Thursday, March 6, 2025

Who is Jesus to You?

 N.T.#501 "Who is Jesus to You?"

March 6, 2025 

Luke 4-Part 8


Friend, who is Jesus to you? Is He a good teacher, a main character in a story book, or is He the Holy One of God, His Son, Savior of sinners? 

Jesus left His hometown of Nazareth because of the people rejecting Him and His teachings. Jesus claimed Himself to be the Messiah and the Jews wouldn't hear of it. so Jesus went down to minister in Capernaum. The journey took Him, literally from 1150 feet above sea level to 680 feet below it, by the Sea of Galilee. Although He went down in elevation, Jesus' ministry soared upward.

What happened while Jesus was there?

  • He taught them truth on the Sabbath days. (verse 31)
  • His word was with power. (verse 32) Jesus taught as one having authority, and not as the scribes. (Mark 1:22)
  • The people were astonished or amazed at His doctrine. 
Such words, supported by miraculous works, should have produced faith on the part of all. However, most religious leaders rejected Jesus' claims, and most common people followed Him for the wrong reasons. (Falwell)

Rabbis based their teachings on tradition, citing opinions of their predecessors. It was according to so-and-so. Jesus didn't appeal to the traditions of men; He taught directly from the Scriptures. (Swindoll)

That is how it should be, right? Preachers, pastors and evangelists should base their messages upon the Word of God, not traditions or opinions. 
Not only did Jesus understand the meanings of the scriptures, but He also directed the writing of them, as well as living out the principles of the Old Testament. He is our model teacher.

While in the synagogue, Jesus encountered a demon-possessed man, crying with a loud voice. The demon did not struggle with Jesus' identity. How did he address Jesus?

I know thee who thou art: the Holy One of God. (verse 34)

The demon asked questions of Jesus: What have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? Art thou come to destroy us? (verse 34)

Let us alone. (verse 34)

Jesus rebuked the man's captive, a demon, and it came out of the man. Jesus has all authority in heaven and in earth. This amazed the people at Jesus' authority and power His words had. Even evil spirits obey Him and flee at Jesus' command. (NLT, verse 36) The news about Jesus spread through every village in the entire region. (verse 37)

This was the first miracle which Jesus performed that is recorded by Luke. However, it was not the first one He did. 

Friend, do you know who Jesus is? Do you have faith to believe He is the Savior, the Son of God, who takes away our sins? Have you asked Jesus to forgive your sins and be your Savior?


My source of strength, my source of hope is in Christ alone.
May we let go of the world and cling to You, Sweet Jesus.
Glory to the Lord in the Highest!

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Is Jesus Passing by You?

N.T.#500 "Is Jesus Passing by You?"

March 5, 2025 

Luke 4-Part 7


Jesus proved His point made in verse 24 that a prophet is not accepted in his own country. (He was in the  Nazareth synagogue at the time.) The religious ones were trying to get Jesus to prove Himself to be the Messiah. He had done miracles elsewhere, so He could use His supernatural power for them to see. (verses 23-24)

Jesus wasn't Johnnie on the spot, for he wasn't there to perform miraculous signs. In Galilee Jesus had compassion on the sick and spiritually burdened. He was authentic, giving a tangible reason to believe His words.  Each miracle was Jesus' sovereign choice. 

Be sides, the people of Nazareth were skeptic and would not believe Jesus' claims. He turned their objections around to Israel's history of ignoring and even abusing messengers from God. 

The first was the time whenever Israel turned to worship Baal, the false god of storms. Elijah stood alone against the king Ahab, his wife Jezebel, and the 420 prophets of Baal. In the 3-year drought, the false god could not supply their need of food and water. God prevailed in the competition between Himself and the false god, showing His sovereign power over nature.

The second example was Elisha directing the Gentile military commander with leprosy, Naaman, to wash 7 times in the Jordan River for healing. And it happened just as the prophet had said. The Gentile's faith qualified him for divine favor that the Jews could not receive. Either we receive and obey Jesus by faith or we reject and defile Him. 

Is Jesus your Lord and Savior? Have you followed Him by faith and obedience? Jesus is the only way to heaven.

The people of Nazareth were insulted by those two illustrations since Jesus suggested the Gentiles, whom the Jews despised, were worthy of His teachings and healing ministry. They were filled with wrath. so much so as to lead Jesus to the top of a hill in order to throw Him off and kill Jesus. 


It wasn't Jesus' time to die, and certainly not that way. 

Verse 30 says, But He passing through the midst of them went His way. 

It was a miraculous escape for the Messiah. John recorded at least 3 other times Jesus escaped from the Jews intending to kill Him. (John 7:30; 8:59; 10:39)

Should we be surprised when those in our hometown or family do not accept our Christian witness? No, for it happened to Jesus. Don't give up witnessing. Although we may be opposed, keep sharing the truth and pleasing God. don't get sidetracked. People need the Lord, His forgiveness of sins, love and acceptance. 

Let God work in our life, pray to be a positive witness for Him, and be patient. Don't let Jesus pass us by. Today is the day of salvation. It is the day the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad in it.


Let others see Jesus in you. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Hometown Boy

N.T.#499 "Hometown Boy"

March 4, 2025 

Luke 4-Part 6


It is hard to minister in the area (and family) where one grew up, for they remember your bad deeds before your change of heart. Jesus had this problem of unacceptance. 

We left Jesus in Nazareth reading in the synagogue. Not only was Jesus purpose to preach the gospel to the poor, but also to heal the brokenhearted, set the captives free, deliver sight to the blind, and set the bruised free. 

In addition to those things, Jesus came to preach the acceptable year of the Lord. (verse 19)

What does that refer to here?

  • Jesus came into the world to let them know that the God whom they had offended was willing to be reconciled to them, and to accept of them upon new terms.
  • This refers to the Year of Jubilee, which was the acceptable year of the servants.
  • Debtors were free of their obligations, and mortgaged land was returned to the original owner. 
  • Christ came to sound the jubilee trumpet and bless those who heard it. (Ps. 89:15) (Matthew Henry)
  • Slaves were set free upon this 50 year jubilee, debts released. (Lev. 25)
The land is not to be permanently sold because it is God's land and the people are only aliens and temporary residents on His land. 

It is good news for those Jews in economic crises (the poor), and in political crisis (the oppressed).


Christians are God's possession since He bought us back from slavery to sin by the blood of Jesus Christ. We are free from sin and death, spiritually, because we are servants of God. (Tony Evans)

After reading the passage of Isaiah, Jesus gave the book back to the minister and sat down. Eyes were on Him. (verse 20)

Then Jesus said to them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears. (verse 21)

This was a direct and full claim of Jesus to be the Messiah. (Falwell)

The witnesses wondered at His gracious words, Is not this Joseph's son? (verse 22)

In other words, they were meaning, "Hey, this is the carpenter's kid. He's a local. Who does he think he is? If you really think you're the Messiah, give us some proof. Do something messianic."

The people were in unbelief and unwilling to receive Jesus. They thought they knew Him. Nothing special. He couldn't possibly be the Messiah. Because of this, Jesus performed His miracles throughout Galilee, not in Nazareth. After all, 
No prophet is accepted in his own country. (verse 24)


Let failure or resentment be in the past, my friend.
Follow Jesus daily.
Give Him glory for your good works, for they are kingdom works as you work for the King Jesus.

*Please pray the evil ones do not hack into this website and destroy the Word taught here. I can see where they are from.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Why Jesus Came

N.T.#498 "Why Jesus Came"

March 3, 2025 

Luke 4-Part 


While at Nazareth in the synagogue on the Sabbath Day, Jesus stood up and read from the book of Isaiah, which we know as 61:1-2:

The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He hath anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor; He hath sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised. To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. (verses 18-19)

This portion of Scriptures showed how Jesus fulfilled what the prophet said the Messiah would do?

  • preached the Gospel to the poor; Jesus brought salvation to people, being anointed by the Holy Spirit;
  • heal the brokenhearted; Brokenhearted refers to crush completely the heart, thoughts, or feelings;
  • preached deliverance to the captives; When sin holds us captive, Jesus can free us;
  • healed the blind, returning their sight physically and spiritually;
  • set free those bruised; Bruised means to crush.
Has your heart been crushed, brokenhearted? I think it is like there is no breath left in you. Sadness, pain, suffering takes over. Jesus said that He came to heal you, dear one. Turn to Jesus. Tell Jesus all about it. He can heal you, put your life back together.


Jesus was proclaiming Himself as the One who would bring this Good News to pass. His healings were only a portion of Jesus' good works. His dying on the cross after beatings brought us salvation. He took the penalty for our sins so we do not have to pay for them. Freely Jesus this. Yet, He arose from the dead to give us everlasting life with the Father. What a glorious Savior!


I will magnify the Lord, who is worthy to be praised!

