejection is Hard"

Oct. 4, 2023

Matthew 13-Part 14


In the rest of the chapter, we see that Jesus ended describing the Kingdom of God using parables. (verse 53) He departed from Capernaum and took a short, quick trip to His hometown of Nazareth. The trip would have taken two days on foot. It was about 49 miles uphill. It wasn't a quick trip to the store. He passed by familiar places where He played and where friends lived. Maybe childhood memories came into Jesus' mind. We don't know if His disciples stayed behind, joined Jesus, or did missional work. (We don't know if Joseph had passed away by this time.)

When the Sabbath came, Jesus taught in the synagogue. How did the people react?

  • Everyone was amazed. 
  • People questioned where Jesus got His wisdom and power to do miracles. (verse 54)
  • They scoffed that Jesus was just a carpenter's son. 
  • They pointed out that they knew Jesus mother, Mary, and His brothers, James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas. All His sisters lived among them.
  • Where did Jesus learn all these thing?
  • Sadly, the people were deeply offended and refused to believe in Jesus. (verse 57) 
The people of Nazareth could not comprehend how one with the origin and environment of Jesus in Nazareth could possess the wisdom which He had in His teachings. Do you hear the scoffing and sneering in their cynicism? Had they rejected Jesus, considering Him a lunatic? His own family wrote Jesus off as a lost cause. They were offended at His message. He was one of them. Because of the unbelief of the people, Jesus did few miracles in Nazareth. Those folks could not see beyond the man and hear the message from God. 

Do you sometimes question Jesus? 


When we surrendered to the ministry, both our families turned away from us. It wasn't a verbal rejection, but they seemed to leave us out of family things. One time our children did not get a Christmas present, but the other grandchildren did. That is hard.

How did Jesus answer those offended people?

A prophet is not without honor, save in his own country, and in his own house. (verse 57)

Unbelief blinds people to the truth and robs them of hope. Jesus neighbors and family missed the Messiah. (Yet, two of Jesus' family members, James and Jude (Judas) wrote New Testament epistles and played a prominent role in the early church, believing in Jesus as Savior.) 

Are your family and friends rejecting you as a Christian? Keep your faith in Jesus, for He never leaves us. Jesus is our pearl of great value, our treasure hidden in the field. Even when folks know us back when, keep sharing your new attitude, words, and actions with them. 


Give us strength to stand for Your Truth, Jesus.

Help us retain our passion for You, Savior.

May we continue to grow spiritually and do Kingdom work.

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