Friday, December 20, 2024

Who Would You Have Released?

 N.T.#448 "Who Would You Have Released?"

Dec. 20, 2024 

Mark 15-Part 4 


Until you are sitting on a jury, listening to evidence, it isn't appropriate to pass judgment on one in court. Pilate had a hard time with his court case-Jesus.

Jesus and Pilate had a discussion about Jesus' kingdom and the truth, which is found in John 18. Afterwards, Pilate pronounced that he found no fault in Jesus. It was clear to Pilate that Jesus was innocent of wrong doing. Mark does not give us those details. He jumps forward.

.It was a custom of one man being released from prison during the Passover festival as a goodwill gesture. Normally, it was someone accused of a relatively minor offense. Pilate thought he might dissuade the crowd from demanding the death of Jesus by offering to release a notorious criminal. It was Barabbas who had committed murder. So naturally thinking, Jesus ' accusation was not as bad as that man, so the people would want Him released.

Pilate knew it was because of envy that the Jewish chief priests wanted Jesus killed. After all, Jesus disrupted the extras the priests were getting (money and power). He was teaching contrary to them (loving the poor). He got followers after those miracles He did (healings, food). Repentance of sin and loving others was not their cup of tea. Then Jesus talked about His kingdom to come, which is not political nor of this earth, but a spiritual heavenly kingdom. 

So Pilate asked the crowd if they wanted him to release the popular teacher, the King of the Jews. The chief priests stirred up the crowd so they asked for Barabbas instead. When Pilate asked them what they wanted him to do with Jesus, they demanded that He be crucified. (verses 12-13)

Pilate asked them why, what evil had Jesus done.  (verse 14) To which the replied, crucify him. (verse 14) Pilate wasn't concerned with justice, but wanted to avoid a riot and please the crowd. Pilate released the murderer and handed over the sinless Son of God to be crucified. 


Which side would we have been on-the Jews or Pilate? It would be easy to go along with the crowd. 

What about today? Do we go along with the crowd in sin or do we take a stand against sin? Adultery, homosexuality, and abortion is outright sin against God. Where do you stand?


Help us let go of sins that separate us from You, God.

Fill us with love, joy, peace this time of year.

May we lift up Jesus as our Savior, Redeemer, and Almighty God.

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