May the God of my salvation be exulted!

Heal the brokenhearted, Lord.

Set us free!

Friday, February 28, 2025

Faithful in Worship

N.T.#497 "Faithful in Worship"

Feb. 28, 2025 

Luke 4-Part 5


So far we have read about Jesus' baptism, 40 days in the wilderness fasting and communing with the Father, and at least 3 temptations or spiritual assaults by the devil. 

What did Jesus do next? 

  • He returned to the Galilean area in the power of the Spirit. (verse 14) 
  • News of Him spread through all the surrounding district. 
  • Jesus began teaching in the synagogues. (verse 15)
  • He was praised by all.
Most Jewish village had a synagogue. They were used as a place to instruct in the Old Testament,  worship, and as schools for young Jewish boys during the week. Centuries of tradition and hundreds of rules for the rabbis were in expectance for people to follow. Jesus is our example of attending church. 
Luke introduces the public ministry of Jesus with just a summary of His activity in the area of the Sea of Galilee. 

I have to ask, but are you faithful in attending a New Testament church where Jesus is preached and taught?

Luke seems to have skipped the healing of a child in Capernaum and His turning water into wine at the wedding. (Although, John covers it in the fourth chapter.) There are several things which happened while Jesus was in the Galilean area:
  • The first 4 disciples were called to follow Jesus. 
  • Healing of a demoniac.
  • Peter's mother in law and others healed.
We find these things happening later in chapter 4. Jesus probably ministered in the area several weeks or months since at least 15,000 people lived in the area.

Then Jesus moved on to His hometown of Nazareth where He taught in the synagogue. (verse 16) We will study more in depth what Jesus taught next week.

As followers of Jesus, we are to be attending worship and Bible Study each week.
If you are not, what do you need to let go of so you will?

Thursday, February 27, 2025


N.T.#496 "Temptations"

Feb. 27, 2025 

Luke 4-Part 4 


We have learned about the two temptations of the devil for Jesus while fasting in the wilderness 40 days: turning stones into bread, a personal temptation (verse 3), which would have been acting independently of the Father for His physical needs, and a power temptation(verses 5-8) as the devil offered kingdoms of the world if Jesus worshiped him. (Jesus already owned it all since He created it all.)

The third temptation was that of pride. Jesus was transported to the pinnacle of Herod's temple in Jerusalem. This would have been an extremely high elevation over looking the Kidron Valley. It would have been 150 feet above the Court of the Priests below. (Swindoll)

If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down from hence.  (verse 9)

The devil even quoted Scripture, Psalm 91:11-12:

For it is written, He shall give His angels charge over Thee, to keep thee: And in their hands they shall bear Thee up, lest at any time Thou dash Thy foot against a stone. (verses 10-11)

The devil was implying that the Jews would see that miracle and accept Jesus as the Messiah. Again, Jesus answered the devil with Scripture:

Thou shalt not tempt the Lord Thy God.. (verse 12 and Deut. 6:16)

During the 40 days in the wilderness, the devil pressed every temptation to its fullest extent, yet Jesus did not fail to surrender to it. He is our Overcomer. Jesus suffered the affliction of temptation like no other human ever has or ever will. (Swindoll)

When the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from Jesus for a season. In Luke 22:3, he returns filling Judas. He failed, but Jesus won. 


Do we know enough Scriptures to combat temptations when they come our way? 

When was the last time the devil dropped his baited hook and you bit, sinning? 

Mine was yesterday when I ate not 1, not 2, but 3 apple pie fritters. I was trying to loose some of this hibernation flab. Oh me. I failed again. Crazy thing is, I threw out the box they came in into the trash. And to beat all, those things were not fresh, but had been in the freezer too long. Ugh! I am bad.

James tells us to resist the devil and he will flee from us. (James 4:7)

So when we are weak, we can expect a major assault. Satan can twist words and situations around. When we resist, be ready for a different approach from the evil one. 

God has promised He would never leave us nor forsake us.

After yesterday's yielding, I ate cottage cheese and yogurt for breakfast. Thought I'd better get back on the narrow road.


Help us say no to the things of this world and yes to Your Holy Spirit today.

May we let go of self and cling to Jesus.

Thank You Jesus for being faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Who Rules Your Life?

N.T.#495  "Who Rules Your Life?"

Feb. 26, 2025 

Luke 4-Part 3


We read where the devil tempted Jesus to turn stones into bread. This was after He had fasted 40 days in the wilderness. It would have been no problem for the Son of God to do that, but in doing so, He would have been questioning God's willingness to provide for Him. 

Something may not be wrong in itself, but it may not be good for us at the time. Have we ever questioned God's provision for us? Have we done things outside God's will or ahead of His timetable?

The second temptation is found in verses 5-8. The devil showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world. He claimed that all this authority had been given to him, the devil, and he could give it to anyone. Therefore, he offered it to Jesus if He would worship him. Of course, this was a lie, which the devil is good at. 

Adam was called to rule the world on God's behalf. (Gen. 1:26) By rebelling against God, he abdicated his role and handed it over to Satan, who is now the "god of this age (world)" and the "ruler of the power of the air." (2 Cor. 4:4 and Eph. 2:2) Thus, the devil offered Jesus what he had come into the world to claim. He had come to be the King over a kingdom. And, if He listened to Satan, Jesus wouldn't have to work so hard. All Jesus had to do was worship the one who could give it to Him immediately. 

[Resource: The Tony Evans Bible Commentary]


All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them; for that is delivered unto me; and to whosoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine. (verse 6-7)

Well, in the first place, the devil had it all wrong. God had control over His creation, not the devil. Secondly, the devil had only the power which God allowed. Remember, the devil wanted to be like God. That is why he was thrown out of heaven. 

Jesus worship the devil? Really? The devil was trying to divert Jesus from His mission and to receive His worship. It did not work. 

What was Jesus' answer? Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou worship. 

No way was Jesus going to get His authority from the devil. He was present whenever God kicked him out of heaven. Jesus' authority was from God Himself and would always be. This was a power thing. 

Jesus came to confront, overcome, and ultimately destroy evil. One day the devil will be gone from us. In the meantime, we battle with temptations to sin. 

Who is God of your life? 


Are we allowing God to rule as our Master?

Is our trust in Him?

Who do we serve-self (devil) or the Lord God?

What about our family and friends? Have we shared what God had done for us?

Is there anything we spend our time doing instead of reading God's Word? 

Questioning Who Jesus Is

N.T.#494 "Questioning Who Jesus Is"

Feb. 25, 2025 

Luke 4-Part 2


We left Jesus fasting in the wilderness for 40 days. He was there allowing God to preparing Him spiritually for His ministry ahead. When it had ended, what happens but the devil comes to tempt Jesus. Not once, but three times in verses 3-13. Shall we take a closer look at their encounter:

The devil (false accuser; Satan) attacked Jesus, tempting Him in three ways:

  1. Personally
  2. Power
  3. Pride.
How did the devil tempt Jesus personally? He tempted the physically hungry Jesus to turn stones into bread, if He was the Son of God. Satan knew who Jesus is. Turning stones into bread for Jesus to eat would not be sin. Did you catch the little word if? Right up front the devil was trying to cause Jesus to doubt who His is.
Do we doubt who Jesus is? Is He your Savior, Master over your life?

Did you catch it? Just as the devil tempted Adam and Evil to sin (which was successful), he used the same tactics on Jesus. Doubt the goodness of God, act independently of the Father, and not trust in God; that was what the first couple did when they disobeyed God's orders.
If Jesus yielded to the devil's temptation by stones into bread, then He would yield to other temptations, chances are. Jesus wasn't there to do the devil's work, but His Heavenly Father's work. 

For whom are we working? Self, the devil, or God?


How did Jesus respond to the first temptation of the devil?
Jesus used Scripture to put the devil in his place.

He humbled you and let you be hungry, and fed you with manna which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that He might make you understand that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the LORD. (Deuteronomy 8:3)

Jesus had power over stones, kingdoms of this world, and angels. However, the devil wanted Him to use that power for His purpose, disregarding Jesus' mission, act selfishly. 
Jesus refused to act independently of His Father; He trusted God's provision. (After all, Jesus had gone 40 days without food. What's another couple of hours in comparison?)

If the Son of God faced the devil while full of the Spirit and armed with the Word of God, wouldn't he likely tempt us, also?

We must guard ourselves with the Word of God, know who Jesus is, and be obedient to the Father, without sinning. That is what pleases God.

However, there are times we yield and sin. He faithfully forgives us when we confess our sins. May we not cause our brothers and sisters to stumble into sin by what we do.

Righteousness is what You want from me, Lord Jesus.
Take my heart and form it, take my mind and life and conform it, to Yours, O Lord.
Jesus, You are the Son of God. 
Use us in kingdom work today.

Monday, February 24, 2025

While in the Wilderness

N.T.#493 "While in the Wilderness"

Feb. 24, 2025 

Luke 4


Ever feel like you are in the wilderness?  Jesus went there on purpose. Why? Read on to find the answer.

Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. He did it in order to fulfill righteousness. (Matt. 3:15) Jesus identified with those whom He redeemed. He was showing His death, burial, and resurrection to come for the sins of the world. This pleased the Heavenly Father. 

Not only did God's voice speak His pleasure in His Son after the baptism of Jesus, but also on two other occasions-the Transfiguration (Luke 9:23), and the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.  (John 12:28). (I didn't realize this.) (Liberty Bible Commentary)

Then the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness. There He stayed for 40 days and fasted. (verse 2) Why was Jesus led there and for what purpose? He was tempted of the devil. 

Evidently being under the influence of the Spirit does not mean uninterrupted peace and tranquility. Jesus was in the middle of the Judean wilderness, a completely barren place. (Evans)

Here are some of my thoughts, which could be totally wrong or right on course.                                      

  • I think God was giving Jesus instructions while He was there. Jesus was away from the noise of town, had time on His hands, away from work. 
  • Jesus was learning who He was, the Son of God, the Savior, the Messiah. 
  • Jesus was going to be confronted by the religious leaders many times, so He had to know the Word. He had to learn to submit to God for wisdom for comebacks. 
  • He had to learn to restrain His power. He could have zapped people dead, but Jesus chose to heal the sick and diseased with His power, instead.
  • Jesus was going to pick and choose His disciples. And it sure wasn't easy to put up with them during the process of their spiritual training.
  • He was taught the Beatitudes before Jesus taught them to the people. What a preacher!
  • Jesus taught in parables, with a spiritual meaning in mind, so folks could understand what He was talking about. 
  • Jesus was developing character. He extended the Ten Commandments using love. 
  • Jesus prayed the Lord's Prayer before teaching it.
  • Jesus learned acts of worship while alone. He learned praying, fasting, and giving.
  • He had sheep to lead as our Good Shepherd.
  • Jesus was preparing people for heaven.
  • He knew the signs of the end times, what the Tribulation entailed. 
Jesus was not just a great teacher of  the good life. He is The Way, The Truth, The Life. No one comes unto the Father except by faith in Jesus. 
Jesus was prepared for betrayal, for a sacrificial death on a cruel cross in order to take our punishment for our sins. What a Savior! Yet, He knew the shedding of His blood, as the Perfect Sacrificial Lamb was the only way to satisfy the Father. He willingly did that for you and me and thousands of those before us and after us. 
Jesus knew His life did not end in a tomb. He would rise from the dead on that first day of the week. He reigns forever in heaven, beside the Father, interceding for us.
We have a Savior who was tempted as we are, yet He did not sin!

Friend, do you know my Jesus as your Savior? Simply ask Him to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and trust Him today.

Turn to Jesus for strength, compassion, and power to resist the temptations of the world.
Help us to deny ourself, take up our cross, and follow You, Sweet Jesus.

Friday, February 21, 2025

To Whom Are You Related?

N.T.#492 "To Whom Are You Related?"

Feb. 21, 2025 

Luke 3-Part 4


I hope everyone is keeping warm and safe through this winder blast. We received 9 inches of snow and temps are in the negative. This happens every once in a while, but not for this length of time. Enjoy your time at home.

Sometimes we like to brag who we are related to, if a famous person. Does it really matter? If we are a child of the King, that is all that matters to me. Stay with me and see who Mary was related to.

Luke inserted John the Baptist's trouble and imprisonment before Christ's baptism, temptation, and ministry. At the age of 30, Jesus began His ministry, as did the Levitical priests. (Numbers 4:47) 

Then Luke carefully explains Christ's unique parentage in light of His virgin birth. Jesus had no earthly father. (Falwell)

This genealogy is of Mary's blood-line, working backward through her father, Heli. You probably recognize some of the names-Levi, Simeon, Nathan, David, Booz, Phares, Jacob, Isaac, Abraham, Enoch, Seth, and Adam. So on the human side, Jesus was a descendant of David. (David was promised one of his descendants would remain on the throne of Israel. Jesus is that person.) (verses 23-38)


The royal blood of David flowed through Mary's veins. This entitled Jesus to the throne of David through His mother. (Matthew traces the line of Jesus through Solomon, the son of David, through Joseph. Yet Joseph was not Jesus' father.)

Jesus was related to king David on both sides of His family tree. Maybe Joseph adopted Jesus. 

Jesus was the last Adam God created. The first Adam fell into sin. The last Adam did not. 

We are adopted into God's family through faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. What a privilege! God's promises apply to us. We have an inheritance waiting on us that is out of this world!


Renew our minds, Lord, for Your service today.

Help us focus on Your kingdom work.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Who Are We Pleasing?

 N.T.#491 "Who Are We Pleasing?"

Feb. 20, 2025

Luke 3-Part 3


Who are we pleasing? Is God the one or is our self or others the one we strive to please? 

For some reason John reversed the order of him baptizing Jesus and John being put in prison. So let's skip to verse 21. It took place at the Jordan River. What a quiet place, with trees overhanging the water, and the water is not swift, but rather deep, so it is a green color. Can you picture that day? 

When Jesus came to John for him to baptize the Lord, John said that he was in need of baptism by Jesus, (not the other way around). Jesus told John to allow it to be or happen. Why? It was in order to fulfill all righteousness. (verse 15)This act of obedience was for Jesus to publicly consecrate Himself for His own ministry. Jesus received the new covenant. 

Jesus' baptism was not one showing repentance, for Jesus had no sin for which to repent. 

By identifying Himself with those whom He came to redeem, Jesus inaugurated His public ministry as the Messiah. Also, Jesus was a faithful Jew in regards to their Jewish religious observances: synagogue worship, attendance at feasts, payment of the Temple tax, etc. (Falwell)

Jesus is our example for obedience, showing we have a new heart as we follow God's will for our life. The old person has passed away whenever we get saved. We are a new creation in Christ Jesus.

Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Have you followed Him in baptism and obedience?


What happened at Jesus' baptism?

  • Heaven was opened when Jesus prayed. (verse 21) What an extraordinarily special moment in time when earth and heaven were not separated.
  • The Holy Spirit descended. A visible manifestation of the Holy Spirit validating the son's ministry for those present. 
  • In bodily form like a dove. those present heard the voice of God expressing pleasure in Jesus and calling Him My Beloved Son.
  • Thou art My Beloved Son: in Thee I am well pleased. (Ps. 2:7; Isaiah 42:1)

Aren't we striving to one day hear those words from our Savior? Are we following in His footsteps? Are we obeying the Holy Spirit? Are we fulfilling our purpose? Things to think about.


Cleanse our hearts, Lord, make us like You.

Help us to forgive, to leave behind those things that hinder us from serving You.

How great is our God!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The Truth Revealed

 N.T. #490 "The Truth Revealed"

Feb. 19, 2025 

Luke 3-Part 2


Repentance is validated by how we relate to others. The whole law is fulfilled as we love our neighbor as yourself. (Tony Evans)

We got a glimpse of John and his teachings. the people and men were sitting down and discussing, mulling it over, in their hearts whether John was the Christ or not. (verse 15) He had a different message than the religious leaders; he had a different appearance and a different way. John was not the Messiah, but His forerunner. He knew his place and purpose.

John the Baptist set the record straight when he explained to the people: 

I indeed baptize you with water; but One mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worth to unloose: He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire. (verse 16)

John made it clear that he was not the Messiah. In fact, John felt he didn't even qualify to unfasten the King's sandals. In fact, John's water baptism was inferior to that of the Holy Spirit and fire. That is humility. 

In Acts 2, the Holy Spirit came on the crowd and each heard the Gospel in their own language on the day of Pentecost. As a result of  Peter's preaching 3,000 being saved. And the church began.

Friend, are you saved from the penalty of sin? Jesus has provided the way. Simply ask Him to forgive your sins and be your Savior. 


One day Jesus will separate the unbelievers from the believers in Him like separating the wheat from the chaff. (verse 17)

John preached other things unto the people. (verse 18) It is obvious that God had revealed many spiritual things to John. Life wasn't easy for John, yet he preached the truth. We will see tomorrow how it cost him his life.

How serious are we about following Jesus? 


Help us share the Truth of the Word with others.

Monday, February 17, 2025

The Message is Different

 N.T.#489 "The Message Is Different"

Feb. 18, 2025 

Luke 3-Part 1


Can you picture John the Baptist as he goes about preaching repentance. I see him shaggy, unshaven, wearing camel's hair clothes. His diet, looks, and clothing was different, yet simple. His was the voice that resonated in the wilderness for Israel to return back to God through admitting their sins. Israel had broken their covenant with God, so they needed to admit it.  Like many of the prophets, John would be put to death because of his message. John went into the region of the Jordan River to preach repentance and baptism as a sign of their turning from sin and to God.

John's ministry is summed up in Isaiah 40:3-5, which Luke quotes here. What was John's purpose?

  • Prepare the way of the Lord. Israel, get your hearts ready for the coming of your Messiah.
  • Make His paths straight.. (verse 4) Monarchs traveling through the wilderness regions would have a crew of workmen go ahead to make sure the road was clear of debris, obstructions, potholes, and other hazards that mad the journey difficult. 
  • Every valley shall be filled, (Humble ones will be enriched with grace.)
  • every mountain and hill shall be brought low; (self-confidence will hit rock bottom.)
  • every crooked shall be made straight, (Crooked ways of sin can be made straight by God.)
  • and the rough ways shall be made smooth. (verse 5) (God's love and Word is easy to walk in.)
  • And all flesh shall see the salvation of God. 
Jews and Gentiles are welcome at the foot of the cross for salvation is provided by Jesus Christ. As the heart is changed through faith in Jesus, so one finds the love of God and His grace, peace, mercy.

Have you found this newness of life? Is there peace with God in your heart? His love never fails, never gives up, never runs out.


The Jewish religious leaders had poisoned the Jews, resulting in hatred toward God and each other. John called those Sadducees and Pharisees vipers, having poisoned their relationship with God and each other. God's wrath is coming.  (verse 7)  Are you ready?

Our fruit of repentance results in a changed heart, mind, and way of life. Love dwells in our heart and is shown forth. (verse 8) An unfruitful tree is cut down and cast into the fire as firewood. 

What shall we do? John explained:

  • Share food and clothing. Give to those in need. (verse 11)
  • Be just and honest in business, including taxes charged. (verses 12-13)
  • Show kindness instead of violence. (verse 14)
  • Don't accuse people falsely.
  • Be content with your wages. (verse 14) (Matthew Henry's Commentary)
Are we living in peace with God and others? Are we filled with God's love and give as He gives? Do others see Jesus in us?


Lighten the load of sin, my friend.

Let Jesus carry your burdens.

Be filled with His love, joy, peace, patience, faith, goodness-fruit of the Spirit.

John's Message

N.T.#488 "John's Message"

Feb. 17, 2025 

Luke 3 


I'm not sure why Luke threw in the political powers that be during this time, but it can be confusing. I will try to make it simple for us who are not historians. (It helps me understand about the 6 trials of Jesus that we studied about in Matthew and Mark.) It was a hard time in which to live for God's people.

John the Baptist began his ministry during a time of political fracturing in Israel. While priests and procurators vied for power, the people desperately longed for a leader. (Swindoll)

 The Roman Empire ruled the land of what is/was Israel. The Emperors were:

  • Herod the Great (died AD 4);
  • Augustus took over, eventually co-reigned with Tiberius until Augustus died in AD 14;
  • Augustus divided the king's territory between his 3 sons as governors:
  • Archelaus (over Judea, Samaria, Idumea);
  • Antipas (over Galilee and Perea);
  • Philip (over the rest of the area, including Ituraea).
  • Pontius Pilate became the fifth governor of Judea in AD 26. Meanwhile, Herod Antipas continued to rule Galilee. (Resources:Swindoll's Living Insights on Luke, Liberty Bible Commentary)
The Jewish Temple had been destroyed in 70 AD. The Temple renovation began by Herod in 20 or 19 BC and continued on for 46 years.

Now that that is clear as mud, let's see what John the Baptist was up to. During his time, the two high priests were greedy Annas and Caiaphas. (verse 2)

The the Word of God came to John in the wilderness. This was his area of ministry. And I mean it is wilderness, except along the Jordan River and the Dead Sea where olive trees flourish. The region is like clay rocks on hills without grass. Not a luxurious place to live or visit. Yet that is where God had John and we don't hear him complaining.

Are we complainers or grateful folks? Are we satisfied with the place God has us ministering? Are we being faithful?


What was John's message in a nutshell? He preached the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins. (verse 3) 

We are to admit we are sinners. All have sinned and come shore of the glory of God, meeting His standards for living. Believe Jesus is God's Son and died on the cross in our place. Confess this and ask Jesus to forgive our sins. It is as simple as ABC. (We teach it in Vacation Bible School.)

Have you, my friend?


We let go of the world and follow Jesus because He loves us and gave His life for us.

We want what Jesus wants for us to do.

Love God and Jesus, love others as our self.


Friday, February 14, 2025

Letting Go Isn't Easy

N.T.#487 "Letting Go Isn't Easy"

Feb. 14, 2025 

Luke 2-Part 8 


When we dropped off our daughter at college for the first time, I cried all the way home, 3 hours. Yet, I know she was at the right place to grow as a Christian. When our son moved out after graduating high school, it cut my heart out. But I knew it was time for him to flap those wings and fly. A mamma never stops praying for her children, loving them. watching them grow.

When Jesus 12, He went with His parents to Jerusalem for the Passover. It was probably an ordinary time with hundreds of Jews attending the festival. The unusual thing which happened occurred afterwards:

And when they had fulfilled the days, as they returned, the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem; and Joseph and His mother knew not of it. (verse 43)

  • Jesus' parents supposed He was with others in the company returning northward home. But Jesus wasn't with them after a day's journey.
  • The parents searched for Him among the kinsfolk and acquaintances. (verse 45)
  • Jesus was still under the authority of Joseph at that age. At age 13, a Jewish boy is considered a man, with the rights and responsibilities of adulthood, and fully responsible to know and follow the Law of Moses. The bar mitzyah was coming up for Jesus. (Swindoll)
Poor Mary, she must have been in a panic. Mammas understand. We are mother hens when it comes to our children. We want to protect them. Mary had carefully taken care of this God-given child. Yet, Jesus did not need protecting. God His Heavenly Father was doing it.


Jesus was safely sitting in the Temple, listening to and asking questions of the doctors. 

Doctors refer to and instructor; teacher; master.

All that heard Jesus were astonished at His understanding and answers. Jesus was far beyond His years in understanding. It was the Heavenly Father at work in Jesus, filling Him with wisdom, knowledge and understanding of spiritual things. Sounds like Jesus was hungry for the Word of God.

Son, why have You treated us like this? Your father and I have been searching for You. (verse 48)

In other words, "What are you doing here? You are supposed to be with us on our way home. What were you thinking? You worried us half sick. Let's go home." That is what I would have said.

How is it that ye sought me? Wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business? (verse 49)

Considering who Jesus was, The Son of God, His parents should have known where to find Jesus in the Temple. So Jesus went home with Mary and Joseph back to Nazareth. He was subject to them. He lived under their authority for the next 18 years. I never thought about that. But when the time comes, we must step back and let go-in spite of the hurt.  An adult child was living at home. (His ministry started when Jesus was 30.) He was learning about carpentry from Joseph and relationships from Mary. God has a timing for everything.

Letting go of people or projects we have nurtured can be very difficult. It is both sweet and painful to see our children growing into adults. Although, we should not want it any other way. What a blessing it is to see our adult children serving God in their churches! And they are raising up our grandchildren to serve God, also.


We must continue to pray for our children and grandchildren as they seek the will of God. 

Pray for those who stray away. 

Let go when it comes time.

*Please pray for my niece, Kristin, age 52, who has cancer in a node in her neck. She has tests ahead, but has decided to have a double mastectomy, with reconstruction.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

How Was Boy Jesus Different?

 N.T.#486 "How Was Boy Jesus Different?"

Feb. 13, 2025 

Luke 2-Part 7


Children are so different. Even siblings growing up in the same house, under the influence of the same parents are not the same in personality, intellect, and spirit. Shall we take a look at how the boy Jesus was different from other boys His age?

The boy Jesus grew physically, mentally, intellectually, and spiritually. Verse 40 tells us this about Jesus Christ:

  • Jesus grew in stature of body. Can you see the young man, Jesus, a dark-skinned and dark hair young man?
  • He waxed (to empower; increase in vigor; be strengthened) strong in spirit. While other children were weak in understanding and good judgment, Jesus was increasing.
  • Jesus was filled with wisdom, beyond His years, for the Holy Spirit was upon Jesus.
  • The grace of God was upon Jesus. He was highly favored, loved, and cherished by God His heavenly Father. God took care of His Son. 
I believe even throughout His childhood, Jesus never sinned. That is why He was the perfect sacrifice for our sins. What a child to have in your home and family!


All Jewish males were required to appear before the Lord 3 times each year at the Temple in Jerusalem. (Deut. 16:16) Being good Jews, Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the temple in order to attend the Passover. Keep in mind that Jesus' parents were able to teach Him about their Jewish customs and the Word of God. 

In Nehemiah's day, whenever Ezra the the priest read the Law, the people stood, raising their hands, then bowed face down in worship of the Holy God. (8:2)

Passover was followed by a week of celebrating the Festival of Unleavened Bread. (In Egypt, God killed the firstborn children, but passed over the Hebrew children, who had the blood of the lamb over their doorpost house. (Ex. 2)

The grace of God was upon Jesus. (verse 40) 

The word for grace used here is charis, which means favor; benefit; divine influence upon the heart.

God's favor was upon Jesus, and His divine influence was upon Jesus' heart. As we surrender our will to God's will for our life, we, too, can have the grace of God, His divine influence upon our heart. How fantastic is that!


Heavenly Father, will you pour out Your grace upon us?

Will You give us wisdom, strength, and a changed heart.

Fill us with Your Spirit of love for others, Your Word, and for You.

Glory to the God on High.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Seniors Honor The Baby

 N.T.#485  "Seniors Honor The Baby"

Feb. 12, 2025 

Luke 20-Part 6


Some things happened to the family of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus while they were still in Bethlehem:

  • They went to the Temple in Jerusalem so Jesus could be circumcised and name Jesus.
  • Sometime between these events, the wise men came giving the family gifts. (Matt. 2) Joseph was told in a dream to leave for Egypt so Jesus would not be killed.
  • Then 40 days after Jesus' birth, the family went back to the Temple to present an offering for Mary's cleansing and redeem Him in recognition that Jesus belonged to God. (A type of baby dedication)
  • While at the Temple, an elderly man named Simeon, filled with the Holy Ghost came to the family.
  • Simeon was just, devout man, whom the Lord promised would see the Lord's Christ before he died.
  • Simeon held Jesus and proclaimed, For mine eyes have seen Thy salvation. (verse 26)  Jesus was a light for the gentiles and the glory of Israel. (verse 32)
  • Simeon celebrated God's promise to him and then the provision of a Savior to both Gentiles and Jews.
  • He finished talking with the fact that a sword would pierce her own soul. Not a happy thought for a mamma. We know the religious leaders of Israel crucified the Messiah later. Mary watched her son die in agony. She kept pondering those previous events in her heart. Jesus was her Savior, too, her hope of eternal life.
Joseph and Mary marveled at the things Simeon said. Why were they amazed? It had been a time of amazing events, one after another-a virgin birth of a son, angels visiting them, wise men giving them gifts, and now an old man saying astonishing things about their baby boy. We are probably amazed that they were amazed.


While at the Temple, the family encountered another elderly person, a woman named Anna. She was a widow after 7 years of marriage, now at the of age of 84, who did not leave the Temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day. Like Simeon, Anna was anticipating the coming of the Messiah and the redemption of Jerusalem, our Redeemer. (verse 38)
We don't know how people reacted to those two old people who were excited to see the Messiah. As I fit into the senior category, I, too get excited when conversing about our Savior!

A chronological Bible tells of the wise men who visited Mary and Joseph after they returned home to Nazareth. To me it doesn't matter when the family fled to Egypt, just that they were safe from Herod, who killed children under the age of 2 years. At any rate, the family returned to Nazareth in the Galilee area. 
Are you excited about the fact that one day we shall see Jesus? Then before Him we will bow before the Savior with love and honor.


What do we need let go so we can serve the Savior? 
At any age, even as a senior, we can serve Jesus with what gifts He has given us.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

After the Birth

N.T.#484 "After the Birth"

Feb. 11, 2025 

Luke 2-Part 5 


When extraordinary things have happened in your life,? Don't we marvel at them as a work of God? The shepherds, Mary and Joseph experienced those things. Read on to find out what happened. 

The shepherds went to Bethlehem to see the Savior, Christ the Lord. They found Mary, Joseph, and the babe lying in the manger. (verse 16) They didn't keep the exciting news of the Jew's long-awaited Messiah being born. to themselves. They made it know abroad. The shepherds must have gone back to work in the fields as changed men, glorifying and praising God. (verse 20)

But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. (verse 19)

As a mother, I can understand Mary thinking about the events surrounding her son; Gabriel visited her with an extraordinary message, her becoming pregnant with knowing a man, visiting her cousin Elisabeth confirming it all, Joseph's dream and marrying her, then the shepherds sharing their visits. How overwhelming it must have been for a young Jewish girl to have experienced it all, plus giving birth to the Son of the Highest. I always wondered if God gave Mary a painless birthing.. I think down through the years Mary kept thinking about events of her son's birth.


What were some of the Jewish ceremonies the parents did after the birth of a boy?

  • Then when Jesus turned 8 days old, Mary and Joseph took Him to be circumcised and name. If a child born is a boy, the Jewish parents would dedicate him to the Lord. Mary and Joseph did this. They offered either  a pair of turtledoves or 2 young pigeons.
  •  It was also time for their purification offering, for the mother, which occurred 40 days after the birth of a son as Moses's law required. This took place at the Temple in Jerusalem. 
  • Redemption of the firstborn, as presented to God 1 month after birth. They were buying back the child who belonged to God, who alone has the power to give life. (verses 21-24) (Life Application Study Bible)
Jesus was not born above the Law, instead, He fulfilled it perfectly.  Keep in mind that this new family did not return to Nazareth right away. 

Because we can't keep the Law perfectly, we need a Savior/Redeemer-Jesus Christ. Have you trusted Him as your Savior? What about your family?


 Lord Jesus, we give thanks for all You have done for us.

Such grace and mercy You show us!

Glory to Your Name!

Saturday, February 8, 2025

There is Good News!

 N.T.#483 "There is Good News!"

Feb. 10, 2025

Luke 2-Part 4


After the angel gave the message of a Savior being born, and the particulars, what happened? A multitude of angels appeared, praising God.

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. (verse 13)

Matthew Henry explains the event this way:

  • Let God have the honor of this work. He sent the Messiah, showing His kindness and love.
  • Let men have the joy of it-peace on earth, good will to men. Peace is now between God and mankind through Jesus; peace between Jews and Gentiles; peace by a Mediator Christ.
With an extraordinary message on an ordinary night, with the testimonies of the angels, who could sit still? How could there be any doubt within the shepherds after such a specular occurrence?

Do we sometimes doubt God, after we have experienced a fantastic working of God in our life? I hope not. Sceptics do, though. 
What has God done in your life lately?

The other day, our son came and installed new light switches in the dining room for us. Little did we know, but my husband turned off the wrong breaker. He could have been awfully shocked, but God protected him, I believe. The event could have turned out horribly. Yet, he fixed them without a spark. Glory to God in the Highest!


Following the spectacular show of possibly hundreds of angels, the shepherds, they went to sleep. No! The said to one another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath mad known unto us. (verse 15)

Can you hear the excitement? Nothing like this had happened for hundreds of years. (Kind of like when we have eclipses, folks get excited, but 10 times more.) God had made known the birth of The Messiah to lowly shepherds. You talk about a blessing on steroids!

They must have known where the stables, stalls for animals in Bethlehem was located. they immediately went to the place where Mary and Joseph and Jesus were. Sure enough, it was just as the angel had told them. Jesus was wrapped in swaddling cloths and in a manger of hay.

What a time they must have had. Don't you know the shepherds shared their angelic experience with the parents. 

And when they saw the Savior, they spread the Good News. (The Great commission in action.) They made the message and first-hand experience known abroad. Even in the marketplace, with their families, with strangers, at the Temple, the shepherds had a testimony to share.  

People wondered, which means to admire; marvel, at those things the shepherds told them.

Isn't the Good News of Jesus offering salvation to anyone a marvelous message? That it is only required we have faith in Him in order for us to be saved from the punishment of our sins. That Jesus would leave His home in heaven to come to earth, only to die. Yet He rose from the grave, victorious over death and sin! Shouting ground!


How marvelous, how wonderful, is my Savior's love for me!

His love is everlasting, unchangeable.

Do you need to let go of something, dear one, so you can follow Jesus?

Glory to God in the Highest!

Friday, February 7, 2025

A Humble Baby in a Humble Birthplace"

 N.T.# 482"A Humble Baby in a Humble Birthplace"

Feb. 7, 2025

Luke 2-Part 3


I recall my growing up days on the farm. My dad had a cow milking business. I would take my little juice -glassed size container to the barn  (as a preschooler) and dad would fill it up, directly from the cow, pure, warm milk. Mmm, that was so good. Yet, on my walk to the barn, I had to watch carefully where I stepped. Cows didn't care where they removed their waste and fresh cow piles could ruin  shoes. The smell in the barn was not pleasant there because of the same reason. Fond memories of my dad. Hopefully, I painted the scenery for Christ's birth so you could have a good idea of what it was like for Mary and Joseph in the animal barn.

Caesar Augustus was merely a tool in God's hand to bring to pass the prophecy of the Messiah/Savior being born in Bethlehem. (Micah 5:2)  (McGee)

Dr. Luke goes into detail saying Mary wrapped Jesus, her son and the Son of God, in swaddling cloths and laid Him in a manger.(verse 7)  What a humble place for the King of kings to enter this world. It was not a palace, nor a first-rate hotel. All the guest rooms were filled up at that time. Everyone related to King David were in town to be counted in the census and pay their taxes. The King of creation, who could have zapped the manger into a luxurious surrounding, the One who deserved all honor and glory, humbly came as a human to be born in the humblest of circumstances. What a Savior! He brought hope to the lowly by being lowly.

Shall we take a closer look at the shepherds?

  • Humble, lowly shepherds were the first to hear the Good News of The Savior being born. 
  • An angel was sent by God (maybe Gabriel or Christophany-Christ Himself) to the rolling hills of Judea to Jewish shepherds taking care of sheep, protecting them from predators and thieves. They weren't sleeping in beds, weren't' priests in the Temple, but probably tent dwellers in the fields. 
  • Although it was considered a lowly job, these guys were employed. (Moses and David were shepherds called by God to do His work.)
  • Maybe it was a warm night under the stars, or maybe it was a cool night so the shepherds were around a campfire discussing things. I figure it was night time and the whole sky lite up. The angels knew where to find the right guys at the right time to give them an extraordinary message straight from God Himself. 
  • The glory of the Lord lite up the sky, which made the guys sore afraid. I hear ya. (verse 9)
When the Holy Spirit speaks to our spirit, we sit up and take notice, right? Or we fall on our face while in the presence of a Holy God. When the Word of God pierces our heart, it travels to our brain and we know it was God speaking to us through His Word. "Yes, Lord," is all we can mumble.

Friend, when was the last time you had a visit from God?


What was the angel's message?

  • First of all, it was for the shepherds to fear not, for he brought good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. (verse 10)  Jews and Gentiles would benefit. The guys were all eyes and ears by this time, maybe even frozen without moving.
  • For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. (verse 11) After 400 years of silence, God sent a Savior, the expected Messiah to the Jews. 
  • How were the shepherds to know which baby was the Anointed One, the Lord, the Only Savir, the Expected One.
  • They knew "who," but where did this take place? Bethlehem, the city of David.
  • Which baby? The sign that The Messiah was the one special baby was finding Him wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.(verse 12) That was how the shepherds knew He was The One.
  • What an unusual appearance for God's Son to make. He wasn't dressed in robes, lying in the best house in town, lying in state, with a numerous train of attendants in rich liveries. (Matthew Henry)
  • Jesus was distinguishing all right-clothed with humility and love.
Oh, what a Savior! He is down-to-earth, able to connect with us ordinary people.  Do you seek to connect with Him? Take time out to walk and talk with Jesus. You won't regret it. He fills the inner soul with His love.


Help us let go of our self sufficiency. our pride, our expectations, and trust in You, Lord Jesus.
Emmanuel, God With Us, our Redeemer, make us into what You want us to be.
Keep us humbly serving You today. 

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Little Towns Are Important

 N.T.#480 "Little Towns Are Important"

Feb. 6, 2025

Luke 2


We like living in a small town. Growing up, its population was just a few hundred. Yet, everyone knew everyone. Now it has grown to a couple thousand and I hardly know anyone. (We have had a few doctors graduate from here, though.) Bethlehem was small in the New Testament days. However, an important event took place there. Do you know what happened there?

Probably most of us are familiar with the events surrounding the birth of Jesus. 

Shall we take a look at what you already know about the events?

  • Why did Mary and Joseph have to go to Bethlehem? It was the year of the census required by the Roman government.(verses 1-3)
  • Couldn't they just sign up in Nazareth? No, for Joseph was a descendant of David, who was born in Bethlehem.(verse 4)
  • Were Mary and Joseph married by this time? Yes. Verse 5 calls Mary Joseph's wife.
  • How far was the trip? Around 90 miles, Swindoll says.
  • Why was Jesus born in a manger? There was no room for them in the inn. (verse 7)
  • Who were the first ones to hear about the Savior's birth? The shepherd in the field watching their sheep. (verse 8)
  • Was it day or nightime? It was at night.
  • Who made the announcement? An angel of the Lord did. (verse 9)
Did you know the answers? Do you have all the answers to your questions in life? God does.


Bethlehem means house of bread.

It sat  2,350 feet above sea level, surrounded by fertile farmland and grass-covered hillsides. Locals cultivated fig trees, olive groves, and vineyards, while vast flocks of sheep and goats grazed the surrounded valleys. Five to seven miles of rugged terrain separated Bethlehem from Jerusalem. (Swindoll)

Prophecy told where the Savior/Messiah would be born in Micah 5:2:

But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, 
Too little to be among the clans of Judah,
From you One will go forth from Me to be ruler in Israel.
His goings forth are from long ago,
From the days of eternity.  (NAS)

About 740 years before Christ was born a baby in Bethlehem, Micah foretold this miraculous event. What is sad now is that the Jews do no rule over Bethlehem, but the Muslims do. 
Years ago when we visited there, we had to go through an armed gate and get clearance to enter the town. We bought handmade souvenirs made by Christians there. It was their main support. Christians had a hard time finding a job in Bethlehem because of those ruling over it. 

Thank You Jesus for being faithful to carry out the plan for Your life, to be the Savior we need.
Such love that You took our punishment for our sins on the cross, when You had no sin.
How great and awesome is our God!

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

A Long Journey

N.T.#480 "A Long Journey"

Feb. 5, 2025 

Luke 2


Sometimes I don't even want to make a 20 minute trip to the grocery store, much less hours of travel time. However, when it comes to following Jesus, it is doable and exciting. Mary and Joseph had to prepare for their rough and long journey.

John was to be called a prophet of the Highest. He was to go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways. John knew that the Messiah was in their midst. John the Baptist was a very unusual person. He prepared to do a special task for God. (J.V.McGee) 

However, it is not recorded that John began his ministry until he was around 30 years of age, like Jesus did. Matthew 3 tells us more details about John's ministry and preaching. His region was west of the Dead Sea, an utterly barren desert. He was also in the area where the Jordan River flows into the Dead Sea, where he baptized Jesus. John the Baptist's message was one of repentance. His preaching was preparing the way for the Lord Jesus, the Messiah, to preach salvation by faith.

Are you trusting in Jesus as your Savior today?


I like how John MacArthur gives us historical background. He tells us of the setting in the Roman Empire:

  • Caius Octavius, grand-nephew, adopted son, and primary heir to Julius Caesar became Rome's first emperor. He was the supreme military power in the region. His title was Augustus. 
  • Every 14 years the government took census of their people so the young men would register for military service. Also, it was to number each nation by family and tribe.
  • The census was used to levy a poll tax, also. Therefore, the Jews had a distaste for the Roman oppression.  
  • Augustus claimed to be deity and suggested he should be worshipped. He was, after all, the son of a god, so he thought. (Swindoll)  (verse 1)
Cyrenius was governor of Syria when this taxing was first made. All went into his own city to pay the taxes required by the Roman government. (verse 2)
The betrothed couple of Nazareth had to journey 90 miles south to Bethlehem. Luke left out the details about Joseph's intent to divorce Mary since she was pregnant. An angel came to him with the message from God to marry her. (Matt. 1) Here Mary was 9 months pregnant and had to travel with Joseph to Bethlehem because Joseph was a descendant of King David. (verses 3-4)

Joseph couldn't risk leaving Mary had home since delivery of the Messiah was so close. I wonder if the couple intended to stay with relatives at Bethlehem. I can't imagine what Mary went through on her journey. (By modern bus or car it would be less than a 2 hours ride.)

So there is the background for chapter 2. How is your journey with Jesus thus far? 

What are some things you have had to let go of while journeying with Jesus? Sometimes is it material things, attitudes, selfishness, family, etc.

It is worth the sacrifice, seeing Jesus work in and through us.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

What Will He Become?

N.T.#479"What Will He Become?"

Feb. 4, 2025 

Luke 1-Part 14


When you children were little, did you wonder what they would become as adults? How would their personality be? What would they do for a living? Elisabeth probably wondered about John, too.

News traveled fast in the hill country. He must be a special baby to be born to the older couple, so miraculously. People wondered what the boy baby would turn out to be. They recognized that the Lord was upon John is a special way. Time would tell. 

Zacharias had been speechless and deaf for 9 months. He couldn't even share with the guys that the was going to have a son while their boys played in the yard. He couldn't share with his wife that Zacharias had been visited by an angel with such news. What an exciting time for this couple!

Zach couldn't hold it any longer (after his tongue was loosed and ears opened). He burst out in a praise song to his Lord. 

What are some of the details in Zach's song as he was filled with the Holy Ghost and prophesied?

  • No less than 16 times Zacharias quoted the Old Testament in these 12 verses. (Falwell)
  • As Mary gave thanks for a personal Savior, Zacharias praised God for sending Israel a national Redeemer. His hymn of praise showed Israel's benefits.  (verse 68)
  • God raised up a horn of salvation through David. (Ps. 132:17) (verse 69) The horn was a symbol of strength. It was not John, but the One who is greater than John-Jesus.
  • God spoke through His prophets of old, and now one was born. (verse 70)
  • Israel would be saved from their enemies.  (verse 71)
  • God had performed mercy (compassion) promised to their fathers and remembered His covenant with Abraham. (verses 72-73) (Genesis 22:16-18)
  • When Israel was delivered out of the hands of their enemies, they could serve God without fear; with holiness and righteousness. (verses 74-75)              

Did you read the hope between the stanzas of Zacharias' song? He recognized who Mary was carrying and who John would grow up to be-used by God to bring salvation.


  • Zacharias went on to sing about his son being called a prophet of the Highest. John's purpose was to go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways. (verse 76)(Isaiah 40:3; Malachi 3:1, 4-5)
  • John would give his people the knowledge of salvation by remission (departure) of their sins through God's tender mercy. (verse 77)
  • The dayspring (a rising light) from on high hath visited Israel. (verse 78)
  • Jesus would give Israel spiritual light and guide them to peace. (verse 79)
 And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, and was in the deserts till the day of his shewing unto Israel. (verse 80)

A young prophet grew like a wildflower in the wilderness, Issrael's hope must have blossomed as well. (Swindoll)

Remember that God keeps His promises while you go through difficult times. When relief comes, may we praise God for it. Share God's faithfulness with others.


Yours is amazing grace, unfailing love.

Thank You Jesus for setting us free from the bondage of sin, our Redeemer.

Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, who conquered the grave! 

Praisse and glory to our God on high!

A Special Baby Broke the Silence

N.T.#479 " A Special Baby Broke the Silence"

Feb. 4, 2025 

Luke 1-Part 14 


Do you remember the day your children were born? I will always remember those two special days for my husband and me. First came a baby girl and then a baby boy. The Lord had answered my prayers. We are so proud of the adults they have become, serving the Lord in their lives. Today, a special .baby is born which we will study 

Can you hear the special baby crying? Truly, silence was broken in what was once a very quiet home of Elisabeth and Zacharias, the older couple on the street. But what a blessing it was!

Zacharias had been silent for 9 months, while God had been silent for 400 years. He and wife Elisabeth waited for their special baby John to be born, a prophet from God speaking to the people of Israel. What a blessing. 

What were the special events surrounding John the Baptist's birth?

  • Elisabeth had hid herself from the public for 5 months being pregnant. (verse 24)
  • Zacharias had not heard nor spoken during the 9 months of his wife's pregnancy because of his doubting Gabriel's message and God's ability to give the couple a baby in their old age. (He should have known about the miracle of Isaac's birth to the old couple Abraham and Sarah.
  • Elisabeth's neighbors and cousins heard how the Lord had been merciful to her, they rejoiced with her. (verse 38)
  • On the eighth day, a baby boy was to be circumcised (Lev. 12:3) and named. (My thinking is they did this in the Temple, but not sure.) 
  • The baby's name would be announced to the community of friends and family gathered for the baby dedication to witness its initiation into God's covenant with Abraham. (Gen. 17:10-11)
  • All attending expected the baby to be named after its father Zacharias.
  • However it was not so this time. Elisabeth had strict instructions to name him John, in obedience to the Lord's command.
  • The family was surprised since no one was named John in their family. They expected Zacharias Jr. to be his name.
  • Zacharias wrote on a tablet His name is John.  (verse 63)
  • All marveled.
What things have happened to cause you to marvel at God's working?


Immediately Zacharias able to speak and name the baby John. What did he do? Zacharias praised God. It had been a long period of silence for the man. People spread the news of Zach's testimony throughout Judea. They wondered What manner of child shall this be!  (verse 66)
Also, they recognized that the hand of the Lord was with him. 

John's name means, God is gracious. 

Although Zacharias had lacked faith when Gabriel told him what was going to happen, he must have had great faith by the time the baby was born. At any rate, the father rejoiced in his God. in fact, he praised God in singing a solo.

Are we rejoicing and praising God whenever He answers our prayers?

God blessed a priest named Zacharias by answering his prayers. God had been gracious to His people by sending a prophet after 400 years of silence to Israel.


Let go of doubt, insecurity, depression. 
With God nothing is impossible.
Thank You Father for our children. What a blessing they are!

Monday, February 3, 2025

Who is Jesus to You?

N. T. #478 "Who is Jesus to You?"

Feb. 3. 2025 

Luke 1-Part 13 

We left Mary singing her song of praise to the Lord God, her Savior. She was acknowledging God as Savior, the One who does great things, blesses, and is holy. Mary's heart and mind were saturated with the Word of God. She repeats Hannah's prayers, alludes to the law, the psalms, and the prophets. She recites the covenant promises of God. 

We continue in verse 50 where Mary declares God as being:

  • merciful to those who fear Him, through the generations;
  • He shows strength in His arm and scatters the proud in the imagination (deep thought) of their hearts. 
  • He puts down the mighty and exalts the lowly;
  • He fills the hungry with good things;
  • and the rich God sends away empty;
  • He has holpen (support) His servant Israel in remembrance of His mercy;
  • He spoke to Israel's forefathers and to His seed forever. 
Do you hear the religious training Mary had growing up? She knew who Almighty God is and all He had done for and with Israel. Yet, Mary was not sinless. She knew she needed a Savior. Mary chose to set aside her own dreams of a normal life to accept the complications of obedience. Mary bore the consequences of being misunderstood as she lived the life of the mother of Jesus. What a blessing, though.
Following Jesus is sometimes a hard walk of faith and obedience. Family may not understand you, friends may reject you, but God never leaves you.


God kept His promise to Abraham in being merciful to His people forever. The birth of Jesus fulfilled the promise of a Messiah/Savior. Mary understood this. Maybe she was not surprised when her son announced that He was the Messiah. She knew Jesus' mission before His birth. (Life Application Study Bible)

Just think, Mary knew the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world before John the Baptist proclaimed it of Jesus. Love, compassion, and mercy compelled the Son of God to humble Himself and be born a human child. He lived a perfect life so He could be the sacrifice for our sins which God required in order to be in heaven and come before Him. 

Is Jesus your Savior, my friend? What about family members? Do they know who Jesus is and know Him personally as their Savior? Are you sharing Him?

Today is the memorial for another of my family members, a cousin. One by one we are leaving this earth to live eternally. One day I will be called home. Are you ready for death to come?


Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face;
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Praising the Lord Always

 N.T.#477 "Praising the Lord Always"

Jan. 31, 2025

Luke 1-Part  12


Elisabeth told Mary, in verse 45: And blessed is she that believed for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.

Mary's heart and mind were saturated with the Word of God. In verses 46-55, we read Mary's song, with a Latin title "The Magnificat."  In many respects, it resembles Hannah's prayer in 1 Samuel 2:1-10, when Hannah was praying for a child:

  • Mary says that her soul doth magnify (to make or declare great) the Lord. (verse 46)
  • Mary has rejoiced (to jump for joy; be glad with exceeding joy) in God my Savior. She greatly rejoices and with her song Mary praises her Lord. (Ps. 28:1) (verse 47)
  • She acknowledges that the Lord has regarded her lowly estate, for God had taken notice of Mary as a lowly servant girl. (verse 48)
  • Mary realizes that all generations would call her blessed (esteem fortunate; count happy). Gabriel and Elisabeth had already called Mary blessed (supremely blessed).
I wonder if it sunk in what had happened to her after Elisabeth said what she said to Mary. Change takes some getting used to for me. I think that seeing her older cousin pregnant and happy helped Mary to process her situation.

Are you in a trying situation? It has been hard for me since my husband has had a knee replacement. Yet, he is finally sleeping better and walking better.

For He that is mighty hath done to me great things: and holy is His name. (verse 49) 

Psalm 24:8 askes: Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. 

Whatever our circumstances, unpleasant or enjoyable, we need to keep in mind that God is in control. Mary endured whispers, snickering, jokes, and scorn without complaints, at least not recorded. She submitted to the will of God and trusted Him for strength to endure whatever.

I will magnify the Lord, who is worthy to be praised. The Lord liveth, blessed be the Rock, may 
the God of my salvation be exulted. 

Help us let go of us and do Your will today.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

What a Greeting!

N.T.#476  "What a Greeting!"

Jan. 30, 2025 

Luke 1-Part 11 


I tend to think as soon as Mary surrendered to the Lord's will for her to be the mother of the Savior/Messiah, Jesus Christ, she conceived Him. The Holy Spirit came upon her and the power of the Highest God overshadowed her and Mary carried the Son of God inside her. (verse 35)

Why did angel Gabriel share with Mary that her cousin Elisabeth (who had been barren for years and now in her old age) was pregnant in her sixth month? into the hill country with haste Mary went  to visit her cousin. It was some 60 or more miles south of Nazareth in the Judean territory, I wonder if Mary borrowed her father's donkey. Or did she walk with others on their journey to the Jerusalem rea? Surely Mary did not travel alone. However, Luke gives us no details concerning her trip. He doesn't tell us anyone was present when the two women first see each other. Guess it really doesn't matter. We know Mary stayed at the home of Zacharias and Elisabeth for 3 months. The two had some women talk to do. (Evidently Mary stayed until John the Baptist was born.)

Were the events of the last few days real? It takes about 3-4 months before a baby kicks inside its mother. She knows that life is insider her, then. No wondering, no doubt. I recall when I found out that I was pregnant with our first child. It was a glorious, joyful time. What about you?


Keep in mind that there were no phones, emails, buses, cars, nor planes. I'm thinking it could have taken Mary up to a week for her to arrive at her cousin's house.  However long it took, Mary would have been exhausted from the trip. (Hopefully, she did not experience morning sickness along the way.) 

Shall we take a close look at the meeting of the two ladies?

  • Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary and John leaped in Elisabeth's womb. Saluted means to enfold in the arms; embrace; to welcome. Leaped refers to jump; leap (for joy).
  • Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost (Spirit).(verse 41)
  • Before Elisabeth heard the good news from Mary, she said with a loud voice, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. (verse 42)
  • Then Elisabeth asked Mary why she was so honored that the mother of her Lord shoud visit her. (verse 43)
  • Elisabeth shared with Mary that when she heard Mary's greeting, the baby insider her jumped for joy. (verse 44)
  • One more thing Elisabeth said to Mary-You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what He said. (verse 45)
This was all confirming what Mary had head from the angel. Mary was not the one which Elisabeth praised, but Jesus was being praised. What joy the two ladies shared. The Spirit of God had revealed Mary's news before she shared it. The long-hoped-for Messiah was there in their midst. Elisabeth had received a royal visit from her Lord. (verse 43) Without a doubt, the unborn Messiah had entered Elisabeth's home. 
We will look at Mary's response to Elisabeth's greetings. 
Do you welcome Jesus into your home, workplace, car?


Come into my heart Lord Jesus.
Walk with me along this road of faith.
Direct my steps, words, heart.
Help me let go of my insecurities and trust You.


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Who Are We Serving?

N.T.#475 "Who Are We Serving?"

Jan. 29, 2025 

Luke 1-Part 10

How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? (verse 34)


We have choices we can make while living in this world-our career, location, family, etc. We also have a choice of living for God and following His will for our life or living for ourself. Which will you choose today? Which did Mary choose? 

After hearing was God's will for her life, Mary had a legitimate question, a right to ask it. She had not had a relation with a man (including Joseph). So Mary was wondering how this was going to happen without a man. A simple question, but needful one. The Holy Spirit would do it. Did she know about the trinity-God the Father, the Holy Spirit, Christ the Son?

We know that God created everything out of nothing, just by speaking it into existence. He could do the same with creating Jesus inside Mary. He created out of nothing what Mary needed to conceive a child. With a miraculous creation of a baby, this one would be the Son of God. He would be free of contamination of sin, from the beginning of His life.

For with God nothing shall be impossible. (verse 37)

Mary was not bringing a sinner into the world. Jesus is holy. Anything God determines to do will be done or accomplished. God provided a substitute to pay the penalty for our sins on our behalf-Jesus Christ. This is God's grace, not that we deserve forgiveness of our sins, but that He loves us that much to die for us, in our place.


How did Mary react to all of this amazing news? 

Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. (verse 37)

This verse reveals Mary's submission to the will of God. 

Handmaid, in the Greek language, means  female slave (in a qualified sense of subjection). 

Mary willingly committed herself to the unconditional service of the Lord while she felt stunned, surprised, humbled, and curious. We didn't hear any hesitation Mary's part of this unique event. She had the option to not believe it was possible and to refuse to let it happen. However, that was not what Mary chose. Aren't we glad! Maybe she will tell us the details when we get to heaven.

I wonder if Mary shared this exciting news with her parents. Luke doesn't tell us. Mary had to let go of her plans and follow the will of God. Her life was changed forever. But Emanuel, God with us, was with Mary every step of the way. God did the impossible with her. What a blessing for her to hold the sweet baby Jesus in her arms later!


What do we need to let go of so we can follow God's will for our life?

Is your faith strong enough for God to use you in whatever way He choses? 

Are you trusting His provision?

Are you willing to sacrifice it all?

Your will,

Your way,

Today, I pray.

Work in me,

so I can be.......

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

What an Exceeding Abundantly Blessing!

N.T. #474"What an Exceeding Abundantly Blessing!"  

Jan. 28, 2025 

Luke 1-Part 9


Can you think back to when you were about 14 years old? The future was ahead of you with hopes and dreams. Young love may have come along and you think beyond school. I consider young Mary like that. She was engaged to Joseph, a carpenter. Maybe she thought about the possible home and family life ahead of her. 

Then suddenly everything changed for Mary. She was visited by an angel with a specific message from God. She was told how blessed and favored she was by God. He picked her to give birth to Jesus, the Messiah, the Son of the Highest. What a shock to a young girl about to be married.  Didn't she already think that she was following God's will for her life by marrying Joseph? Wasn't it all planned out, to have it changed, drastically changed? What a shock to suddenly find out it was God's will for her to be pregnant before the wedding!  What a shock to even have been visited by the angel Gabriel! But maybe she didn't have time to think about these things. Just some thoughts between the lines.

Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? (verse 34)

This was a legitimate question, for Mary was not married. Her question was not one of doubting God's power and ability as was Zachariah's question.

Mary didn't completely understand the doctrinal significance of the angel's message. Had Joseph begotten Jesus, He would have been merely human, not divine. Only a miraculous virgin birth can account for the God-Man. Because of Mary, His mother, Jesus was human; as the eternal Son of God, a member of the Trinity, He is God. (David Jeremiah)

It was going to be a miraculous conception for sweet Mary, not because of a sin she committed, but she was chosen. Then Gabriel told Mary some exciting news-her cousin Elisabeth was expecting a son, 6 months along. How would we have reacted if it were you or me in this situation?


Suddenly Gabriel made a profound statement: For with God nothing shall be impossible. (verse 37)

This applied to the situations of Elisabeth and Mary. Since Elisabeth was a descendant of Aaron, and Mary could have been related to Elisabeth through her mother's side of the family, then Mary was of the Aaronic descent. Thus, Mary was a descendant of David through her father. (MacArthur) 

Therefore, Jesus was of the right Jewish lineage to be our High Priest and Everlasting King. It had all been planned out. Also, it was a God thing when John the Baptist and Jesus were both conceived. John was born to prepare the way for the Lord Jesus and Jesus was born to be our perfect sacrifice.

Why is it important to the Christiaan faith that Jesus was born of a virgin?, 

Jesus was born without the sin that entered the world through Adam. He was born holy, just as Adam was created sinless. Jesus did not sin while He lived as a man. Adam did sin and sin was carried on through his sin nature to us. Jesus, being the Son of God, not Joseph, was fully human and fully divine.

How can we believe this as truth?

  1. First, Luke being a physician, knew how babies were made. So it would take faith to believe this happened for Luke and for us.
  2. Luke being a researcher; tradition holds that he talked to Mary as an eyewitness of the accounts he wrote. So Mary's story was not a fictional invention. 
  3. Christians and Jews, who worship God as the Creator of the universe, all things, and us, should not doubt that God has power to create a child in a virgin's womb. (Life Application Study Bible)

The question is, do you believe this is truth?

Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. (Eph. 3:20)

Exceeding means more super abundantly.

I consider that Mary was blessed exceeding abundantly having Jesus as her son. Don't you?

Recently, God gave me a blessing overflowing. I made plans to attend a meeting in our denomination with 3 other women, but they backed out on me. So I could not attend. Let me tell you, I was down and out, so disappointed. Then I decided to offer the paid tickets to someone going that might need a free ticket. Sure enough, a lady contacted me. I gave her the information and she attended the meeting free of charge. I was happy to pass it on so someone could get the blessing. Unexpectantly, she has picked up the items we would have received free had we attending and she is mailing them to me. Now that is an exceeding abundantly blessing! 


As I let go of the disappointment and freely gave to another, God blessed me.

What a loving and  mighty God we serve!